
Xander felt as someone was calling him.

"Your highness, wake up"

He slowly opened his eyes and looked around. He didn't see any of the things he is familiar with. In place of his small room, he saw a big room like a hall. He was laying on the bed twice as big as your average bed. A middle-aged man around 45 years old was standing beside the bed. Few women wearing maids clothes were standing in one corner of the room. Many people were wearing medieval clothes.

"Your highness, are you okay?"

The speaker was that middle-aged man. He was wearing a medieval robe that only high officials or ministers of king wears in movies.

"Where on earth am I? Who are you? ah, what is this pain" Xander held his head due to pain? Wasn't I reading manga in my home? maybe I am sleeping as I didn't sleep for 3 days, maybe I am dreaming.

"Your highness, you don't remember me? I am Aldith your highness's butler and personal adviser."

"Who?" suddenly he felt a very painful headache and started to remember some memories " Ah, wait The me here is one and only Prince of Kingdom of Etherac, Beatric Fitzherbert Xander. My mother died after giving me birth and My father, previous King of Etherac's health deteriorated fast after the death of my mother, then I was only 10 years old. When I was only 13 my father also died, leaving me alone in this world. After the death of my father I became the king of the Kingdom of Etherac, now approximately two years passed after my prince ceremony."

"Your highness, Do you remember something"

"Ah, Aldith I was in a daze and slightly confused, Its OK and leave me for some time alone, I want to rest"

"Yes, your highness if you require anything please call me"

"Sure, Aldith you are one of few people I can trust and who care for me"

"Thank you for your kind words, your highness"

Aldith, maids and other males left except one person.

The man has slightly brown hair, fair skin and at least 6 ft tall. He was lean, but his every muscle was chiseled.

Xander looked towards him."Ah, Dye How are you?"

Robert Dye is Xander's childhood friend. They played together and also trained their swordsmanship together.

"I am fine your highness. Now how are you feeling"

"Your highness my ass, what happened to you? just call me Xander when we are alone like usual."

"Hahaha, Sure I was messing with you so How do you feel?"

"It slightly hurts sometimes, well I am alright now just needs some rest and what happened to the demonic beast that we were fighting and also injured me."

"After you injured that demonic beast, we killed it by surrounding from all sides"

"Oh, well are there any injuries or causalities?"

"Nope, just you"

"It's good, well I will talk to you later, I am slightly dizzy"

"OK then I will talk to you later, just rest for now"

Dye walked to the gate and left Xander alone in his room.

Xander pondered, some memories came flooding to him. He remembered this world looks like earth but is vastly different from earth. This world is called Esalon. There are many races in this world, the most dominant race on this planet is Demons and Demonic beasts, after Demons and Demonic beasts the majority of the population is Humans. The races which are in minority are Dwarves and Elfs. There are some rumors of having seen giants.

There are six kingdoms of Humans: the Kingdom of Etherac, Kingdom of Ocawyth, Kingdom of Galendarwen, Kingdom of Trisilia, Kingdom of Yabrella and Kingdom of Crigondra.

The total population of Humans is approximately 30 million and the least populated kingdom in the Kingdom of Etherac, only slightly more than 1 million.

Demons have three domains but the area of one domain is more than three humans kingdoms collected. The population of Demons is around 500 million.

"Ah, it looks like this is a very dangerous world to live in and there is no magic and no cultivation just the strength of this world's residents is greater than the Earth and Demonic beasts are far more powerful than humans. Many soldiers needed to kill one Demonic beast and Demon is even scarier than Demonic beasts."

"[System has found the host. binding in progress, please wait for a moment..] "

"[System binding was successful.]"

Xander looked in astonishment.

"What? System? Now we are talking!"

"[Hello host god sent me to help you in this world]"

"So what can you do system, can you give me some magic or cultivation technique?" He asked excitingly.

"[No, in this world there is nothing like magic or cultivation. I can only increase your strength and make you agile and give you some skills.]"

"What, you can't give me any skill?" Xander dejectedly said "Well something is better than nothing"

"Well what can you do to help me improve fast"

"[Well I can show you just say status]"

"I forgot every system has this option, well STATUS"

[Name: Beatric Fitzherbert Xander

Age: 15

Level: 7

Ability: Growth rate double

Status check


Army Instructor


Hand to Hand combat: Level 5

Swordsmanship: Level 7

Battle tactics: Level 4

Fear resistance: Level 2]

"There is no strength or agility option? How can status be distributed or how can I know where my strength lies." He questioned the system

"[Level 1 person can lift 20 Kg, and run at 6 kmph]"

"So, you are saying that at present I can lift 140 kg and run at 42 kmph."

"[Yes, more or like.]"

"What's normal for people in this world?"

"[Average level of normal people is 5, Most talented after harsh training are of level 20]"

"What about Demonic beasts and Demons?"

"[Demonic beasts and Demons are divided into 9 levels- A to I, A, B, C and D these are four ranks of Demons. Rest are ranks of Demonic beast. I rank Demonic beast has a level of 5 and every rank has a difference of 5 levels.]"

"What? Then that means Strongest Rank A Demon has a level of 50?"

"[Yes, actually there is another rank for Demons]"

"What the F***? How are humans still alive? Which rank is above Rank A?"

"[Rank S, which is called the Demon Lord. He was injured in the battle with Heroes that were summoned around 500 years ago. Due to these heroes Humans are still alive. But Heroes died due to age around 200 years ago.]"

"Wait a sec, there's a lot of information to take in."

He calmed himself and collected all the information system told him. After some time he asked the system "So, why I was summoned in this world, Is there any mission or something?"

"[No, there isn't.]"

"OK, So what should I do to level up?"

"[You can level up by training, as you level up, the difficulty of leveling up will be harder. There's another method, that is to kill Demonic beast or Demon. You will get experience when you kill Demonic beast or Demons.]"

"OK, what about abilities?"

"[Growth rate double: Your training speed will be double and you will gain double experience when you kill Demons.

Status check: You can check the status of other people and demons

Inventory: You can store any non-living things in inventory. Time will not pass in inventory.

Army Instructor: You can train your army. The speed of training is greater when they follow you]"

Xander was amazed by his abilities. "Well I understood all the abilities, but can you elaborate Army instructor?"

"[OK, As you are king, you can select one commander, 4 Generals, 5000 man commander, 1000 man commander, 100 man commander, 10 man commander. As ranks go down the effectiveness of training will be reduced but it will be still greatly greater than normal training, they will also get experience from killing Demons. Most importantly human limit will be removed but only if they are under you if they betray you their effectiveness will be completely removed.]"

Upon hearing an explanation of system Xander was so excited that he almost jumped."This Army instructor's ability is amazing, think if my army trained and improved their levels, we can fight toe to toe with Demons. It looks like I have to start training myself and making my army strong."

He started to ponder various methods to train and improve his strength when he suddenly thought of one manga he read in his previous life.

In previous life Xander was a die-hard fan of Military Manga and anime. He was an orphan in his previous life as well, so he didn't get much opportunity to study after high school. So after high school, he just worked in normal shops. He was not much spendthrift, his favorite thing was reading Manga and watching anime. Before his transmigration he was delivering pizzas, while driving suddenly a small boy came in front of his bike. He turned his bike to avoid the accident while avoiding the accident he turned his bike towards the other side of the road when suddenly he heard the honking of a truck. He didn't remember afterwards.

"Well, what can I do now? what happened can not be changed, now I can only make my life easier in this world. Now first of all, let's rest and heal myself as soon as possible, then tomorrow talk with Aldith and Dye."