Were They Burned?

The silent night slowly passed. In the morning the sun's rays slowly appeared on the horizon.

Today the gym was different from ordinary days, it was much more lively. In the central courtyard of the institute, several students gathered.

It was the date of the Foundry Test. The Frost Dragon Academy was organizing these students to hunt and kill some demonic beasts. This was one of the academy's most important events, because if students didn't have a real combat experience, it would be impossible to become true powerful experts. However, in each Foundry Test, some students would be injured and even some deaths could occur, so the academy would send some teachers to supervise the test and ensure the safety of the students.

Sun Wenyan was also in the crowd and noticed Yun Mingzhu walking the distance. She wore white silk training robes and looked very elegant. There was also a girl on Yun Mingzhu's side, she wore bright gold training robes, and these bright colors caught the attention of the surroundings. Unexpectedly she was also a first class beauty no less than Yun Mingzhu!

This girl, he wondered who she was.

The two radiating beauties soon became the focus of students' attention. A heated argument broke out between them.

"That girl in the golden robe next to Yun Mingzhu. Who is she?"

"Don't you know? She's the granddaughter of our City Lord, the director's personal disciple, Murong Beam. From what I've heard, her cultivation has already surpassed Yun Mingzhu and must be at the peak of the 4th stage of the Spiritual Ancestry layer! "

Murong Beam and Yun Mingzhu were whispering to each other about something. Evidently the two were close friends.

"Senior Sister Yun!" Sun Wenyan waved to greet Yun Mingzhu although he was still ashamed of the events of the previous day. Still, he still took the initiative and went to talk to her.

When she saw Sun Wenyan, Yun Mingzhu's cheeks were hot and slightly red. Then she pretended she hadn't seen him, turned around and actually left.

Sun Wenyan stopped when he saw her reaction and felt sadness in his heart. It seemed that Yun Mingzhu had not yet forgiven him for what had happened the day before. Was it bad that she didn't want to meet him again?

Looking at Sun Wenyan's sad appearance, not far from there, Linghu Yu was actually smiling disdainfully. Sun Wenyan, that little bastard, doesn't really recognize his place. Yun Mingzhu had really helped Sun Wenyan with good words several times before, but if he thought she would pay more attention to him like that, he really should overestimate himself!

Their prestige, there was a great chasm between them.

Linghu Yu's gaze fell on Murong Beam's body, his eyes shone with affection. For him, Murong Beam was truly the personification of the ideal woman, Murong was the surname of the Emperor of the Great Bai Empire, his grandfather was the City Lord of the Celestial Ancestor and his father was the Northern Guardian of the Empire's borders! Furthermore, his talent was impressive and his ages were close.

Before, Linghu Yu did not dare to like her, but since the patriarch of his Family Black Sol discussed marriage with the Guardian of the North, although he was clearly rejected, since then he was always dreaming for her. If he married Murong Beam, the position of patriarch of the Sol Negro Family would definitely fall into his hands.

Although the Sol Negro Family was only an aristocratic family from the City of the Celestial Ancestor, their ancestors had several generals in the Legion of the Imperial Knights, they had considerable prestige and influence in the empire's capital. Even though they still couldn't be compared to Murong Beam's track record, they were still somewhat acceptable.

Linghu Yu really wanted Murong Beam's approval.

"Beam, you really came!" Linghu Yu walked towards Murong Beam, looked at her and smiled warmly. He knew that Murong Beam would not like a discouraged and petty person.

Murong Beam looked quickly at Linghu Yu, she seemed uninterested in him. However, when she saw Yun Mingzhu's reaction to Sun Wenyan, although she seemed to ignore him, her shy and embarrassed reaction failed to escape her sharp gaze! There was definitely something strange going on! Definitely something big must have happened!

Murong Beam's vision slowly probed Sun Wenyan's appearance, and in his opinion he was even cute. But his cotton clothes exposed his status as a rookie family. Even if they had some form of relationship now, they would not be able to obtain permission from the Mingzhu Family.

Perhaps because she expected more from Sun Wenyan, she stared at him for a long time until finally paying attention to something else.

Seeing Murong Beam's action left Linghu Yu extremely furious. When he greeted Murong Beam, she didn't care much for him, but she actually showed some interest in Sun Wenyan to the point of analyzing him for some time. It could drive you crazy with resentment!

If Murong Beam wasn't there, he would look for problems for Sun Wenyan for sure!

By that time Hongyi Qian had arrived from Sun Wenyan's side with a bright smile on his face and said "How long!"

Seeing Hongyi Qian made Sun Wenyan very happy. In those days, while he was receiving training personally from Deputy Director Xuan, he was unable to meet Hongyi Qian, his only friend at the academy, for a long time.

