Unmatched Theasure

Unmatched Treasure

Sun Wenyan received the simple book from Vice Director Xuan. Sun Wenyan was excited, he received him with extreme care and nervousness.

Deputy Director Xuan couldn't help but smile when he saw Sun Wenyan's appearance and said, "This Heavenly Sky Technique is the fundamental cultivation technique for users of the Heavenly Sovereign Martial Arts, almost all users of the Sovereign Martial Arts. Celestial will use this cultivation technique for foundation development. Only after the 3rd Layer of Spiritual Ancestry will they move on to study deeper cultivation techniques. "

A cultivation technique to practice only your foundation!

Sun Wenyan was surprised, since his Purple Raven Family does not have any cultivation techniques, much less a fundamental building technique. Sun Wenyan considered the Heavenly Sky cultivation technique to be a treasure and carefully guarded it.

Linghu Yu, watching Sun Wenyan's reaction to receiving the most common cultivation technique, laughed hard inside his heart. 'This naive hillbilly, doesn't really know how high the skies are, unexpectedly is treating a junk cultivation technique by Celestial Sovereign Martial Arts users as a precious treasure.'

However, on the other side, Yun Mingzhu was slightly smiling and thinking about Sun Wenyan's pure and simple nature. Of all the people she knew, no one looked like Sun Wenyan!

Deputy Director Xuan paid no attention, he knew that Sun Wenyan's family background was common. Sun Wenyan doesn't know much about the outside world, he knew, that he will soon know how normal the Heavenly Cultivation technique is.

After that, Sun Wenyan practiced for an entire day without any rest.

At first, Deputy Director Xuan thought Sun Wenyan was a lazy person, but he watched him train hard for an entire day, and had a new impression on him.

Yun Mingzhu and Linghu Yu practiced very hard too, but they rested every hour of training, to restore some strength; whereas Sun Wenyan was practicing diligently without stopping from the beginning. Seeing this Deputy Director Xuan admired Sun Wenyan's vigor. When Sun Wenyan stopped for a while, he studied the Heavenly Sky Technique.

Sun Wenyan was looking at the Heavenly Sky Technique, because he could already feel in his Dantian the constant flow of Qi that Deputy Director Xuan had said. Now, even the rotation of Qi within your body was fully automated. He doesn't even have to focus anymore. With each passing second, his physique was getting a huge improvement.

Cultivation is such a magical thing, that after starting, you could incessantly feel your body improving.

'If reaching the 1st Layer of Spiritual Ascension increases your physical constitution to that level, then what will the 9th Layer of Spiritual Ascension be like, how much stronger will it be?'

What Sun Wenyan did not know, was that his initial cultivation was not like an ordinary person.

Sun Wenyan started looking at the Heavenly Cultivation Technique, he repeated the words written in the book in his head.

"He who is strong will become a Saint, a Saint will protect everyone below his wings." Sun Wenyan repeated the words inside his mind, and the more he thought, the more mysterious he sounded.

When he repeated the first time, he thought they were full of mysteries. In his second repetition, he realized that they hold more meaning than any other words he has heard so far. However, when he repeated it a third time, he was struck with a revelation that the meaning of these words is infinite.

Such a mysterious technique is really just a foundation-building technique. Can one really only reach the 3rd Layer of Spiritual Ancestry through this technique?

In the heart of Sun Wenyan, this question made him suddenly realize how vast and deep the Martial Arts Cultivation Techniques really are. If this profound technique can only be called a foundation-building technique, and one can only reach the 3rd Layer of Spiritual Ascension, then what would the most advanced cultivation techniques be like? How deep and mysterious are they and how high will it be to train in the future?

Deputy Director Xuan asked suddenly looking at Linghu Yu, Yun Mingzhu and Sun Wenyan. "In order to successfully practice martial arts and become a power, what do you think is most important? Linghu Yu, you answer first."

"To practice martial arts, the most important thing is Qi. One who has more Qi on his meridians will naturally have more strength than others. A user of the Martial Arts of the Scarlet Dawn, can use Qi to produce scarlet flames. If he can produce the purest flame, he can even refine steel with it. " Linghu Yu replied without any hesitation.

Deputy Director Xuan smiled, but did not respond when he heard Linghu Yu's words, he looked at Sun Wenyan, "What do you think?"

"I think the most important thing on the path of cultivation is someone's spirit, it can help achieve harmony between nature and Qi, it also helps the cultivator to become aware of the vastness of heaven and earth. If a cultivator you have an idea of ​​the cultivation spirit, you will have no difficulty, the Spirit is the nucleus in obtaining enlightenment from the Dao.

Deputy Director Xuan was surprised after hearing Sun Wenyan's words, for a long time he didn't say a word.

"What is this? This is absurd." Linghu Yu scoffed and spared no thought in Sun Wenyan's words.

