What is a World without Gourmet?

[PS: Tons of info dumps in this chapter]

"What happened," Acewill was surprised, it felt like some of the shackles in his body had been removed, Acewill immediately opened his stats.

Name: Shadow

Level: 9

Class: None



Legendary Blacksmith


Health: 4000/4000 Mana: 2500/2500

Strength: 26(270)

Vitality: 26(40)

Agility: 51(290)

Intelligence: 21(160)

Dexterity: 25(40)

[Bonus stats are not applicable to this stats]

Fortitude: 62

Artistic Merit: 10

Stat points: 40

Cultivation Stage: Tier 1

Cultivation Technique: Serenity Cultivation Technique


Spear Arts(Technique)

Weapon: Gungnir

Equipment: Supreme World Seed

Cultivating to tier 1 added 10 additional stats points to all attributes, isn't it like free stats? and Acewill can clearly feel his physique got stronger, Acewill stood up and tried to execute the Shadow Darking Footwork.

He suddenly disappeared but unlike the last time he executed it, this time it was much faster, Acewill turned and looked at his last location and he saw a shadow moved to a different side, it was like a feint move, making the enemy think that Acewill ran away.

Acewill didn't know what is the real move of the footwork but seeing this it has infinite possibilities, it can be used to escape, attack, create a distraction, and many more, Acewill eyes lit up and he continued his cultivation.

After cultivating for 5 hours Acewill reached Tier 6, this shows how fast Acewill cultivation is, to the disciples like Nighthunter who was still an outer disciple, even though he had a very high talent it still took him a long time to reach Tier 4, much less the average disciples that joined the Sect.

Even with the help of the newly created pills that helped them with their cultivation compared to Acewill, they were far away from him, with the question marks on Acewill talent, it was easy to see that he had very high talent.

Acewill didn't need any of those pills with the Serenity Cultivation Technique he created other external help were not needed anymore though he felt that his cultivation was also getting slower, from tier 1 to tier 2 it took him about 10 minutes, then Tier 2 to Tier 3 was 30 minutes, and the energy Acewill was absorbing was also getting bigger.

The dantian thing that they called or sea of qi or something was expanding as his tier reach higher, and what Acewill noticed that even though it was expanding, it was actually the size of a pea, it was just getting bigger, Acewill didn't know much about cultivation but he knew that in the higher stages, his dantian will turn into sea.

That was just his speculations, maybe it was the same or maybe it was different, "there is nothing to think to about those things, there was also another matter, it was the meridians, Acewill felt that every time he broke through tiers, a blockage on his meridians will be lifted, it was actually random which meridian will be lifted.

In total, there are over 400 jingmai, the majority of which run along the Twelve Primary Meridians. Because the Twelve Major Meridians are of great importance, it is important to discuss them in greater detail. The Twelve Major Meridians are the primary meridians through which qi flows.

The jingmai refers to the collective system of the main meridian channels. Their primary purpose is to regulate the flow of qi throughout the body. Generally speaking, there are seventy-two major jingmai. ... They connect to the Zang-fu organs and are the main pathways that transport qi and Xue (blood) throughout the body. (A/N: Don't ask anymore search it on google ^_^)

As for the 12 primary meridians or 12 standard meridians are the Yin meridians of the arm are Lung, Heart, and Pericardium. The Yang meridians of the arm are Large Intestine, Small Intestine, and Triple Burner. The Yin Meridians of the leg are Spleen, Kidney, and Liver. The Yang meridians of the leg are Stomach, Bladder, and Gall Bladder.

Every time that Acewill made a breakthrough he will feel that his body was getting stronger and his physique was also getting stronger, the information he thought was not that precise but it can work, Acewill stopped cultivating when he reached Tier 7.

The cultivation was really slow, even though he had cultivated for many hours Acewill still felt that he was energetic, usually, a person who cultivates will feel exhausted after a few hours and their body will feel stiff, but to Acewill there were no signs of it, maybe it was because of his cultivation technique or something.

Acewill then went tp the Pavillion, he searched around the 1st floor, he was looking for a body tempering cultivation technique or Body cultivation manuals, Acewill was looking for a good body cultivation technique because he remembered that in a novel he had read.

Even if a person's cultivation was very high without a good vassal, it was like a water dam with sticks holding it, when the body of the cultivator got overloaded there was nothing to explain what will happen, so Acewill decided that just to be safe, he had to make his body stronger.

Acewill browsed through the shelves and found a pamphlet at the very side of the shelves which was neatly stacked on a table <>, "There was an introduction?" Acewill was surprised, how good was the game to even give introductions, they are so hard working. Acewill opened the pamphlet.


The Body Training Stage was the first realm for those who pursued the road of martial arts. It involves the tempering of their bodies and was separated into six stages. The first stage was Strength Training, the second was Flesh Training, third was Viscera Training, fourth was Altering Muscle, fifth was Bone Forging and sixth was Pulse Condensing. (A/N: Reference to the martial world)


To undergo body transformation is to refine the body through True Essence, meaning that one has to endure the screeching pain of refining one's organs and bones to the point that it becomes tough and thoroughly washed. And then you can piss on some more bricks and towels.