"Yes, it's been a long time!". Sun Wenyan replied. When he looked at Hongyi Qian he realized that his hand was covered with several scars. These marks must come from the heavy training that Hongyi Qian was doing. He was a Celestial Dragon Martial Artist, usually cultivating in hand-to-hand fights, so it wasn't exactly weird that he had cuts and bruises all over his body. It was difficult to imagine how difficult and arduous his training was.

"Your hands are hurt!" Sun Wenyan looked at Hongyi Qian and said it fondly.

"Haha, it's just shallow cuts. You don't have to worry about that." Hongyi Qian smiled nonchalantly. When he looked at Murong Beam behind him, his gaze froze for an instant but quickly returned to normal.

"Let me treat you. I have a medicinal ointment here." Said Sun Wenyan as he held both hands of Hongyi Qian.

"You don't need that," said Hongyi Qian as he pulled his hands away.

"The race will start soon, don't you want to have a good result?" Sun Wenyan stared at Hongyi Qian as he carefully examined his palms. The number and density of scars was indeed alarming. It even had corns forming in several parts.

He felt ashamed, as the scars and calluses on Hongyi Qian's palms made him understand how much more difficult his cultivation was in relation to his own.

Sun Wenyan took some of the ointment he made and spread it on Hongyi Qian's wounds, and then began to circulate his star power in his palm before transmitting it to Hongyi Qian's wound. He smiled as he let Sun Wenyan heal his wounds.

When Sun Wenyan catches the wound, a faint trace of mystical power entered Hongyi Qian's meridians and entered his Dantian. When he felt this mystical power, his eyebrows were furrowed and he looked at Sun Wenyan in surprise.

"What happened?" Sun Wenyan saw his expression and was a little puzzled.

"Wenyan, what I'm going to say is very important." Hongyi Qian looked at him very seriously.

"Say what?" Wenyan spoke with doubt.

"In the future, unless you have no other option, unless you are a very close person, do not use your power to help others!" Hongyi Qian said very strictly.

"I am a Celestial Sovereign Martial Artist. It is my duty to help others and treat their injuries!" Sun Wenyan smiled and sincerely said. "We, Martial Artists of the Celestial Sovereign, although we don't have great fighting skills, through our care we can help others immensely. I think that means a lot."

Although he still had an intense hatred for the main family, Sun Wenyan's inner feeling was sincere. He still remembered the things his paternal aunt had taught him, which was to always do his best to help people and do good deeds. Her aunt was the type of person who would rather sacrifice herself than having to hurt others, and these things were strongly etched in her mind after her death.

Seeing Sun Wenyan's expression, Hongyi Qian's face seemed to sink a little, and then said, "If you don't hear my words, then from now on we won't be friends anymore!"

Hearing what Hongyi Qian said and seeing his extremely serious face, Sun Wenyan simply did not understand. Why was he so angry?

Since Hongyi Qian said this, Sun Wenyan must have heard it. Then he nodded and said. "I get it, I won't casually treat others in the future." Although he didn't know the reason, he didn't want to lose his only friend at the gym.

"How nice!" Hongyi Qian also nodded in agreement.

When Sun Wenyan treated Hongyi Qian, he noticed something unusual in his arm. It had a mysterious seal that was vaguely visible by the clothes. He didn't understand how he could see if the clothes blocked his view.

It was an extremely mystical seal, it looked like a lotus but it had nine petals and a black and red color and it made Sun Wenyan's throat completely muffled, not letting him breathe.

Sun Wenyan gasped, took a deep breath and his whole body was covered in a cold sweat.

Seeing Sun Wenyan's reaction, Hongyi Qian was slightly startled and his eyes narrowed and after being silent for a long time he said, "Wenyan, can you see" that "?"

"Yes, what is" that "?" There was a trace of fear in Sun Wenyan's eyes, so he looked at Hongyi Qian and asked.

"Don't worry about it, and don't tell others, okay? The only thing you need to know is, that I won't hurt you." Hongyi Qian looked him in the eye and said gently.

After facing Hongyi Qian for a long time, Sun Wenyan finally agreed. He was willing to be silent because he wanted to remain friends with Hongyi Qian. And that strange symbol? What was that? He thought nervously that Hongyi Qian is not as simple as he looks!

After the treatment was over and Hongyi Qian's hands were restored, not a single scar remained. One of his classmates exclaimed in awe, "Wenyan, this is really cool! Everyone says that the Celestial Sovereign Martial Artist is useless, but I totally disagree with that! If a team had a Celestial Sovereign Martial Artist like you, all the team would be much more prepared. If I get hurt, I will be counting on you. "

What said that was a young woman in a gray cotton garment. He came from a family of commoners like Sun Wenyan and Hongyi Qian. He had good relations with Hongyi Qian and wanted to make friends with him too.

The three were the most incredible beginners among the commoner families in the class.

"Then, if it's just a minor injury, don't ask Sun Wenyan to treat you! His treatment method takes a lot of power from the stars!" Hongyi Qian said sternly to Mong Yusheng.

