Princess Elisia

Two persons were standing holding swords in their hands. One was a girl, she was wearing a GI, she was holding an iron sword and the other one was a person who was wearing a modern earth martial artist clothes, It was a perfect fit, he was looking handsome and he was holding a wooden sword. These two persons were Princess Elisia and Xander. The crowd started to gather around the training area to watch Duel. Actually Princess Elisia was quite popular in soldiers, she once in while sparring with other soldiers. In the crowd, there were mostly soldiers, there are also all the members who came with Xander from the Kingdom of Etherac. King Ebrardus and queen were also present to watch the duel.

"Are you really going to use a wooden sword against me? Aren't you underestimating me too much?"

"No no no, You are misunderstanding I just always use wooden swords during training. If you don't believe me you can ask anyone who came from the Kingdom of Ehterac."

"OK, well we will see, let's start." Elisia took her stance. She was standing perpendicular to Xander while holding a sword over her head parallel tot he ground.

Xander nodded, Elisia didn't give time Xander to get into his stance. She took the opportunity to attack first, she was quite fast as compared to skilled soldiers of level 7. She swung her sword from upward to downwards. Xander didn't divert the attack, he just dodged the sword with ease. She again swung her sword from the former position of sword horizontally towards left, this time Xander diverted her attack. Elisia took a step back and get into her stance again. The crowd burst out upon watching this amazing duel. Then Xander made his move. He made a feint of vertical slash, Elisia moved her sword to defend. Xander quickly swung his sword horizontally towards her left side of the stomach but she barely dodged. Xander moved forward very fast and swung his sword vertically from above with slightly more strength than before. Elisia blocked with her sword, but due to great strength she was pushed back, she maintained her balance with difficulty, Her hands were slightly numb due to power behind the attack. The crowd was cheering and yelling at the top of their voices.

King Ebrardus was watching he turned his head towards his wife "This Xander has quite a skill. His swordsmanship is more refined than our army head commander." Queen Crestienne nodded in agreement with King Ebrardus.

Before she got into her stance, Xander got slightly serious, He took his stance, he held his sword in front of him like Kendo masters back on earth. With the strength behind the previous attack Elisia was getting slightly flustered and suddenly leapt forward towards Xander and slashed with all her strength from above. When her sword came near Xander, he quickly tilted his sword so that the tip of the sword was facing the ground. He diverted the attack and quickly put his sword in front of her neck.

Princess Elisia was shocked by how quick and beautifully he defended and attacked her. Her eyes went wide, after some seconds she hesitantly spoke "I...I.. s..surrender"

Xander took his sword from her neck and sheathed his sword. Afterwards, he bowed to her. She did the same.

"Your strength and swordsmanship are quite good. There are not many in our kingdom who are more skilled than you."

"It's just so so, thank you for praise though. but there are many strong beings than me in the human continent alone. By the way, do you have any objections now about my strength?"

"Why?, I didn't say anything about your strength!"

"Didn't you told King Ebrardus to marry stronger than you?"

Elisia's face became completely red ever her ears became red. Xander never saw anyone become redder than her. Then she quickly becomes slightly angry and stomped her foot in slight displease.

"Sorry, I was just teasing. but What I said was true though. Are you willing to marry me? My kingdom is quite dangerous you know, Danger constantly hovers, any beast can attack anytime. So I am again asking Are you willing to marry me?"

She became slightly angry, she turned back and said to him "Do I look like who cowers from slight danger? Idiot!" and went towards the palace with long strides.

Upon hearing Xander felt quite warm and happy. His heart was beating at a faster rate than normal. His ears became slightly hot. He felt a warm sensation all over his body."

After their duel other soldiers, Dye and Reignald also participated in training and sparring.

Xander went towards King Ebrardus. King Ebrardus spoke first "You're quite good, You are strong at just the age of 15. Your future is unlimited and boundless. So how was my daughter?"

