Rapid Improvements


[Univeral Announcement: The First Event]

The First Event will take place in a week, the information will be released at the start of the event]

All of the players listened to the announcement, some were excited and had their blood boiling.

Meanwhile, Acewill was excited in another thing, he was using the 5 Disciple Talent Tester Machine, it was a crystal ball, the difference was it has a hologram, Yes, a hologram, when someone puts their hands on top of the crystal ball, it will immediately glow and will show a hologram of their talent.

As for the Event, who cares, what is there to fuss about they didn't give any extra pieces of information and it will be next week, Acewill continued his recruitment.

The hologram shows 2 test, first was the talent which was literally the talent, it seems as it looks through a person talent in real life if it was a player, as for NPC it was the same, then next was the potential, it shows which tier will the cultivator reach, so for far the highest Acewill had seen was Tier 7.

The talent ranking was different though, the highest Acewill had seen yet was Spirit Talent and the lowest was trash, so it goes like this, Trash Talent, Mortal Talent, Earth Talent, and then Spirit Talent.

Acewill didn't know if it was the highest or there was much higher, Acewill had accepted many already, he didn't care if the talent was trash as long as their potential was high, today he had seen a trash talent with Tier 15 potential, with this it can be said that he got lucky.

As for the Spirit Talent, it was a male player named NightHunter that just joined the guild, it was also a surprise to Acewill, they didn't know that a player can also be a cultivator, these cultivators will become the backbone of the Feyre City. (A/N: I just took it from the Voters <3)

Acewill looked at the long line in front of him, there is more to expect.


(Correexx POV)(A/N: Thanks for the vote <3)

My name was Correexx and I just joined a guild Yesterday, they were hiring members for the workshop, I took the chance to join and was accepted, it was newly established and we were allowed to enter a little while, I can call myself an expert in the game as I was one of the strongest in the Crystal Kingdom.

To be honest I didn't expect much to the guild I just joined like I said it was newly established so they must have no resources yet and from what I heard no guild had built their guild residences yet same for the big guilds.

3 PM many gathered in the Crystal Kingdom plaza, they must be the other members of the new guild, 5 minutes later someone came and told us to follow him, we were led into the portal one by one we entered the portal, after few moments it's finally my turn then when I entered the portal my vision got developed by the light.

When I opened my eyes I was shocked by what I have seen, not just me all of the players who had passed the portal were also stunned, the place was so huge and majestic even the adventurers association wasn't this big.

I turned my head around looking at this majestic place, then I saw an emblem, it was head of a dragon with a crown on its head, then beneath it was "Eternal Emperors", So this was the guild's name and this place must be a guild residence.

Sometime later I saw figures in front of us, as a expert my senses were sensitive and my instincts were honed, I was also a martial artist in real life though I was an apprentice, and right now everything on my body was screaming as I looked at the man in the middle, it was screaming danger, I felt my legs getting soft just by looking at that man.

It seems like it was just not me, Everyone was trembling, the other figures also exclude aura but not the same as the man in the middle, it was like we are ants in front of a lion, no! that man was a dragon, the man seems to notice that we were trembling then what happened scared me more.

The aura disappeared like it was never there, the pressure it gave was also gone, my master told me something about dangerous people if a person that can hide his aura was offended he will never know how he died even in his burial.

I always thought that my master told me that for me not to be arrogant but now I know, the figures presented themselves and the man we feared was our guild leader Shadow, the fear I felt earlier was already gone and was changed to reverence if I can get him to teach me I will surely reach a higher level, I plan to tell this to master.


Meanwhile, in the stall where the disciple recruitment was taking a place, new talent has appeared, it was Void Talent but it seems that the Spirit talent was much higher because the potential was lower than the Spirit Talent, Acewill has already recruited 42 disciples, and their talent mostly was Mortal Talent.

It can be said that more than a hundred had registered but their potential and talent was just too low, but even though more than a hundred got rejected the people were still coming, most of them were NPC and some players was also trying their luck

Acewill didn't do anything other than looking at the results of the participants, Eve and Olivia also came to help as for Serenity and the others they were still playing.

After 5 hours we stopped the recruitment and decided to continue tomorrow, the total disciples I got was 102, none were higher than the Spirit talent and the highest potential was also the Spirit talent, Acewill also got 2 Void talent and the rest were Mortal Talent and Earth talent, as for the trash talent there was only 3, they had high potential.