Sun Wenyan wanted to explain that each treatment only cost a small amount of power from the stars, but seeing the ferocity in Hongyi Qian's gaze quickly made him swallow the words.

"Okay!" Said Mong Yusheng, who shrugged and smiled at Sun Wenyan.

Although they were about the same age, Hongyi Qian seemed much more firm and experienced and Mong Yusheng looked more like the kind of person who lives carefree. Sun Wenyan just heard that Mong Yusheng came from a village called Ghost Field Village. That name always made people shiver in the air. He was an orphan who was adopted by a couple of farmers. Every day he played anywhere between the mountains and the sea and never seriously tried to practice cultivation. But even so, he showed an innate talent much higher than the average, so he can be enrolled in the academy.

While the students talked among themselves, the hunting teams started to form naturally. Professor Chun Xianxia walked towards them, looked at Sun Wenyan and the others and said "This team will be under my leadership, the members are: Murong Beam, Linghu Yu, Sun Wenyan, Mong Yusheng, Hongyi Qian, Xiao Yang, Heng Shan, Wuxia Long, ... "

Professor Chun Xianxia announced a total of 16 names. Almost half of the students in the class were in this group.

As the team leader, they had 5 teachers in addition to Chun Xianxia. They all had cultivation on the 5th stage of the Spiritual Ascendancy Layer and they were responsible for taking care of these students. After registering all members, Professor Chun Xianxia smiled and said, "Follow me."

The group got together and formed a line. Then the team left the Academia do Dragão da Geada and settled around a remote mountain range.

They went on a long hilly path and after walking for about two hours they arrived on an iron bridge. On both sides of the bridge, there were steep ravines and if anyone looked down from the bridge, they could not see the bottom. Iron chains fastened planks across the bridge that led to the distant top of the mountain. The size exceeded several hundred meters.

"This is the entrance to the Foundry Test site. This plateau is surrounded by cliffs and the only way to get out of here is by this bridge. This bridge is over 500 meters and no more than 30 students can pass through it. turn." Professor Chun Xianxia smiled and continued. "Everyone can rest easy, this bridge and chains were made from deep and refined metals. We don't know which super specialist created this bridge, but so far no one has been able to break it."

Hearing the teacher's words, the students looked at the bridge and came back breathing a breath of air. Under the bridge a dense fog will block your view until you can no longer see the bottom. Not only that, but looking ahead, the bridge also led to a wall of dense fog, it did not lead to the end of the bridge.

Standing in front of the strange bridge, they couldn't help feeling their legs soften a little.

"I'll go ahead and all of you, follow me" Chun Xianxia smiled and started walking towards the iron bridge.

Murong Feixe and Yun Mingzhu were the first to follow him. Behind them Linghu Yu and the others could not help but swallow, although they were still afraid, they would not admit to themselves being inferior, and went on.

"How can we lose to these girls?" Hongyi Qian looked at Murong Beam's back and took a step forward. Sun Wenyan and Mong Yusheng followed close behind.

"Hee, so these cliffs are very deep, right?" Mong Yusheng continued to look around, even at the bottom of the cliff, showing no sign of fear.

The rest of the students followed behind, while the 5 teachers continued to look after their respective students.

Now with more than 30 people walking on the bridge, it started to sway a little and everyone started walking more slowly, afraid of the bridge falling.

"Wenyan, and how is your cultivation?" Hongyi Qian asked as they walked side by side.

"I'm not sure that I actually reached the 3rd stage of the Spiritual Ancestry layer. In any case, I still can't defeat a Celestial Dragon or Scarlet Dawn Martial Artist in the 3rd stage of the Spiritual Ancestry layer." Sun Wenyan smiled bitterly. After all he was a Celestial Sovereign Martial Artist, although he could learn some martial skills most of which were not for use in fights. It was quite different from Martial Artists of the Celestial Dragon or from the Scarlet Aurors who could already learn formidable martial skills already in the 3rd stage of the Spiritual Ancestry layer.

"You don't have to be anxious about this, every Celestial Sovereign Martial Artist needs to reach the 8th stage of the Spiritual Ancestry layer to be truly strong!" Hongyi Qian said smiling.

"How do you know that?" Sun Wenyan opened his eyes wide and looked directly at Hongyi Qian with doubt. After all, not even the deputy director said a word about it!

"Eehh…" Hongyi Qian froze for a moment, and started laughing while scratching his head. "I read this in an old book once at random."

"Old book? What old book? Can I have a look?" Sun Wenyan's interest came up suddenly. He spent the last few days reading whatever book he found, so he had almost finished all the books in his room!

"... Sorry, but these books were all burned by someone who doesn't want the stars to shine again" Hongyi Qian said suddenly looking down. He lowered his head and started walking forward.

"Burned?" Sun Wenyan still looked doubtfully at Hongyi Qian. He had this strong feeling that he was hiding things from him.