Senior Brother Wenyan

The flame power emitted by Linghu Jian spread fiercely in all directions.

The features of all the students around them changed a lot when they saw this scene.

Really worthy of being a Scarlet Aurora Martial Artist who inherited the Black Flame, although in appearance it only showed the cultivation of the 2nd layer of the Kingdom of Spiritual Ancestry layer, but this burning flame was comparable to the flame of an Aurora Martial Artist Scarlet 3rd stage!

After all, this Linghu Jian was a young man from an elite Aristocratic Family. He received amazing farming resources from his clan. This was not something that an ordinary young man could compare to!

Sensing his opponent's boundless seriousness, Sun Wenyan's face became solemn. After all he had only recently learned martial arts, the battle skills he had achieved were only at a basic level, simply impossible to resist a scarlet dawn martial artist of the same level!

The strength of each martial artist's stamp art from the scarlet dawns, he just didn't know anything about it.

Sun Wenyan turned the stellar power on his dantian with force. The two inner stars were emitting blinding light. Stellar power ran continuously from its dantian and finely covered its body completely with stellar power. This type of protective energy would not be easily broken or even ordinary flame power.

At that time, Yun Mingzhu expressed traces of concern. She already had some superficial idea of ​​Sun Wenyan's strength. His cultivation really grew at an impressive rate, but in the end he was still a young man from an ordinary family. He had learned martial arts for a few months, so he had no way of resisting a martial skill from a scarlet dawn martial artist.

The rest of the students also stared at Sun Wenyan. Linghu Jian finally showed his fighting skills and they feared it was the end for Sun Wenyan. Celestial Sovereign Martial Artists were known for their healing and treatment skills, their combative abilities were really weak. If he really faced Linghu Jian's martial skill, there would simply be no trick to ensuring his success.

Hongyi Qian calmly looked at them. His expression showed no change.

"A mere slave like you, who has spent his entire life working on the land we provide for his family, will never have the qualifications to become an expert!" Linghu Jian pointed at Sun Wenyan and said ridiculing him.

Since he was a child, his parents had told him that every member of every secondary family was his servant!

But now did that same young servant dare to treat him, the great young man of the main family, in terms of equality?

This was absolutely intolerable!

After Linghu Jian's last seal art finished, his two arms suddenly began to emit two burning flames from within his hands. These flames grew and grew and finally covered their arms all. The corner of his mouth curved upward slightly in a cold smile. He thought "Heh… Just depending on your star power, do you want to resist my attack? Keep dreaming"

Hearing Linghu Jian's words, Sun Wenyan was deeply enraged. All the anger he held in his heart, from the years he spent enduring humiliation, erupted.

Could it be that, in the eyes of the main family, the people of your clan were not even considered human? Could they, young people from secondary families who were destined to become strong, be respected by the family? Why is all this?

Sun Wenyan vividly remembered her paternal aunt who hanged herself after being deeply humiliated by members of the Sol Negro Family. She really was a kind person and she was really treated that way by those dogs! In addition, when they had a poor harvest from the farm, the main family still demanded the same grain rate, which caused several old men to starve to have food for the youngest. Do these elderly people deserve such a painful death?

Sun Wenyan closed his fist tightly, and the veins began to appear in his hand. The bluish glow that shone even more intensely. His stellar power began to run violently across all the meridians of his body, resisting the power of the martial art of the scarlet dawn of Linghu Jian.

The strength of Linghu Jian's scarlet dawn martial ability was truly formidable, but in fact it was unable to make Sun Wenyan retreat. A great deal of stellar power erupted from within his body, which made him look like a God of War!

"Go to hell!" Linghu Jian's mouth had a cold smile full of murderous intent. He shouted the blades of fire in his two hands to cut Sun Wenyan.

The two blades of flame that were filled with an enormous amount of flame power quickly aimed at Sun Wenyan's vital points.

There was a big tremor!

The blades of fire collided with the star power that was protecting Sun Wenyan, immediately the star power quickly eroded. These two giant blades of fire almost reached Sun Wenyan's head, but he still remained immobile, without trying to dodge the blades. At that time his mind was chanting several mystical verses from the Heavenly Heaven Technique.

"Only the sky is unmatched; dominate the heavens and the earth will bow down to the chosen one; arrogance leads to ruin; ruin leads to fall; use all the stars to the limit; with the strength within you; destroy all bones and pass for rebirth. "

Sun Wenyan's mind was completely peaceful. Stellar power arose from your dantian to envelop every bone in your body. It was possible to hear a strange sound from the bones, a "clack, clack, clack". Stellar power also started to pass through her skin, making her emit a blinding glow.