"Your highness, you overpraise me. Princess Elisia is strong, Ordinary people could not hold a candle in front of her. she is outstanding."

King Ebrardus roared with laughter "Good good, She is strong as she is the daughter of me". Suddenly Queen Crestienne hit her elbow in his stomach "she is my daughter too."

Xander placed his hand in front of his mouth. He stopped his urge to laugh with great difficulty. King Ebrardus replied embarrassingly "Yes yes."

Xander suddenly spoke to rescue King Ebrardus from this predicament "Ah, your highness, I have some matters to discuss with you later."

King Ebrardus coughed to clear his throat and replied "OK, we will discuss after breakfast."

Xander nodded and went to his room. He took a bath and changed his clothes. He opened his door where he met with Dye, He was standing in front of the room waiting for Xander. He also changed his clothes.

"Were you waiting for me?" Dye nodded.

"So, did you spar with any?"

Dye replied while walking in the corridor "There were quite skilled soldiers, but in the end, I defeated them as I am the commander of the army of Kingdom of Etherac, How can I be defeated by normal soldiers?" Both roared with laughter. "So, Did you like Princess Elisia?"

Xander replied scratching his head "She is good and skilled, what's there not to like in her?"

Dye started to hit his elbows and tease Xander. They reached the dining hall as they were talking. The whole family of King Ebrardus was sitting there. Both went and joined them.

They started to eat breakfast and chat with each other.

After eating breakfast queen Crestienne and other unimportant people went to do their work. King Ebrardus, Dye, Xander and Princess Elisia went to the meeting room.

"OK, so what do you want to tell me?"

"First of all, I am going to make our own weapons from now on."

King Ebrardus started to think "Hmm, OK did you find a blacksmith"

Xander replied "Something like that."

"Who is he? Blacksmiths are rare, where did you find them?

"Actually we did not find only one person, it is one full clan of them."

King Ebrardus was quite a knowledgeable person. He started to think which clan is full of blacksmiths. suddenly a thought came to his mind, his eyes went wide " By any chance are they dwarfs?"

Xander nodded in agreement with King Ebrardus's question.

King Ebrardus roared with laughter "Good good, their weapons are top class, in future don't forget us and sell us a few weapons and armours."

Xander replied with a smile "How can I forget you, As you are our only allies and that's why I am telling you such information."

King Ebrardus nodded in agreement and was quite happy to hear Xander saying this. "So what is the second matter?"

"Actually, this matter is most important." King Ebrardus was giving his full attention to Xander "I am going to surround my kingdom with a huge wall."

Usually, King Ebrardus doesn't quite flustered at any news or incident. But upon hearing Xander He was totally stunned. Not only him but also Elisia was stunned upon listening to Xander. He forgot to gulp his saliva and choked on it. He started violently coughing "What! did I hear correctly? Did you just say that you are going to build a wall around the Kingdom of Etherac?" Elisia also nodded in agreement in saying that she had the same doubt.

Xander casually replied like it was none of his business "Yes, you heard correct."

"What? Do you know how much time is required to just built a wall on just one side of the kingdom and you want to build around the whole kingdom? There are many dangers while building a wall. It requires a huge amount of money?"

Xander nodded "yes, it is but it is required only when you build a wall with stone."

King Ebrardus was again stunned upon listening to Xander "If you don't build a wall with stones then with what you will build the wall? Wait a minute, Did you find another material to build?"

Xander nodded. He said in his mind [King Ebrardus is indeed intelligent and experienced, he just guessed both times correctly with just a few hints] He spoke to King Ebrardus "I didn't found material but made it myself." upon listening that Xander made materials King Ebrardus eyes went wide. Xander continued to speak "I made two materials, one is binding material called cement and another is called a brick."

King Ebrardus asked Xander "Have you started its production? How much you already made?"

Xander replied "Production is indeed started, but the production is much more difficult than paper and ink so it takes time. In around 1 Year I will surround my kingdom with walls, So I was telling you all this because I want you to also made walls around the Kingdom of Ocawyth! I am building a village specific for the production of these two materials. So in around 6 months, I will sell you these materials. What do you think?"

