Time skip

2 Months passed in a blink of eyes.

In these two months, New recruits were trained hard. The New soldiers were trained by the four generals and the Heavenly Army was trained by Xander and Dye. They also went to the Dark Forest to train for practical combat experiences. Soldiers of Ocawyth also came to train in the enclosed area of the Dark forest. Armand also trained in the Dark forest under Xander.

In these two months, the old soldiers were training like madmen. They were feeling like they were in hell for the last 2 months. All the soldiers became buffed, their muscles were seen even on top of clothes. These two months were very progressive. New recruits were around Level 20. The average level of Normal Old soldiers became 27. All the generals crossed Level 40.

Old soldiers of Heavenly Army under influence of Dye and Xander reached around Level 30 and new recruits reached Level 23. Officers of the Heavenly Army crossed Level 35.

High-rank officers of both Army and Heavenly Army crossed Level 30. They can easily Kill Rank E demonic beasts easily.

Dye reached Level 46 and Xander crossed Level 50. He trained very hard and also used two fruits and became Level 54. Tyson trained with Xander, he trained up to Level 43 and became Rank B Beast.

In the past two months, The Army expanded the Borders of the Kingdom of Etherac. They built thousands of Outposts in the demonic domain.

In previous months the number of Demonic beasts increased by many folds. This confirmed the doubts of all kings that the demon king will definitely attack the kingdom of Etherac. There were many skirmishes between Soldiers of the kingdom of Etherac and demonic beasts. Soldiers killed many demonic beasts. they got many materials from demonic beasts for their weapons.

Dwarves were working at their full strength making weapons and armour.

Xander sent 50,000 golds and many gifts to the kingdom of Ocawyth before 2 days of marriage.


The Day of the Wedding finally arrived as both the kingdom of Etherac and Ocawyth were in the mood of celebration. The Etherac city was busting with people. Many guests from other kingdoms also arrived to attend the marriage. Also, the police were on full alert and were constantly patrolling in the streets.

The maids were getting Xander dressed. He saw himself in the mirror, Xander smiled after maid finished dressing. After dressing he made his way to the garden of the palace where the preparation was in place.

The harder was set up wonderfully as seats were lined up. Xander entered the garden, the guest's eyes fell on the handsome face of Xander.

He stood to the side as he waited for the Brides arrival, he fell in his deep thoughts, he was wondering how Elisia will look. From the dress to even her hairstyle everything was kept a secret from him.

He decided to wear Black tuxedo which he gave himself the design to tailor.

Time passed, finally, the bride came. The flower boys and girls rained flowers in the path of Elisia. Elisia was wearing a white wedding dress which was commonly worn in the western parts on the earth by brides. The design of the wedding dress was also given by Xander. Her diamond necklace and matching earrings decorated her body.

Step by step she gracefully made her way to Xander.

Guests were talking about her beauty.

"She is so beautiful."

"She is the perfect match for Xander."

She arrived at the end and took a position next to Xander.

The ceremony of marriage started. A priest was standing on side of them.

"Well then bought of you please step on the Altar."

Both of them stepped on the Altar.

"Will you Xander and Elisia vow that until the end of time, both for better and for worse. That you will cherish and love each other?"

"I swear," Both said in unison.

"Well then, into the exchange of the rings."

After that, both exchanged the rings. After that priest started to chant.

"To the Gods of Earth, Sky, and Sea who since the chaotic times, Have been protecting us, helping us, and giving us guidance. Please grant you a blessing for the future of this couple. Now then, Please seal your vows."

After that, both of them kissed each other.

Cheers and yelling were heard throughout the kingdom. They all stood and applauded the pair.

After the ceremony ended, the guests dispersed. Both Xander and Elisia in their room and fought hard in the bed at night.

After around 3 days, the ceremony of Xander becoming the King of The kingdoms of Etherac and Ocawyth.

Xander officially became king of the kingdoms of the Etherac and Ocawyth.

People of the Kingdom of Ocawyth accepted Xander with smiles. All of them heard of Xander that he helped their kingdom in battle with Demonic beast wave without even asking. King Ebrardus was behind this. He spread the news to the public.

The whole kingdom of Etherac and Ocawyth was in a happy and joyous mood. They were celebrating.

Xander appointed Armand second commander of the Army. The total number of the army of the kingdom of Ocawyth was 150,000. Now along with 260,000, It became 410,000.

Xander appointed Armand as the second commander under him. He started to train harder. With his experience and the effect of the skill, Army instructor of Xander made his growth rate astonishing. He levelled up to 35 in a few days.

Xander started to train the whole army. He also set up a few strongholds near the wall of the kingdom of Ocawyth. Xander also started to train his wife and queen of both kingdoms personally. He also gave her fruits to fastened his training. He also ordered special weapon for Elisia from Dwarfs.

Xander also made the same system as the Kingdom of Etherac and also built the school and colleges in the kingdom of Ocawyth.

He built a pathway in the Dark forest for fast travelling. He built a wall on both sides of the road.

He also started to expand the kingdom of Ocawyth in the demonic domain. He started to build few outposts in the demonic domain and built few defences around the outposts.

After around 1 month of Xander's marriage. Demon king Azzegath attacked the kingdom of Ocawyth again.

But this time Xander was fully ready for the battle. He already deployed his soldiers in the outposts. He stopped the demons and demonic beasts far from the walls of kingdom.

He left both commanders and generals to arrange tactics and sending reinforcements.

The army was wearing full body armour. The army was divided into a team of 10 soldiers and high-rank officials were standing in the front line of the Army. They were brimming with confidence and fearless. Their eyes were ferocious. Their aura was different from normal soldiers. Then soldiers were standing after them in rows. Up to the point where eyes could see only soldiers were seen.