The blue sparkle in his eyes also became more intense, as the rising star power circulated through his body, the golden light suddenly broke out. As the bluish light was emitted, with his Celestial Visions, Sun Wenyan could feel that the power contained in the Blades of Fire was rapidly decaying.

"Break!" Sun Wenyan shouted.


The two blades of fire fell directly on Sun Wenyan's body, causing a loud explosion under shocked eyes.

Upon seeing this scene, Professor Chun Xianxia was deeply shocked. He had not thought that Sun Wenyan would not evade the blades of fire. Although this blade of fire was only a basic skill among the numerous combat skills of the Scarlet Dawn Martial Arts. But its lethality could not be underestimated. The offensive power of this ability, when compared to the combat skills of Celestial Dragon Martial Artists at the same level, was many times greater!

He feared that this attack had seriously injured Sun Wenyan!

When she saw this, Yun Mingzhu's heart went slightly cold. Beside her, Hongyi Qian was also looking with a dazed face.

When every person around her was concerned about Sun Wenyan, suddenly a silhouette flashed from the wild flames. Just like a cheetah jumping towards its prey, Sun Wenyan quickly shone towards Linghu Jian.

"This ... what happened?"

How did Sun Wenyan get out without a scratch after being hit by the Scarlet Blades of Fire?

Linghu Jian couldn't believe it, how did Sun Wenyan come out with no injuries after receiving a direct hit?

In the previous moment, Sun Wenyan understood that in the eyes of all he was hit straight by the blades of fire. But only he knew what had really happened. While the blades of fire were approaching him, he used the stellar power around him to gradually consume their strength, and then used the power of his stellar eyes to completely disintegrate the force of the blades of fire.

Having lost almost all strength, although the blades of fire appeared to have struck Sun Wenyan with frightening force, in fact they had almost no energy when they exploded in his body.

The power of the Celestial Visions will surpass the imagination of everyone present. Although he did not fully understand his power, but the mystical power of the Celestial Visions made him like this technique more and more.

His cultivation in the Celestial Visions was not that deep, so he could only disintegrate the blades of fire to some extent. Furthermore, after using his power, he felt that his mind was exhausted. But that was good enough for now!

From the burning flame, Sun Wenyan's body threw himself explosively towards Linghu Jian. He shook his fist and threw it maliciously at Linghu Jian.

Linghu Jian never thought that his attack would be unable to harm Sun Wenyan. In his mind he calculated that even if his attack was not enough to finish him off, at least it would cause severe wounds until he lost his strength to fight. Therefore, when Sun Wenyan attacked so suddenly from within the explosion, he was only able to defend himself in a hurry.

However, the truth is that Linghu Jian had extensive experience in fighting people. As soon as he saw the fist growing in his eyes, his two hands quickly formed a seal.

The burning flame that surrounded his body quickly condensed in the form of a shield following the seals that were formed by his hands. The shield stood firmly in front of him to block Sun Wenyan's blow.

When he saw the big shield that hid Linghu Jian, not only did Sun Wenyan not stop, he even punched that fire shield. This action shocked everyone in the face.

Mysterious and ancient stellar power arose incessantly from his dantian and concentrated on his right fist. The turbulent stellar power made his fist shine blindingly.


When Sun Wenyan's fist hit the Great Flame Shield, the stellar power and the power of the flames clashed wildly, making deafening thundering sounds repeatedly, emitted from the points of contact between the two powers.

During this defense of the Great Flame Shield, Sun Wenyan's star power did not diminish in the least. In fact, he was constantly getting stronger.


Finally, under everyone's astonished gaze, the Great Flame Shield disintegrated and shattered everywhere.

Linghu Jian was extremely shocked. He never thought that Sun Wenyan's star power was so fierce. Shouldn't Celestial Sovereign Martial Artists be weak in combat? He quickly condensed more flame shields to try to block Sun Wenyan's hail of blows, which were coming fast.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The flame shields he created quickly were quickly destroyed. When he saw Sun Wenyan's fist getting closer and closer, Linghu Jian's pupils contracted. He tried to avoid it but he didn't have enough time.

At that time, Sun Wenyan's power was extremely imposing, after breaking Linghu Jian's Great Flame Shield, the speed of his fist didn't slow down at all. He continued his trajectory and hit Linghu Jian's face.

Linghu Jian's entire body was thrown, breaking several trees in a row in the nearby forest, before stopping at a larger tree and falling hard on the ground full of shit and mud. Sun Wenyan's punch was very strong, as he directly knocked Linghu Jian down.