"Okay..." Acewill felt awkward but continued reading the pamphlet.


1st.<> The very first step in cultivation; in this step a cultivator will strengthen their mortal bodies as a foundation.

2nd.<> Strengthens the outer parts of the body. The epidermises of the skin can be infused with true essence.

3rd.<> Strengthens the organs to the point that the breath of a cultivator would release snakes.

Acewill read the pamphlet for a few minutes and finally got the gist of it, the introduction only gave the basics of the basic, it was still enough for Acewill to understand about body cultivation, and that is to be a masochist who the hell likes pain, Acewill may like fighting but hell he can still feel pain.

Acewill also found a problem, he skipped the steps to proper cultivation, as what it said on the pamphlet, it was the first step in cultivation and yet he was already in tier 7, now speaking of cultivation may be the cultivation shelves also had an introduction pamphlet.

Acewill searched on the cultivation shelve and he found it, it was also neatly stacked on a table, <> Acewill picked one and read it.


Essence, energy, and soul were the three treasures that comprised a human being, the life vigor of an individual. The essence was vitality, power of the bloodline, the very basis of the mortal body. The energy was origin energy and the dantian's true essence. The soul was the primordial spirit, the marriage of spirit and will.

At the formation of the universe, what happened was that all of the grandmist energy gathered into a singularity. This singularity constantly absorbed energy, compressing it over and over again, and when that energy reached the limit it would erupt!

After erupting, the energy would cool down, forming space, time, yin and yang, the five elements, and finally evolving into all of life.

This was the so-called great eruption of the universe. The Divine Realm's 3000 great worlds and the lower realm's billion boundless worlds, all of these were formed after this explosion. And before this explosion, neither time nor space existed.

And a martial artist's cultivation process was similar to this great eruption.

The human body was a small universe!

The evolution of the human body could be reflected in the great universe.


The road of martial arts was like this: As long as one's foundation was solid enough, then every breakthrough would bring immeasurable progress and strength at astronomical speeds.

Lin Ming's philosophy was…

In order to lay a foundation, it must be laid in the most complete and solid manner.

In order to break through a boundary, it must be going through a perfect breakthrough![3]

But what the martial road brings is extended longevity which all martial artists yearn for.

This was one of the most fascinating aspects of following the martial path, in that one could extend their youth. Cultivation is not just expanding lifespan, but slowing down aging process.

Those that cultivated martial arts were not willing to resign themselves to the ebb of time. As years passed, their life force and strength would be slowly sucked away. Even though they had the ability to move mountains and sunder seas, they finally couldn't escape the slow changes of destiny.

Often, a martial artist would constantly seek out lucky chances, passing through layers upon layers of dangers to climb to a higher peak of martial arts. What drove them was not just peeping at the wonders of the Heavenly Dao Laws, but also to obtain longer youth and longer life.


(There are 9 Tiers per stage)

1st.<< Pulse Condensation>>

From the Pulse Condensation realm, that process symbolized the true beginning of the essence gathering system.

At this boundary, a martial artist formed their meridians and could draw in heaven and earth origin energy through their acupoints.

When a cultivator opens the channel of the meridians for true essence to enter will one achieve Pulse Condensation and to most mortal cultivators, the pulse condensation stage is a huge bottleneck, for it greatly increases the speed in which true essence is absorbed compared to the previous boundaries. An example is how true essence if only flows inside the organs and bones, it would just be like a carriage running into shallow seas and swamps: it would just be mired there. However, if true essence penetrates into the meridians and flows there, then it would be unimpeded like a fast horse in the open field. There was simply no comparison between them.

To an essence gathering martial artist, the Pulse Condensation realm was the start of their road of martial arts. Without anywhere else to go, a martial artist's true essence would flow through their meridians and into their dantian. In preparation for Houtian, a martial artist would need to open the dantian and constantly accumulate energy inside it.


When one's origin energy reached a certain degree, it would gather in their lower abdomen and form a dantian. Afterwards, true essence would gather in their dantian and form streams there; this was the Houtian realm.

Houtian Realm, also known as the Pre-Celestial stage, is the start of cultivating the Essence Gathering System. Only when both the meridians and the dantian truly connect with each other will one step into the Pre-Celestial stage.

After a martial reached the Houtian realm, that was the time they opened their dantian and would begin to train it. During the Houtian realm, one's true essence would be a mess without any organization to it, so their reserves of true essence would be extremely limited.

The ideal breakthrough is when one let's true essence overflow until it reaches the dantian, making it a more stable foundation.

"Eh? it was like that?" Acewill was surprised, it was different from what he thought, "This.... is there no copyright? they just copied the Martial World, even though I haven't read it yet, I knew a little bit of it" Acewill exclaimed.

Acewill also noticed that he was Tier 6 and he hadn't reached Pulse condensation yet, there were many things he doesn't know and there were many copyrights that the game had done, but what caught Acewill's eyes the most was the longer life, no person who didn't want to live longer, even though it was in-game, there was still the devouring that Ripper talked about.

