An Elemental’s resolve

Azulis floated there trying to think of all boring stuff El'Dari made him do such as his lessons on control which were just as rage inducing as they boring which just agitated him more, pulsating even more violently he circulated his energy through his core a few times slightly calming himself allowing the feeling of power take the edge off his frustration.

"How much time have I wasted on this, I should just start on my journey."

Just as he was about to leave he noticed the sunlight around him was decreasing, making him even more angry and wanting to release said anger in a rather violent light show, because he now had to wait for day break due to that stupid promise his Master made him take.

As night fell in earnest he tried to calmed himself but all sorts of sounds reached him the roaring, screeching, and an eerie screaming . His heart itched to go out fight anyone of those monsters making the sounds as the night drew on, hearing all these strange sounds but unable to go see what caused them his frustration was ready burst, it was that promises fault again first he had to stop his journey at his first step and now he couldn't go out and hunt magical beasts due to his masters orders since the mountains are apparently to dangerous at night for someone of his level.

He was pondering whether or not he should just start his journey or enter deeper into the entrance to wait out the night when a large insect like monster around two meters long with eight legs tipped with two claws that looked like they could climb with as easily as they could tear flesh, a large set of mandibles, and four moth like wings with patterns that formed a red eye like shape entered into range of his magic sense. He recognized it as a Class One monster called a Vampire Moth which sucked the blood of it's prey and it's saliva had a numbing effect, despite that individually it is one of the weakest monsters but they are known to travel in large groups making them a dangerous monster to hunt, wary Azulis focused on his surroundings but felt only the one Vampire Moth.

If it's just one I should be able to take it Azulis thought buzzing with happiness before he approached, as he entered its line of sight it let out chittering sound before diving at Azulis who shot a weak bolt of lightning at it to test it's power. The lightning bolt hit its thorax stopping it for a second and leaving a small scorch mark, as it was hit it angrily clicked its mandibles together making a loud chittering sound before angrily charging Azulis again twice as fast this time.

Azulis focused intently as he waited until it was close enough to hit accurately before firing another bolt of lightning but this time he continuously channeled energy into the bolt of lightning, after it hit the Vampire moth continued to fly for a second before crashing to the ground. As it hit the ground some of the electricity flowed from it to the ground lessening the damage being done and ending it's paralyzes.

After a moment it skittered to it's feet and charged at who Azulis who stopped holding back as he realized how close it now was channeling as much energy as he could into his lightning it stopped moving after it traveled half the distance and slid another quarter of it stopping within a meter of Azulis letting out a pained whine as it twitched in front of him he increased the amount of lightning he shot into it until it stopped twitching by then it resembled a piece of charcoal more than anything else. A feeling of satisfaction filled him as he looked at its body in front of him happy that he won the first real battle that he's ever been in.

That was a lot more fun than I thought it would be he thought buzzing happily. Now how do I retrieve it's magic core, lightning hands or perhaps a lightning knife. Oh I know I'll just smash it it's probably pretty brittle after being fried so thoroughly by my lightning. Azulis formed a fist of lightning from the energy stored within him before bringing it down on the Vampire moth's body, when it connected the the exoskeleton crumble into a bunch of fragments but the insides were a gooey mess and splattered everywhere.

Azulis sifted through the flesh until he uncovered a blood red smooth stone about the size of an apple, only slightly smaller than him as he lowered his core towards it he felt the energy within it was around the same amount of energy he had in his core but was only around half as dense and seemed to be a mixture of different types of energy.

He started to absorb the energy in the core just as he was about finished he heard chittering sounds all around him he instantly expanded his senses as far around him as he could and instantly he was horrified for all around him their was at least a hundred Vampire moths in total approaching the area he was in, the only blessing was they didn't seem to have noticed him yet. The only path that gave him even the slightest chance took him away from valley and towards the Mountain Kings territory. As they approached the air buzzed with the sounds of their beating wings, realizing that hesitating any longer would mean certain death he hurriedly flew in the direction of the Mountain Kings territory.

As he flew through the trees a Vampire moth to his left saw him and gave chase chittering to alert it's companions of the prey it found. It took mere moments for the pursuers to double then triple and grow even more until there was at least twenty of them chasing Azulis, he was slightly faster but they didn't have to avoid trees and such due the height they were flying so while they weren't gaining they ground they weren't losing it either.

After a while of this a Vampire moth appeared in front of him diving at him at full speed in a panic he fired the strongest bolt of lightning he could hitting it, whether it stunned or killed it he didn't know but that didn't really matter for its body didn't lose any momentum he tried dodging to the left but it was too fast and it's wing clipped his core sending him flying right into the side of the mountain.

Stunned from the pain he took a moment to regain his bearings, he took another precious moment to take stock of his situation and felt utter hopelessness fill him. He was completely surrounded with a mountain to his back and the Vampire moths blocking his every escape route to the front.

I'm gonna die to insects the lowest type of beast how pathetic am I he thought to himself in a brief moment of self loathing for his own arrogance and carelessness before his resolve hardened, he was going kill as many as he could before he fell just as he was about to start his last stand he noticed a small crack in the mountain behind just barely big enough to fit him.

He looked into it and realized it went on further than he could sense with his magic sight. "It's a cave system" overjoyed he rushed into the cave hoping he wasn't just trading one death for another when he entered. After he entered a Vampire moth smashed into the crevice causing it to collapse relaxing he turned his attention to his surroundings the cool sensation on his core he heard the steady drip of water from a small stalactite, he took a few moments to enjoy the moment of peace before something similar to two dagger attempted to pierce the back of his core causing no small amount of pain, he spread senses but couldn't see anything. After a few seconds he heard a sound right behind him and terrified of another attack he released lightning in all directions around him the invisible creature letting out a small shriek for a few moment as it was hit before it died.

Now that it was dead he could now see the creature that attacked him it was small only a bit larger than him and resembled a spider the only difference was the complete lack of eyes and it had dark purple skull on it's back with the rest of it being completely black he didn't recognize it from any of the descriptions of monsters he heard from his Master.

I'll call it a Purple-backed spider until I learn it's real name he decided.

Master probably has never seen one he thought as old and powerful as he is he can't move so theirs probably a lot of creatures he hasn't seen in the mountains I need to be even more careful from now on. Forming a blade of lighting Azulis cut it open digging around looking for a core when he found it, it was small around the size of a pebble a purple color and full of the darkness attribute, the amount of energy within the core told Azulis that it wasn't even a class one monster but the energy in it was still denser than the Vampire moths by a little which told Azulis that it species is higher ranked than the Vampire moths.

That revelation caused a cold feeling to grow inside him. It wasn't even even a class one yet I couldn't sense it and it managed to do so much damage to my core, then what could a class one or class two one do to me could they end me with one shot, but how did it slip past my mage sight is it because of it's element he wondered.

"First things first I need to recover and regain my strength."

He pulled the pulled the core from the Purple-backed spider and it absorbed not noticing the slight almost unnoticeable purple veins forming on his core.