Battle with Rank E Orc

Dye was hearing them but chose to ignore them and leapt towards Xander and reached in few blinks of an eye. He stood on a side of Xander "What is it? Did you need my help with something?"

"No just tell every soldier of the Heavenly Army to defend the wall in Phalanx formation. You go and select around 1000 soldiers. and slaughter Rank F and below Demonic beast. Leave that ugly orc to me."

Dye nodded and disappeared from his position and appeared a few dozen meters away. In a few blinks of Eyes, he just disappeared.

Xander went to King Ebrardus and Armand. but before even Xander opened his mouth to speak. They bombarded Xander with questions.

"How did you kill that beast?'

"How did you become so strong? Is there any secret to becoming strong. tell me too."

"Mee too, I want to become stronger too."

Xander spoke to both of them "Calm yourself, I will tell you but after the battle, not now."

King Ebrardus and Armand nodded. "OK, what do you want us to do?"

"Gather all the soldiers and follow the Heavenly army to defend the wall."

Both nodded to Xander and went to arrange the soldiers.

After a few moments, All the soldiers were arranged in Phalanx formation. they were standing in two rows. They were standing so tightly to one another that one can not see the foot of the wall.

Xander nodded in satisfaction after seeing. " They are definitely trained and skilled soldiers."

He turned around to face the beast wave. They were still around 1 km far from Xander. The Orc was riding of his wolf in front of the wave. After him, a few hundred thousand Demonic beasts were running at their full speed.

It's been few hours since Battle with Demonic beasts begun.

Around 10,000 thousand soldiers were killed by demonic beasts and around 20,000 thousand soldiers of the Kingdom of Ocawyth were injured during battle who were unable to fight. Now 70,000 thousand soldiers Kingdom of Ocawyth were standing in front of the wall to protect their kingdom along with around 10,000 soldiers from Heavenly army.

Xander loudly shouted "Everyone, get ready for impact. If you managed to get out of this battle alive, We will drink special grape wine made only in the Kingdom of Etherac, together."

The Heavenly Army shout at the top of their lungs. Following the Heavenly Army, soldiers of the Kingdom of Ocawyth also shouted. Tyson also roared as he was feeling exciting. The whole Battleground Boomed with the shouting of soldiers.

Armand was standing beside King Ebrardus "This brat, not only he is good at fighting, but also even great at motivating the soldiers."

King Ebrardus slightly grinned " And not only he is great General but also great king. He is kind and smart and even merciless when required."

As they were talking beast came near to them,

Xander used his Status check on the orc, It was on the verge to promote his rank. He was Rank 29. Xander grabbed his bow and placed his arrow and pulled the string. When he pulled the string of the bow, a loud creak sound was heard up to few meters.

Xander released the arrow, It flew at speed of bullet. It was precisely targeted at the orc. Orc barely dodged the arrow, but the arrow didn't stop there. It pierced several Demonic beasts and left them a big hole. Xander fired few arrows rapidly like a machine gun at the orc, And every time he barely dodged the arrow but it was not in vain. The arrows took the life of more than 100 demonic beasts.

Then Xander picked his heavy 70 kg spear. He held it like an Olympic javelin athlete. He put his strength to spear, his forearm and biceps slightly buffed up, veins popped up on his arm. And threw with great spin. It flew while cutting the air like tofu. The spear was howling while cutting the air. The speed was so high that a Sonic boom was heard throughout in the battleground as it passed the speed of the sound.

The orc felt fear when he looked at the spear. He unconsciously dodged the spear. The spear flew and left countless demonic beasts with a huge hole around the size of a football in their chests. Orc felt a slight tingling sensation on his left cheek. He rubbed his left hand on his left side of the face. It slightly sensed like his left face was on fire. He looked at his hand, it was full of his blood. He dodged the spear but the wind pressure created by spear cut the left side of his face.

The Orc became furious. He reached within the range of few meters from Xander.

"You are strong, Worthy of Demonic beast who is almost Rank D," Xander praised the orc in a loud voice.

"You are also strong. You are the first one to injure even when you from this far. But you can not do anything anymore." Orc shouted towards Xander in a very hoarse voice.

Xander roared with laughter as he didn't meet with such arrogant beast. Xander unsheathed his sword while laughing and swung it one time after rushing towards Orc.

All the soldiers present in the battleground were witnessing such an outstanding and never seen battle. Everyone was shocked to the core. Their mouth was agape.

"What is happening here?"

"Is this still battle between Humans and Demonic beasts?"

"What was covering the spear which cut that demonic beast?"

"How could I know? I am same as you who still struggles to even kill Rank H Demonic beast."

An old man was standing in the row "So, this is how the New generation fights. I should have born a few years later."

"Who the fuck told you that New generation fights like that, Look I am only 20 years. Did you saw me fight like that."

"Ah, yes you are right, you are so bad at fighting, after watching you fight even that brat Xander will forget how to fight"

"you old man watch your mouth."

Orc reached Xander, He swung his sabre, which Xander easily dodged. suddenly wolf swung his claw at Xander. Xander parried the claw with his scabbard. Wolf's attack shattered the scabbard in many pieces. Orc sent a barrage of attacks towards Xander, Xander easily either dodged or diverted with his sword. The troublesome thing was wolf and orc's coordination.

On the other hand, the wave of demonic beast collided with the soldiers. But their shields were up and stopped the rush of the demonic beast. They thrust their spear and pierced the beasts and left various holes.

Orc swung his Sabre from upward to downward. Xander dodged, but wold again attacked him his claw. It scratched the upper part of the arm. It started to bleed.

"It was annoying to fight with both of you at the same time. Looks like I have to also call my companion" Xander shouted after saying to Orc "Tyson".

Tyson came rushing through the wave of the demonic beast. He was like a bull unleashed in the field of sugarcane, fucking everything in his way.

Xander jumped up and hopped on Tyson. They started to attack each other. Xander easily diverted the attacks of Orcs. Tyson totally owned the wolf and injured him all over the body. His claw marks were on all over the body of Wolf. His full body was bleeding. After a few minutes of fighting, Xander pierced the orc's left shoulder with his sword.

After he retracted his sword he heard some screams of soldiers. He looked around the first layer of the phalanx formation was breached on point of the row. Demonic beasts barged through the point where the first layer was breached. The second row of soldiers quickly parried with the demonic beasts who barged through the first layer. They managed to buy a little time but the situation still looked grim.