If the devouring really happened then he will live a longer life or maybe he can be an immortal, "Now, now easy imagination" Acewill said as he massaged his temple, he was getting greedy, it was like he was expecting that the devouring can happen right now, which made him an inhuman.

There was no other information about the devouring but if something unexpected happened and in the process of the devouring many people will die, there were many things that could happen and to be ready, Acewill had to become strong.

After being drifted to his thinking Acewill chose a Body Cultivation Manual << Great Art of the Swallowing Whale>> and why did Acewill choose this? see it for your self!


+ It is capable of helping you all gorge down the sea and absorbs the energy contained within the food.

+ When this art is cultivated to the pinnacle, the digestive strength and speed of the digestive system is raised by a hundredfold, allowing one to swallow 800 lbs of animal meat per day

(A/N: Reference to 40 millenniums of cultivation)

It was about food! now that the game updated and implemented the taste it was the perfect thing for Acewill, in-game he won't get fat so he can eat as much as he could, no problems with the ingredients, chefs can get ingredients from the monsters, this won't be just about fighting and cultivations, there was also gourmet! (A/N: Help with the synopsis comment and ill add the helper as a character and also gonna choose 3 voters randomly)

Acewill didn't go back to the Main Hall, he went back to the Feyre City, to be a chef a player must learn the cooking skill and to acquire it, one must cook, Acewill didn't have any ingredients and cooking materials, he was actually confident on his cooking skills, his dog praised his cooking by wagging its tail.

how hard it is to cook for humans if his dog was already praising him, he first bought some random ingredients and cooking tools, he spent more than a hundred gold just to buy ingredients, after he finished buying he then went to the City core, there were many rooms that were not used there so what's the problem to take one for himself.

After he got himself a room, Acewill checked all the ingredients he bought, because he was the owner of the City the vendors gave him a 30% discount, he almost bought all of the ingredients on the market, he was definitely not abusing his authority, after looking at the ingredients Acewill, and yes, he had no idea what is these ingredients, they were different from the real world but resembles each other, it was just its appearance was the difference.

Acewill tried to do the Auto cooking method that the game implemented, he opened a panel and pressed the Auto-Cooking, Acewill decided to try the salad, after 10 seconds it was finished, "How fast" Acewill said, the appearance of the salad looked appetizing, he then picked a fork then tasted it.

Tears came out of Acwills eyes as he chewed the salad, if another can see him they will think it was tears of joy but the truth "No taste" there was literally no taste, though his hunger points got a +10, the test was the main thing Acewill was looking for.

The hunger points were an added function, if a player hunger point dropped to 50 he will receive debuffs like hunger which will lower his attributes by 50%, and if it dropped to 20 then 100% also paralyzing them, and if it dropped to 0, congrats he died and the penalty was much more bizarre than dying to monsters, and of course to not die from hunger a player must eat, and the higher the energy food has the higher your hunger points.

There was also overeating in this game which will lower the speed and physique of the overeater, also the energy food that the food gives was something a player will see if he looks at its stats for example,


Energy Food: 10

That's it nothing else, no other information, Acewill was now in Delima what is the use of being a gourmet lover if there was no taste, he thought for a while then went to the original plan, to cook for himself.

"Now what to cook? Lasagna? Spaghetti? ah, I got it" Acewill exclaimed then he started cooking, eggs, rice, Acewill was proficient on his cooking and it was very easy cooking in the game, it was actually the same as cooking in real life.

After 10 minutes Acewill finally finished cooking and the smell of the food was lingering in the air and it was appetizing, Acewill then checked its stats.


Cuisine Rating: Essence

The egg chosen is the first egg laid by the First-grade spirit beast, Thunderstorm Pigeon, after its gestation. It contains a huge amount of spirit energy. Consumption increases the cultivation level of cultivators and there is a high chance of helping the low-level cultivator to advance past their bottlenecks. The rice chosen is the Pearl Rice from the Southern Wastelands. It is rich in spirit energy and can only be harvested per annum. It is rich in substances beneficial to cultivation and is currently the royal tribute of the Light Wind Empire. The oil chosen is made from the fats of the Wild Boar, it is neither greasy nor muddy. The salt chosen is the Fine Sea Salt from the Southern Wastelands.

Energy Food: 25

Spirit Energy: 100-35 depending on the cultivator stage (The lower the higher)

Additional Buff: All Attributes +2%


[You have learned Cultivator Cuisine]

[You have Acquired a profession]

[Sovereign Cultivator Chef]

The first chef to use cultivation while cooking and blessed by the gods.

+All cuisines that had been cooked will receive buffs depending on the food rating

+All of the cuisines have spirit energy depending on the food rating

Others ???

Acewill didn't care about the notifications he received he can look at it later, what is more, important was the food! Acewill gobbled up the Egg-Fried rice, he cooked a big portion of it and he was not afraid of overeating, why?

he had the <> which helps him so much and with this everything he eats will help him get stronger, "haha, What is a world without gourmet" Acewill laughed as he continued eating.