Upon hearing Linghu Yu's words, Deputy Director Xuan took a deep breath and said. "If one has only a superficial understanding of the martial arts, then that person should avoid showing his will, so that this is not his own disgrace." Then he looked at Sun Wenyan and slightly nodded. "Sun Wenyan said it well, in addition, understanding the spirit is extremely difficult, but Wenyan can already see the trail in front of him."

Yun Mingzhu looked at Sun Wenyan with astonishment, she never thought that Master Xuan would give Sun Wenyan such a high rating!

Liang's face was flushed, he didn't think he would be scolded by Deputy Director Xuan. He didn't know where Sun Wenyan had heard those words, but he was praised by Master Xuan for them, he was about to go extremely crazy. It is necessary to know that in cultivation, the opinion of a master is very important for advancing in the future!

'Shit Sun Wenyan!'

The more he looked at Sun Wenyan, the worse his mood got. He must find an opportunity to step on Sun Wenyan!

Deputy Director Xuan kept saying. "Later on, all of you must also pay attention to your spiritual growth. Since ancient times, there was an infinite heritage of martial arts, but the broader martial arts that you propagated were only the Celestial Dragon Martial Arts, the Martial Arts of Aurora Scarlet and the Martial Arts of the Celestial Sovereign. The cultivators of these three martial arts are numerous, but some martial arts are very mystical and formidable despite not being very popular. Never underestimate any martial arts heritage. "

"In this world, the Spiritual Tower rises with its 12 battle stages, this majestic tower is so big that its peak could not be seen. Every five years, the peak was shrouded in clouds. They say that this spiritual tower it leads to the life paths of the deities and provides eternal life for the cultivator. Many cultivators who practiced to the peak traveled the spiritual path because of the attraction of eternal life. "

"Sun Wenyan, Yun Mingzhu and Linghu Yu, you will also have to pursue this ideal in order to achieve success in your martial and spiritual cultivation. This ideal will not only help in your cultivation, but will also determine your future achievements in the Martial World." Deputy Director Xuan looked sternly at all three and asked. "What are the goals that you pursue?"

Upon hearing Deputy Director Xuan's question, the arrogant Linghu Yu looked defiantly at Sun Wenyan and said proudly: "I, of course, practice martial arts to one day be able to become the Prime Minister of the Great Bai Empire. I want to be a pillar of the state to support it. " 'I was scolded by Master Xuan, but now, I definitely have to work hard from now on.'

"Hmm… support your state, and become a pillar that you support, a good ideal!" Master Xuan smiled and nodded. He immediately looked at Yun Mingzhu and asked. "Yun Mingzhu, how about you?"

Yun Mingzhu thought for a moment and said with a distant look. "I practice martial arts for freedom."

"Freedom?" Deputy Director Xuan was startled and looked for a second.

"I want to travel anywhere between heaven and earth, without being hindered by anyone. I want to be a fish in this sea of ​​the vast world, who can go anywhere anytime he wants." What Mingzhu said was that she did not want to commit to her family. The family will eventually decide who she will marry. After becoming a wife, she will be an ordinary woman, no different from many others. However, what she wants is freedom!

"I understand, it seems that you want to be like the Martial Goddess Guo Tian, ​​who is also not linked to anyone within the Nine Great Empires." Master Xuan nodded, smiling, "This is also a good idea to proceed."

Deputy Director Xuan looked at Sun Wenyan. "What is your dream, Wenyan?"

"My dream? I have no great ideal, master, I just want to help my clan members to have a better life" Sun Wenyan thought about when he started to cultivate, he also wanted to become a power in the world of cultivation, to reach the pinnacle of martial arts, but now, all he wants is to help his family and the clan.

Wouldn't it be funny if a man who doesn't have enough food and clothes to dream of some distant ideals?

After hearing Sun Wenyan's words, Linghu Yu laughed hard inside his heart. People like Sun Wenyan are not destined to be able to achieve anything in life! Why heaven would grant such talent to him is really mysterious. However, Sun Wenyan encouraged six Crystals of Spiritual Essence to shine, it was very difficult to estimate how high his achievements will be.

The Cultivation path requires huge resources, but how many resources can Sun Wenyan's family provide for him?

Celestial Sovereign Martial Arts users need 72 Heavenly Essence Stones to advance from the 1st Layer of Spiritual Ancestry to the 2nd Layer of Spiritual Ancestry. One of these Star Essence Stones costs dozens of gold crystals, this is not an amount that an ordinary family could pay!

"Making clan members have a better life" Deputy Director Xuan was a little surprised and silent for a moment.

Deputy Director Xuan looked a little desolate, in his eyes could be found a hint of pain, he sighed slightly and unexpectedly without saying anything came out. Each step of Master Xuan weighed 100 tons.