Then we led the disciples to the Feyre Sect, but before they enter, they must undergo the Sect-Soul Binding or else they will not be able to enter, The process was easy a paper appeared on Acewill's hand and they must read it in front of him.(A/N: It was much better to use the Feyre)

Acewill read the paper in front of him and made a weird expression he then turned around and went behind a huge stone, after a while, he came out and distributed the paper, When all the disciples received the paper Acewill spoke on what will they do.

"Kneel and read the paper out loud, I will also explain the rules after this" Acewill said

All the disciples followed the instruction and kneeled, the NPC disciples read the paper and felt something inside of them getting connected to something, as for the players a notification appeared in front of them.

[Do you wish to join the Feyre Sect?](Y/N?)

[Caution! Once you join the Feyre Sect, your character soul will be bound to the sect, any disobedience to the sect, can get your account to be deleted]

They hesitated but they still selected "Yes", what was there to lose, they had already joined the workshop. (A/N: I remembered i haven't named the workshop yet let's make a vote!)

After everyone was successfully bound to the sect, Acewill led them inside, and all the disciples were, of course, was amazed by the scenery, they saw some materials on the entrance but payed no heed to it and turned their head around looking at the scenery.

While on the way Acewill gave the disciples a book, everyone was confused about what the book is, when they opened the book they immediately know what it was.

Sect Rules

No one is allowed to fight on the sect unless they were on the sect arena.

Do not fight without permission

Do not commit acts of promiscuity

Diligence is the root

Morality is the priority

Harmony is the value

Learning comes first

Do not take your own words lightly

Do not act impulsively

Do not give up on learning

Make sure to act virtuously

Be respectful and humble

Be loyal and filial

Be amicable and united

Stop the bad habits

Be strict with yourself

Be easy on others

Do not hold grudges


There were more than a thousand rules that were listed in the book, it has more than 20 pages, even Keht and Zthu were surprised on the Sect rules, they were together for a whole day how come they didn't see, how Acewill made the rules.

They also read the rules and found that it was good but some of it was useless, "Shadow, some of the rules here is useless" Keht said

"The rules are not just for players but for NPC too, they are not bound to rules like us," Acewill said cooly, he really covered everything about it to the core, Acewill was also thinking about the future, if the devouring really happened many more will join his sect.

To not have future problems it was much better to remove it earlier, everyone toured around the sect which caused them many hours but it was worth it, but the disciples were confused where are they supposed to stay.

Just as they were thinking about it, Acewill bought them in the near the entrance which was the outer area, "Okay that is it for today, you may all rest."Acewill said

Everyone was getting confused when Acewill was about to leave everyone got anxious, then finally someone stepped out, it was Nighthunter, Acewill noticed that Nighthunter wants to say something so he stopped and turned to Nighthunter.

Nighthunter did a palm fist salute to Acewill "Sect Master, may I ask where will we rest" he asked respectfully, it was like he has been in a sect before, "You will all rest here, and don't go over the inner area" Acewill replied with a smile, he was waiting for this.

"But there is nowhere to rest here," Nighthunter said as he looked around there were only materials here maybe for building something he thought, "There is!, look at the materials around you" Acewill said.

"Sect Master, you mean," Nighthunter said as he stared at the materials, the other disciples also got the gist of it when Acewill said it that way, they had to built their own houses, "Thank you, Sect Master," Nighthunter said as he left to make his own house, the other disciples also saluted and started to make their houses.

"Ah! after making your houses go to the Pavillion to get some cultivation manuals, each of you can only take 1 cultivation manual, as for the martial skills and others you may only choose 1, now farewell," Acewill said as he left.

All the disciple's eye's glowed with expectation, they didn't get close to the Pavillion when they toured but saw that it was majestic, Acewill said that the other instructions were on the book, and there was also a warning on the bottom of the book.

"Those who do not follow the rules and violate it will be punished"

The disciples then continued building their houses.


I just finished showering and eating breakfast, after eating I directly went to my room and logged back into Multi-Cosmos Online.

[Log in Confirmed]

[I.D: Nighthunter)



I opened my eyes and my character was sleeping on the house that I made yesterday, it was just a shabby house, I don't have any experience in making houses, I stood up and immediately ran to the Pavillion, I was one of the lucky players that can cultivate, I joined out of curiosity.

And was accepted, the Sect Master said that I have a talent for cultivating and made me a disciple of the sect, i was happy of course, it has been a dream of many to be a cultivator, I reached the Pavillion 5 minutes later.

No one else had come yet, when I entered the Pavillion I was stunned, many kinds of books were arranged, then according to the book outer disciples were only allowed to 1st floor and choose a manual and techniques.

