Chapter 2

When I opened my eyes, I saw an unfamiliar ceiling.

"Where am I?" I sat down.

I rolled my eyes, "No one's here. " I wonder who's the owner of this house, but whoever owns this house, I can tell that they were really rich. All the furniture were attached of golds and this bed was soft and the blanket was made of fabric, this is my first time sleeping in this kind of bed. I take a deep breathe. I need to know who's the owner of this house.

I got up from bed, my legs were still weak. I woke towards the door, I was about to open it when someone opened it. I was shocked, he walks towards me, and I step back but I stumbled my foot, I almost felt down, but he catches me.

"Are you alright?" and he smile at me.

I nodded.

"Just lay down a little bit more. You need to rest." and he carry me and gently putting me back to the soft bed. And again he smiled at me.

"Who are you?" I ask him.

I can't stop staring at him and I don't even know why but he is the most handsome guy I saw. He is very masculine, and his eyes were wide and deep, and he have a pinkish lips and made me want to kiss it. And his scent was making me want to taste him.

"You can call me Jas. And now, can I ask for your name?" and their again his smile. A perfect smile which I making me happy right now.

"I'm Jewel." and I sweetly smile.

"Hmm! Jewel, you mean treasure?" he said with amusement in his voice.

I just nodded.

"Are you hungry?" I saw concerned in his eyes. Why is he worried about me? Does he like me?

"Well, it's bad to lie, so yeah. I haven't eaten yet since yesterday." I honestly said. I can't be shy right now. I need to eat so I could have my energy back.

"I'll be right back, just wait for me, and stay there." he smile again.

What's wrong with him? Does he really likes me already? Maybe I'm just assuming. Maybe he was just really caring.

After a few minutes, he's back with a tray with him, he puts it in bed.

" You can eat now. I don't know if could finish it but I atleast try."

I didn't mind what he said, but I just can stop looking at this delicious and expensive food, and it also have a dessert, a strawberry cake. Maybe they're going to kill me tomorrow. I start eating, and I just can't stop until I finish my food.

"Wow! You ate it all. Are you still hungry?" he looks glad that I'm finally full.

"No, I'm so full right now, maybe later. Oh! Thank you for the food! You're not gonna kill me after this right?" I tiredly said. I got tired of eating fast and eating a lot. I can't move I'm really am full.

He didn't say a word instead he move closely towards me, his face is so close to mine and I can even felt his warm breathe. I think he's going to kiss me. His eyes were sparkling and he's looking into my eyes, and as he's getting closer and closer the harder for me to breathe and I can really feel and her my heartbeat beating so fast like it wanted to come out, I can't even moved. And here it comes. What do I do?

"Your Highness!"

And he felt to the floor. I'm also shock by that loud voice. Saved by the bell.