Deputy Director Xuan's sudden action panicked Sun Wenyan, 'Did I do something wrong?'

After that day, Deputy Director Xuan always made himself appear to be in a bad mood, Sun Wenyan wanted to ask and apologize for his mistake, but he did not have the courage to ask. Linghu Yu saw Sun Wenyan's troubled expression and laughed a lot "Sun Wenyan, that idiot unexpectedly offended Master Xuan"

In the past few days, Sun Wenyan was cultivating hard.

Sun Wenyan didn't know why, but even after practicing hard for several days without sleep, he was still full of energy and not at all sleepy. Sun Wenyan had a vague thought that this could be related to the old pill he saw that day, but he never dared to ask anyone about that day's subject.

Sun Wenyan realized that since he didn't need to sleep, and was still full of energy, then he obviously couldn't waste any time, and should start cultivating madly all the time.

While the others were practicing for 10 hours a day, he was cultivating for 20 hours!

Even after practicing twice more than the others, he did not believe that he could compare with them in relation to cultivation.

Sun Wenyan was circulating his Qi inside his body incessantly, as instructed by Master Xuan. He was also trying to feel the powers of the stars and trying to attract them to his Dantian according to the Heavenly Sky Technique.

Often, during the night, Sun Wenyan could feel a special power gathering in his body, this must be the power of the stars mentioned in the Heavenly Sky Technique, he gathered this power in his body continuously during the night.

During the night when Sun Wenyan used to look at the sky, he saw endless constellations of bright stars making a mysterious and unfathomable celestial map with its lights.

Within the millions of stars in the sky, one star was especially bright compared to the others, blinding everyone around it. She was surrounded by a glow of colored light.

It was even more stunning than the moon!

Sun Wenyan was looking at that star and, slowly, he went into a trance. Sun Wenyan started to feel some changes in his dantian after watching the star for a while.

Boom !!

Suddenly an exceptionally vast and profound aura entered Sun Wenyan's Dantian. His Dantian started to shake violently, Sun Wenyan woke up from the trance and quickly concentrated his spirit on his Dantian. Sun Wenyan discovered that there was a sparkling and luminous star like the one in the sky. When Sun Wenyan tried to feel that shining star on his Dantian, he felt an especially warm sensation, which ran throughout his body and made a complete circle around his dantian.

Sun Wenyan was excited "This must be the star fusion phase mentioned in the Heavenly Sky Technique, I have successfully integrated with my star!"

This little ball of sparkling star clearly tells me that my luminous star 'Blessing-of-Asmodeus' is my Star of Destiny.

"I have successfully completed the fusion phase of the star mentioned in the Heavenly Sky Technique, but doesn't that mean that I am on the 2nd Layer of Spiritual Ancestry?" However, Sun Wenyan was doubting himself. Deputy Director Xuan had told him that he would reach the 1st Layer of Spiritual Ancestry after several days of practice, but to reach the 2nd Layer of Spiritual Ancestry he would have to practice for at least a month!

"Am I really on the 2nd Layer of Spiritual Ancestry?"

Sun Wenyan was ignorant and had no experience in terms of cultivation levels. He was unable to determine how far his cultivation had reached.

The power of the stars was a very mysterious force, after completing the star's fusion phase, Sun Wenyan could feel that the luminous star in his Dantian was continuously sending out a mysterious Qi, which was slowly feeding his body, slowly making his power increase.

Sun Wenyan suddenly threw a punch with a low, vibrant sound, and the power of the stars surged around him like a heat wave.

Sun Wenyan was very happy to see his strength improved, he was practicing madly for the past few days, even in his time off, he was pondering the Heavenly Heaven Technique and the other books.

Several days later, at the Martial Arts Room of Academia do Dragão da Geada.

Inside the martial arts room, Deputy Director Xuan was at the front. Yun Mingzhu, Linghu Yu and Sun Wenyan were lined up behind Master Xuan.

"For the past seven days, I have instructed them to channel their Qi, but starting today I will be teaching martial arts." Deputy Director Xuan smiled and said lightly, "Yun Mingzhu, you first!"

"Yes Master" Yun Mingzhu was in line with the others, but when called, she quickly took a step forward. She was wearing tight fighting clothes for the practice of martial arts, which perfectly outlined her tall and thin figure.

Deputy Director Xuan looked at Linghu Yu and Sun Wenyan "Linghu Yu you also came to watch and learn, Sun Wenyan you have not yet reached the 1st layer of Spiritual Ancestry, so practice the circulation of Qi first!"

"Master, wait!" Sun Wenyan hurriedly called on Master Xuan.

"What…" Deputy Director Xuan turned and asked Sun Wenyan in doubt.