King Ebrardus was pondering over all the information he got from Xander. After some time of thinking he spoke "I think its a good idea, If I made a wall not only my kingdom will become safe from Demonic beasts, it will also become safe from other kingdoms. My country can make their homes with this material." the more he thought the more his eyes lit up. "I thank you in advance for thinking of me and my kingdom. Please do sell me these materials as soon as possible. And I have a question that I didn't understand?"

Xander looked at King Ebrardus "What?"

"It will be still dangerous while building a wall. If my mind remembered correctly you have only around 10,000 soldiers, what will you do? If you want you can ask me, I can lend you, soldiers."

Xander was quite happy to hear King Ebrardus's worries but he shook his head "I am planning to recruit 100,000 soldiers soon."

King Ebrardus ponder for some time before speaking "Hmm, that's a good idea, now you will have constant money coming to you through trade with us."

Xander nodded.

Suddenly, king Ebrardus expression changed and he became very serious "As for the most important matter, What do you think of Elisia? Are you ready to marry her when you and she turned 16."

In this world, one becomes an adult when he or she becomes 16.

Xander looked at Elisia, she was slightly blushing but looking directly at Xander and waiting for his reply. Xander spoke, "As long as Princess Elisia is ready!"

King Ebrardus turned towards Elisia to ask. She slightly nodded. Upon seeing this King Ebrardus became extremely happy he roared with laughter."Good good, today is a special day I have to open my precious bottle which I purchased for 500 golds."After saying this he again started to laugh. "In around 5 months Elisia will become 16 years old, after her birthday we will arrange a big reception."

After that they talked for around an hour, then everyone went to their rooms. they rest for an hour. Then packed and got ready to return to the Kingdom of Etherac.

Around half an hour from departing, Princess Elisia came to Xander's room. Xander opened the door, Elisia got in and sat on a chair. Xander sat on the bed.

"I have one question that I have to ask you before you depart, this is very important for me please answer honestly." Xander nodded.

"For what reason did you agree to the marriage, did you like me or just to make allies with the Kingdom of Ocawyth?"

Xander slightly smiled. Elisia slightly turned his head to look away after seeing his smile. Xander replied to her question honestly "Before coming here and meeting you, I just came to trade with your father and make an alliance even if I have to marry you whether I like you or not. But when I first saw you and talked to you I started to like you, then I got to know you, then after sparring with you, I was feeling warm feeling all over my body, but when you ask me this question I came to know what this warm feeling is, Now I know that I love you and I don't want to live without you!"

After listening to Xander's words, tears started to fall from Elisia's eyes. She got up from the chair and hugged Xander with all his strength. Xander wrapped his arms around Elisia and slightly smiled.

"It's been a long time, I felt this warmth from anyone. Last time I felt this is when I hugged my mother" Xander's eyes slightly teared up but never left his eyes. Suddenly Elisia tighten his arm and hugged him more tightly.

"Now I am here, Whenever you feel lonely or sad just find me I will always be there for you."

After hearing Elisia he didn't say anything just nodded his head.

After they talked for around 20 minutes. Xander packed his clothes and went outside with Elisia. Other members were already ready and were waiting for Xander. Before just departing Xander went towards King Ebrardus "your highness I.." King Ebrardus intercepted him "Just call me father from now on."

"OK, Father if you need any help just ask me, just send me a message I will come running."

King Ebrardus started to laugh "You are just like your father, I was going to say the same thing to you. don't hesitate just call me to help if you need anything." Xander happily nodded. King Ebrardus hugged Xander. Xander turned back to other members and hopped on the horse. Then they start their journey back to the Kingdom of Etherac. Upon returning on the way, they didn't get much trouble. Only Rank I attacked them a few times. But as all the soldiers levelled up one time, they easily handled them. and in the evening they reached the Kingdom of Etherac.