
Acewill was about to show the sculpture he made, everyone in the room was interested in what will they be seeing, they have only heard about it, it was full of praises so how cannot one be intrigued.

It was the same for King Alexander, they had the Crystal Kingdom map, but it was roughly made and has not been updated for a few years, Everyone's head was sticking out like a giraffe.

And what they saw didn't let down their expectations, it was the Crytal Kingdom and it looked beautiful, even King Alexander looked at it fascinated, it was only the half of crystal kingdom but it was enough to satisfy their eyes.

After Acewill presented his work and talked with King Alexander, it was time for his rewards.


[Quest has been Completed: King Alexanders Interest]

Present your work to King Alexander(Completed)

+50 King Alexander trust.


+1000 Crystal Kingdom Reputation

Earl of Crystal Kingdom

+50 gold coins

+8000 experience points


[You have earned a title: Earl of Crystal Kingdom]

[Earl of Crystal Kingdom]

[Earl is one of the high nobles in the Crystal Kingdom, You have earned King Alexander's Trust.]


[Congratulations being the first player to be noble of the Crystal Kingdom]


+5,000 Villagers

+3,000 soldiers

Land expansion

+1,000 village reputation

Acewill saw the notifications he received, he glowed several times signs of leveling up, but again he didn't care, he received a total of 8,000 population, he can already upgrade it to City.

Acewill was excited if he was not talking to King Alexandar, he had already rushed out not caring for the others, Acewill may not know but to build a city in-game in its early stages was already a great feat.

Some players village was still small, Acewill had the fastest village progress in-game, Though the information was still limited.

The game only provided the players with basic pieces of information and the rest must be found by the players.

After talking for a few minutes, Acewill rushed back to his village or soon to be City, he noticed while he was rushing was that there was a road, it was made with bricks, so it was easily noticed, Acewill also saw a sign with words "Main road to Feyre Village", "It was already finished?" Acewill said in awe.

It took 2 days to build, how fast or maybe not Acewill thought, he just signed an alliance with King Alexander, maybe it was still being built.

Acewill followed the road and found it safe, the Crystal Kingdom was 5 kilometers away from his village if not using the teleport altar, they were basically neighbors.(A/N: I can't just make up the time to travel so I will leave it open, Help me will ya.)

Acewill saw many carriages and merchants in the road, he also found that it was well made, it was sturdy and there was also some patrolling guards and when the guards saw Acewill, they immediately bowed to greet him.

They were soldiers from Feyre Village, they were tasked to patrol on the road for safety measures if something happened, Acewill bid farewell to them and continued walking, he had already forgotten his excitement on promoting the Village to City.

Acewill noticed a bridge, it was 1 kilometer long and below was the river separating Feyre and Crystal Kingdom, Acewill continued walking eventually he reached the village.

The village has expanded again, the village that was 1 square kilometer became a 2 square kilometer, of course, Acewill was happy to see his village expanding so fast, its economy was also getting better.

Acewill noticed that the more population a village have the faster its improvement, and also the higher your villagers rank the better the quality of the village, the higher grade villagers became the officials of the village meanwhile Acewill occasionally helps them.

Acewill loved the NPC interactivity, he can see the intelligence of this NPC's was getting better, the lower grade villagers were doing the labors, Acewill also noticed that the loyalty of the villagers didn't go down by a little bit but instead it was raising, Acewill was still clueless about the loyalty.

Acewill looked around his village, the agriculture of the village was good, he also saw empty shops, Acewill checked why it was empty, then he was told that it was rentable for players and NPC's to sell their merchandise.

His villagers were also selling some products that Acewill told them to make, for example, rice wine, different kinds of noodles, and many more like Acewill said the NPC interactivity was awesome.

He tried different things like making the Scholars make some research, Acewill helps them with giving ideas, Acewill copied the Dr.Stone which he loved to watch, and he adapted it here in the game, the player's freedom was so wide.

The scholars started researching electricity, they had also made some medicines, the NPC's were different from players, they can get ill, It was Eve who found about it, she wanted to be a doctor so she started studying, then she noticed that the illness here were the same in the real world.

The scholars had successfully produced anti-biotics with Eve's help, the scholars and laborers were divided into different departments, There were Medicine department, Building department, etc.

It was Keht who thought about this, it was to lower the workload of scholars, they also get tired, Acewill visited each department to look on their progress even though he doesn't understand many things he still decided to show.

It was actually divided, different guild members, they were the leaders of different divisions, for example, the one in charge of the Medicine department was Eve, while Keht was in charge of the Building department, and Acewill was in charge of the Feyre Army.(A/N: help me add more divisions)

Acewill changed the Feyre Army training, it was already hard but it became more hellish when Acewill took in charge, the soldiers have their own thinking and they can complain, and s with the change of the training many complained but they didn't defy Acewill.