"Master, the disciple thinks he has probably reached the 1st Layer of Spiritual Ancestry" Sun Wenyan was not quite sure, so he hesitantly replied Master Xuan.

As soon as Yun Mingzhu and Linghu Yu heard what Sun Wenyan said, they looked at Sun Wenyan in amazement.

"Oh! You have cultivated to the 1st Layer of Spiritual Ancestry" Deputy Director Xuan was surprised and asked quickly, "How come you cultivated so fast?"

According to Sun Wenyan's martial arts foundation, Master Xuan had estimated that it would take at least a month for Sun Wenyan to reach the 1st Layer of Spiritual Ancestry. But was Sun Wenyan saying that he had achieved it in just 7 days?

"That is not possible, Sun Wenyan, you believe that cultivating the 1st Layer of Spiritual Ancestry is child's play" Linghu Yu coldly snorted and said.

Even Sun Wenyan was not sure, yesterday, when he practiced he had thought that he could have already reached the 2nd Layer of Spiritual Ancestry. Even his punch seemed powerful enough, but today he didn't want to speak irresponsibly.

"Do you already have a Qi thread in your dantian the size of a needle?" Deputy Director Xuan asked.

Sun Wenyan hesitated after hearing Deputy Director Xuan. 'If the Qi were the size of a needle, but my Qi is at least a thumb thick. Wasn't that normal? '

"Yes Master!" Sun Wenyan hesitantly replied.

"If you really are on the 1st Layer of Spiritual Ancestry, then starting today your Qi will slowly increase your body's strength. We will do a little test to test your current strength, and then we can determine how to improve your strength. "Deputy Director said thoughtfully.

"Yes Master!" Sun Wenyan nodded respectfully.

Linghu Yu pursed his lips in disgust. It was impossible for Sun Wenyan to have reached the 1st Layer of Spiritual Ancestry so quickly, he should be lying to get Vice Director Xuan's attention after his mistakes!

Yun Mingzhu was standing next to him when his eyes fell on Sun Wenyan's body, which was full of doubts. Did Sun Wenyan really practice up to the 1st Layer of Spiritual Ancestry so quickly?

Deputy Director Xuan said, while waving to Sun Wenyan "If you really have reached the 1st Layer of Spiritual Ancestry, you can practice Martial Skill."

"Yes!" Sun Wenyan excitedly walked towards Master Xuan.

Deputy Director Xuan had Yun Mingzhu, Linghu Yu and Sun Wenyan stand in front of a wooden stake separately and said, "You will treat this wooden pole as your enemy and punch it. First, firm your whole body, then , boost the fist with a tiny Qi wire ... "

Deputy Director started to teach Yun Mingzhu, Linghu Yu and Sun Wenyan more and more, he was very patient teaching all three. Sun Wenyan discovered that Master Xuan may appear to be a strict elderly person, but he was really very kind on the inside.

"With the strength of your whole body behind, induce Qi's fist, you have to hit right in the middle of the stake." Master Xuan was slowly explaining and guiding everyone's actions at the same time.

Upon hearing Master Xuan's voice, the delicate Yun Mingzhu and Linghu Yu launched their blows at the wooden stake with a slow hum.

* Bang! *

* Bang! *

"To display your full strength you have to boost your fists with Qi, but release only at the last moment. This will help you show your true strength, now your powers are insufficient."

As Deputy Director Xuan finished speaking, everyone heard a loud sound.

* Booooom! *

After Sun Wenyan threw the punch, he was staring at the result. He did everything exactly as Master Xuan said when he punched, he boosted Qi with the power of his whole body, hitting the wooden stake. But the sturdy wooden stake was split in half after receiving the blow, and not only that, but the upper part of the stake was hurled away.

Sun Wenyan did not know that he had become so powerful. His fist was not even hurt because of the power of the stars.

"Master, I didn't mean to do that. It was a mistake." Sun Wenyan quickly called his master. He was upset, he had no intention of breaking the wooden stake!

Linghu Yu looked amazed, was he seeing a ghost? When he recently attacked the stake, he knew how tough he really was, so how did Sun Wenyan break yours?

'Sun Wenyan's stake must have been damaged by now, which is why it broke so easily. Yes, I'm sure!' Linghu Yu thought firmly.

Vice President Xuan felt his eyebrows flutter. His eyes were fixed on the broken wood. With his vision, he could see clearly how powerful Sun Wenyan's fist was.

So much strength, he feared that this was not a mere 2nd Layer of Spiritual Ancestry!

Certainly, this was after all a talent that managed to ignite 6 Crystals of Spiritual Essence; possessing a greater talent than the others.

When he saw the expression of Sun Wenyan, who was afraid due to his attack that broke the wooden stake, Vice President Xuan couldn't help but smile. Compared to the discovery of a genius, what could this broken wooden stake mean?