The Kill is Mine!


A loud roar was heard, Acewill saw the mountains started to move and the ground started to crack, he immediately regained his balance, with the spear in his hands he looked around and saw a dragon which was 10 story high, but instead of fear, Acewill felt an overwhelming urge to fight.

It had black scales and its eyes were pure red, just when Acewill was about to charge he noticed someone behind him, it was a warrior wearing a red cape, he had greatsword in his hands, he looked imposing, "I will take care of the dragon, you kill the minions" he said, then raised his greatsword and charged at the dragon.

The dragon turned his head to the man walking to him and roared it sneered and spoke.

"The land shall disappear in my shadow..." Massive darkness begins to cover the fields of farmers. "My wings shall replace the mountains...!" Mountains in the distance appear like hills as two massive black wings dwarve them as they rise. "My claws, shatter the earth!" The land moves like water as its massive claws land on the earth. "And my jaws shall swallow the sun!" On the horizon rises the head of a titanic beast, its jaws wide open as it reaches for the sun and then: darkness."

"This world shall disappear, forever, for I have arisen! The harbinger of the end! Adrukiin! If you dare to face me, I shall allow it! But be warned for only fools will rise their weapons and run towards me! Run and hide, or fight for your life! Show me if you throw it away or hold dear to it! I, Adrukiin, will fight as I am destined! Fight or run! These are the choices that held the survival of your species and now it shall determine your end! Face the black curtain within you!

Fight me and show me you want to live! Show me the fire that I had lost eons ago! Show me that your life is worth something!"

"You exist because we allow it, and you will end, because we demand it." The man said as he raised his sword and rushed at Adrukiin, the players had their mouth wide open, the man looked like an ant in front of Adrukiin but he still charged.

The man leaped in the air and roared, "I, KiwiWarrior shall slay you today". he slashed his greatsword and successfully gave Adrukiin an injury, it was not deep but Adrukiin still felt the pain and roared, Adrukiin raised his big claws and swept it to KiwiWarrior.

Even though the claws were big it was still fast, KiwiWarrior was sent flying for a few meters landing beside Acewill who had his hands on his chin looking at Adrukiin, KiwiWarrior was surprised, normally people will get scared when they see Adrukiin, but Acewill was looking at it like he was looking at a prey.

"You!, Kill the Shadow Lizards!" KiwiWarrior said as he patted Acewill's back, which woke Acewill from his thoughts, he also immediately charged with KiwiWarrior, the Shadow Lizards were big in size they were big as a school bus, there 3 Shadow Lizards coming close to Acewill.

Acewill started fighting the Shadow Lizards, unlike the first lizards this ones were faster and their defense was much harder, and with their increased size, their fire breath was also much bigger, but this didn't stop Acewill from slaughtering the lizards, he changed his tactics and fought with the 3 simultaneously, with their big bodies, Acewill made them collide each other and hurt each other, your typical friendly fire.

Their intelligence was low and Acewill easily outsmarted this lizard, after that Acewill used Eclipse.


summons an eclipse that suppresses the enemies in a wide area reducing all their stats by 30%, lasting 20 seconds.

Cooldown 5 minutes

The lizards felt like pressure on their bodies, He had also activated Searing strike for more damage.

[Searing Strike]

Attacks will deal extra damage, inflicting burn damage making targets lose 1% hp per second. It lasts for 5 seconds.

Cooldown 1 minute

It didn't take long for Acewill kill the first lizard, with one lizard less, a nonexistent pressure was removed from Acewill and it didn't take long for him to kill the 2nd and then the last, Acewill turned his head at KiwiWarrior and Ardukiin who were fighting, and they still haven't reached the climax, Acewill licked his lips and suddenly disappeared.

KiwiWarrior and Adrukiin were fighting when suddenly KiwiWarrior noticed a silhouette appeared behind Adrukiin, he slashed 3 times before splitting into four, Adrukiin roared in pain, the damage to him was not small, instead, it was too huge, 3 deep slashes were marked behind Adrukiin, even though KiwiWarrior was shocked it didn't stop him from attacking.

Acewill continued all of his attacks sending a barrage of attacks to Adrukiin who was already weakening, Adrukiin ignored KiwiWarrior and focused his attacks on Acewill, damn! Acewill damage was much more hazardous than KiwiWarrior, Every strike Adrukiin felt like he was hit by another dragon.

Acewill easily dodged the attacks of Adrukiin, activating searing strikes, Adrukiin again roared in pain, KiwiWarrior who was getting ignored didn't' care, sending a barrage of attacks with the doppelgangers, it didn't take long before Adrukiin showed signs of dying.

Acewill saw this chance and immediately climbed into Adrukiin's body, not really climbing, he started running as he defied gravity, reaching the head of Adrukiin, Acewill leaped in the air and raised his spear above his head, the tip pointing on Adrukiin's head.

Like a meteor, Acewill fell down at a great speed, Acewill also activated Searing strike the spear tip started to burn and flames were covering it, "Ahhhh, the kill is mine" Acewill shouted.


A loud explosion was heard and a strong wind blew around the fields, it was like an atomic dropped in the place, a huge crater was created and Adrukiin was already lying motionless on the ground, Acewill took out the game camera and made a V-sign and smiling.

After taking pictures Acewill immediately sent pictures to the guild chat which was seen by all guild members, meanwhile, KiwiWarrior went close Acewill.

Acewill noticed him and both of them stared at each other.


-To be continued

"Man that 60 minutes felt like an hour" 10 Reviews please <3