They had already built the barracks and soldiers sleep there, every morning (5 am) the soldiers must be awake, and had started lining up in the fields, Acewill had changed their daily routines, he found out that their foundations were lacking, every day they had to gather in the training fields early, and if they were late they had to do 100 push-ups.

At first, it was hard for them, if they tried to complain to Acewill they will be beaten up badly, it took them a long time but they got easily used ti it.

They can see the changes, their stamina had doubled up their strength was improving, Acewill has also added test for them from battle tactics to martial arts Acewill taught them, Acewill also joined the training while he was teaching them.

Acewill also noticed that the systems were the same as it is in medieval times, Males only do the works while the females were housewives.

For Acewill this was a big no-no, are they belittling the female power? and with that Acewill changed the system, females were available to work and do a man job, but before he did that he talked with the other guild members, and was approved.

In Acewill village he didn't put a hierarchy, only Acewill was considered the very leader, All decisions must involve him and the others when the villagers heard they can work the villagers were happy, many females joined the army and the others.

There were also the children NPC, and Zthu who liked kids decided to make a school, it was approved by Acewill but they don't have a teacher, then Lily proposed that Zthu and her will teach some villagers to be a teacher.

Acewill called the Building Department and started making plans, they were deciding were area to build it, the village was divided into 4 Areas, The Outer Area, Commercial Area, Middle Area, and Capital Area, more areas will be added in the future.(A/N: My friends help me to name the areas <3)

After a series of planning, they had decided to build it in the commercial Area, where it was close to the villagers, from outer to commercial will take 30 minutes to travel, while middle to commercial will take 40 minutes, the Feyre village was really big.

Keht assigned 200 builders to build the school, The builders started working, as for the decorating and the school supplies, Olivia who was in charge of the production made her workers start the production.

Zthu and Lily started teaching some villagers, from math to other subjects, they didn't add English because it was useless in the game.

The workers don't work for free, they also get their pay every month, Acewill planned to change the currency but that was for another time, the next day the villagers were notified that they can send their children to study when the school was ready.


In the early morning (3 am) Allen woke up, he was one of the soldiers Feyre Village, Allen took the soap and his towel, and rushed to the shower room, he met his best friend Roidy who was also taking a shower.

"Your early today," Allen said

"I was excited" Roidy replied

They looked at each other then rushed to take a shower after they finished they ate immediately, after that they immediately to the training fields.

It was 3:30 am villagers were still sleeping at this time of the day, but the training fields were already packed with soldiers, and instead of being sleepy these soldiers were excited.

4 am in the morning Acewill showed and every soldier immediately lined up, they didn't make noise, Acewill smiled satisfyingly, this kind of army discipline was his work.

Acewill opened his mouth and said "Your Exam will start today, I will explain the rules once, The first exam will be physical and the last exam will be written, Your points will be recorded by us," Acewill pointed at Keht and Zthu.

"That is all, Follow me to the Exam grounds," Acewill said, then they started moving. after a few minutes, they have arrived, it was an Obstacle grounds.(A/N: It was the same as Military Obstacle course)

The soldiers looked at it, they were excited, Acewill turned around and looked at the soldiers "Everyone will be grouped into 5" Acewill said.

Then the soldiers started grouping Allen and Roidy didn't get to the same group because Acewill personally chose them, there were more than thousands of soldiers in Feyre and Acewill had to look at them, the captains also helped him.

After a while, Acewill finally finished grouping them, "then I will explain what to do, In a group, none must be left, all of you much reach the finish line you have 30 minutes to finish the course, that is all" Acewill said. (A/N: I'm bad at explaining sorry guys).

"We will show you first," Acewill said then He and the other two stretched then took their positions, they looked at each other than "3,2,1, Go!" the 3 dashed at a great speed, the first obstacle was where they had to crouch on the mud, The trio easily passed it, next was climbing the Skyscraper, there was no door or stairs only windows, Keht kneeled near the window and signaled Zthu.

Zthu nodded and ran towards Keht, he raised his right foot landing on Keht's arms which boosted his jump making him reach the window, Acewill also did the same, then they pulled Keht above, they repeated their movements again and again until they reached the top.

Next obstacle was the rope, they had to go down using the ropes, it was easy, they were like the SWAT, and next was the monkey bars, they did it pretty easy too, the last obstacle course was climbing the cliff.

They were given a rope which they tied to each other, its simple, they must reach the top together and if one them fell, the rope will drag the others down, the trio looked at each other then nodded, Acewill was thrown first then next was Zthu, they were already strong at the first place so it was not a challenge for them, in.

The trio finished the Obstacle course, it took them 12 minutes, they changed their clothes which was dirty, it may look easy but the trio's coordination was at the top.

All soldiers became nervous, it was easy if it was individual but for coordination they were average, everyone again stared at the obstacle course.

"First group" Acewill yelled then the first group walked in, they started stretching then took their positions.