I looked above me and saw many more floors above, then I made a goal for myself, I will get stronger and reach the top floor and learn stronger techniques, I may not be able to reach the sect master at least I want to prove my self that I am also strong.

I went close to the shelves where the Grade 1 Cultivation Manuals are placed and picked a random manual, "Titan Body Tempering Manual" it says on the manual, it hardens the muscles and turns it hard as steel, it seems defensive cultivation technique.

I placed it back to the shelve and looked at the other manuals, it was important to choose wisely, it will be my foundation on cultivating, I had read many wuxia and xianxia novels, I checked each manual.

Star Matra, Nine Paths of Truth, and this Shadowless Art im sure Sect Master's name was Shadow almost the same but I don't like it after searching for almost half an hour I found something that caught my interest.

Chaotic Virtues Combat Meridians

Physical Training Manual

The essence of 'Chaotic Virtues Combat Meridians' is to transform the body into a divine weapon with amazing strength.

It was perfect for me, I am a fighter class and this is compatible with me, I took it for now and search the other books, maybe I will find something more interesting, but after searching for a while I found nothing, I gave up and started to look for Martial Techniques.

I spent more than an hour looking for a suitable Martial Technique and I found this.

Seven Star Drifting Cloud

It was said that after reaching the Large Success stage, one could take seven steps at once, without being able to tell where it began and where it ended. It was as if every foot was passing on the seven stars of the Big Dipper, and one would be able to tread on clouds and achieve godly speed within those seven steps.

It was a Movement Skill perfect for me after I was done, according to the book, I must go to the Pavillion reception and put the manual and martial skill I chose on the table after that a light will envelop the book then it will be recorded, I must bring it back after a week.


Meanwhile, Acewill continued recruiting disciples, as he was recruiting he received a call from Lily, it seems like a new profession has appeared, I called Lily to took my position, for now, she was beside Zthu so she happily did my work, maybe I should try to exploit this couple Acewill thought before he left.

Acewill went to the City Hall, it seems that an NPC got the new profession, Acewill arrived and saw that a small person with a beard was standing in the guest area, "Oh my god" he exclaimed, It was a dwarf!.

And by the side was the NPC who got the profession, the NPC immediately stood up and greeted Acewill respectfully, the dwarf also greeted him "Nice to meet you, I am Shadow" Acewill said as he shook hands with the dwarf, it was the first demi-human in the city.

"Nice to meet you, Lord Shadow, my name is Denovan an Elder Dwarf," Denovan said

Acewill was surprised it was not a normal dwarf but an Elder Dwarf, maybe with Denovan he can unlock a race in the city, though he was not planning to change races, Denovan was pretty tall for a Dwarf Race.

He was 173 centimeters tall and he said he was 85 years old, we talked for a while and got the gist of the profession, it was called ManaTech Engineer, which uses Mana to build things and also uses mana to run the machine.

Acewill eyes were shining when he thought of many ideas came out of his mind, at first he tried to research about guns but was prohibited by the game, he can't do anything about it and just dejectedly made another research.

According to Denovan, Mana can be used to many things like a flying boat which was created by the ManaTech Engineers, Acewill can't stop thing about the future where flying cars came to existence, Denovan and Acewill came into an agreement, Denovan will work here and Acewill will pay him, Denovan also wants to take disciples that he can teach.

Acewill gave Denovan a house and a workshop, he also allowed scholars and researchers to work with Denovan, with the ManaTech Engineers coming to his City, infinite possibilities can happen, after a while, Acewill sent Denovan to his place and Acewill went back to the Disciple Recruitment.

And just like that 4 days have passed, The Feyre Sect now had a total of 1,329 disciples 30% of it was players, and then with the ManaTech Engineers in place, the city development greatly improved though there were no major changes it was still good.

As for the Disciples Cultivation, there are 9 ranks/levels/layers to each stage of cultivation, with rank 1 being the start and rank 9 being the peak. After breaking through to the next stage, the practitioner starts at rank 1 of that new stage.

another set of commonly used terms are Early-stage, Middle-stage, Late-stage and Peak. For example, someone might be a "late-stage Core Formation expert" or they could be at "the peak of the Nascent Soul stage".

There was also A half step refers to someone who's infinitely close to breaking through to the next stage of cultivation, but hasn't achieved it yet. For example, someone who's "a half step to Foundation Establishment" is still technically at the Qi Condensation stage, but they're only a hair's breadth away from Foundation Establishment.

Non-Existent Intelligence does not have much information but will likely take some time to know more.


Leave a Review guys thx i appreciate it much <3