"3,2,1, Go!" Acewill signaled the start, the first group passed the first obstacle easily, and on the second obstacle course they failed miserably, they used 30 minutes and didn't get passed at the 2nd obstacle.

It continued for a whole day, and only some soldiers passed the 2nd obstacle and got stuck on the last obstacle.

When it was night, The exam stopped and will continue tomorrow, Allen and Roidy both reached the final course but didn't get to climb, it was very hard, The next morning the exam continued and none finished the obstacle course.

Next was the written exam, the soldiers were handed to the girls, they were in charge of the written exam, it didn't take them long to finish their written exam, Acewill taught them easily.

The task of checking and scoring was given to the generals and captains that were trained by Acewill.

Acewill went back to the Village Mansion and rested, while he was resting he saw the City emblem, "How can I forgot about this" Acewill exclaimed then he immediately rushed to the Village Core.

Acewill took out the City Order emblem and placed it on top of the Village Core.


[You have passed the requirements to promote the village]

[Do you wish to promote the village to City(Y/N)]

"Yes" Acewill replied

[World wide announcement]

Congratulations to Feyre Village for being the first Village to be promoted to City.


+10,000 Gold coins

+10,000 City reputation

+20,000 population

+10,000 soldiers

+20 turret city defenses

[Congratulations promoting your village to City]


+500 Gold Coins

+500 City reputations

+1 S-Rank Soldier

Acewill was shocked, he didn't expect that there will be an announcement, he was sure that the game forums were on an uproar, but he was happy he will soon open his city to the public, this can count as an advertisement.

Acewill was now interested in what changed on his village when it became a city, Acewill went to the Village Core.

[City Core]

City Name: Feyre

Owner: Shadow

City-level: City (level 1) (20,533/30,000 population)

Population: 20,533

City Area: 2.5 square kilometer

City Territory: 50 Square Kilometer

Soldiers: 10,581

Popular Support: 140 [refers to residents loyalty, if dropped 0 the villagers will rebel]


Research Speed (1)

City improvement (1)

All NPC grade +1


Summon Villager[Passive]( Level 7)

Automatically Summons 21 random villagers every 24 hours.

Blessings of Nature[Passive](Level 2)

Summons 40 different animals near the city, summons 10 horses every 24 hours.

King's Knowledge[Passive]

Bestow a job to a villager

Jobs available

Farmer[E grade]

Carpenter(D Grade)

Blacksmith(D Grade)

Apothecary(D Grade)

Tailor(D Grade)

Doctor(B Grade)


Magus(S-Grade) (0/1)

Hero(S-Grade) (0/1)

Soldier[B grade]

Description: First was infantry, which could choose [Sabermen], [Swordsmen], or [Spearmen]

After changing professions, infantry could obtain profession-specific skills.(Added professions: Knights, Assassins, Shield-Bearer).(Added new professions: Samurai, Cavalry,)(A/N: Need help, suggest some professions, the more the merrier)

Acewill was surprised by the changes, the room had also changed, it was more modern like, it looked like an office, then he rushed out of the room and was surprised, the building has a glass window now when it was a mansion the windows were metal bars.

Then he saw a carpet on the ground, it was like a company building, then Acewill noticed something that made him bewildered, there was a f*cking elevator.

Acewill walked out and was about to close the vault door when he saw that the room was a normal office, the city core was nowhere to be seen, Acewill panicked and entered then when he entered a scanner scanned his body when it finished scanning the interior of the room changed.

"IT HAS A F*CKING HIDDEN MECHANISM" Acewill shouted, the game really surpassed his imagination, Acewill calmed down and went outside, this time before he went outside, he turned to see how it changed interiors, and what he saw was a mechanism that pulled the City Core below.

Then it disappeared like it was never there, Acewill closed the door and took the elevator, he was not shocked anymore, there were 50 buttons on the elevator, Acewill clicked the ground floor, it took him a few seconds to reach the 1st floor.

It was like a reception room, there were chairs and tables, and also an NPC standing on the counter, The NPC saw Acewill and she immediately left the counter and greeted Acewill.

Acewill also greeted her then he went out, he can peek on the windows at the top floor last time but he stopped himself, he wants to see outside from below.

Acewill saw the streets have changed, the NPC's clothes have changed, The males were wearing tuxedos meanwhile the females wore Dress, the buildings didn't change much, it has windows now and it has colors, its textures also have changed.

Acewill turned his head above and was not shocked anymore, What he saw was a skyscraper building that was full of glass windows.

It was the only building that looked modern, then he saw an emblem in the middle, it was the flag of feyre which was Light blue and had a bow in the middle.

Acewill smiled and called the others, Everyone was already shocked because of the change, they had already heard the Village was promoted to City, but they were still amazed by the change, especially the Skyscraper.

They saw Acewill waiting for them at the entrance then he smiled and said "Time to Open up the City".