The students around them watched in shock. They never thought that Linghu Jian, a Martial Artist of the Scarlet Dawn in the 2nd stage of the Kingdom of Spiritual Ancestry layer, who demonstrated his ability to battle the inherited flame, would be defeated so easily by Sun Wenyan.

Sun Wenyan's true strength was unexpectedly high! This strength was indeed worthy of a talent capable of feeling six crystals of spiritual essence.

How long had Sun Wenyan entered the Dragon Frost Academy? When he arrived, he had just started cultivating martial arts and was still building his foundation. But now, in just a few months later, he already had that strength! All students involuntarily swallowed, their clothes were wet with cold sweat. Luckily none of them had gotten into trouble with Sun Wenyan, otherwise they would end up as miserable as Linghu Jian!

In the hearts of these new students, they began to see Sun Wenyan with new eyes. He had already gained more respect in his conceptions.

Linghu Yu clenched his fist tightly, until the veins in his hands were exposed. Before, when he knew that Sun Wenyan's cultivation had grown at an alarming rate, he still thought that, as a Celestial Sovereign Martial Artist, it would be impossible for him to defeat Linghu Jian and he would have no great achievements in Martial Arts. But now his strength really pissed him off.

Watching Sun Wenyan defeat Linghu Jian left a sweet smile on Yun Mingzhu's face. This speed of improvement of her colleague surprised her because when they fought before, she had some knowledge of his strength. In the duel with Linghu Jian she realized that Sun Wenyan's strength had unexpectedly increased again!

When Sun Wenyan treated her wounds, the slight trace of mystical force that entered her body from his hand had already increased her cultivation speed several times. But when this trace of mystical energy was used up, your cultivation speed returned to normal!

This made her very curious about the mystical strength that originated from Sun Wenyan!

Murong Beam faced Sun Wenyan, and his eyes shone unusually. His arms crossed in front of his chest and a slight smile from the corner of his mouth revealed an animation. Today she had unexpectedly met an interesting person in that hunting area!

Professor Chun Xianxia was also surprised, when he thought Sun Wenyan was in trouble, he thought Sun Wenyan was not an opponent for Linghu Jian and therefore would need his help. But he not only discovered that it would not be necessary, but that Sun Wenyan already had enough skills for self-preservation!

Chun Xianxia exchanged glances with another teacher who was a Celestial Sovereign Martial Artist. He understood immediately and started walking towards Linghu Jian, crouched down next to him and started treating him.

Linghu Jiang received a blow that left his entire cheek swollen and looked horrible. This was the result of receiving a punch from Sun Wenyan, otherwise it would be impossible for him to pass out so easily.

Sun Wenyan closed his eyes and pondered for some time and when he opened his eyes, the blue strands that wandered in his pupils were already gone. From this fight with Linghu Jian, he could see that he won several things. In addition to combat experience, he discovered some wonderful uses for his Celestial Visions!

Hongyi Qian walked towards Sun Wenyan, patted his shoulder and said with a smile, "Good job, man!"

Sun Wenyan smiled and nodded

Mong Yusheng was also very excited, he spat out and said, "I never thought that the strength of a Celestial Sovereign Martial Artist was so great. I will remember not to offend sovereign martial artists in the future "

Hearing Mong Yusheng's words made Sun Wenyan think. If someone does not want to be despised by others, he needs to speak with his own strength.

"Well, we don't need to waste any more time, let's keep walking!" Chun Xianxia said and waved a hand.

Linghu Yu coldly snorted at Sun Wenyan before turning and walking on.

Hongyi Qian faced Linghu Yu at a distance and said to Sun Wenyan "Linghu Jian's strength is much less than that of Linghu Yu. Wenyan, you need to be careful. Linghu Yu is a closed-minded person and will not let this go by so easily!

"Hum I know." Sun Wenyan nodded in agreement.

Under the leadership of the teachers, the group walked together to the casting test site.

Sun Wenyan walked slowly while thinking about martial arts.

At that moment, two young girls walked towards him. Their appearances were inferior to that of Yun Mingzhu, but they could also be considered beautiful and adorable.

"Senior brother, Wenyan!" a clean voice, that voice was like the song of a bird that had just come out of the valley, really pleasing to the ear.

This voice made Sun Wenyan stop his reasoning, turn around and see two young girls. His cheeks flushed when he asked "Yes ... Right?"

"Senior Brother Wenyan, I am Ming Feng, a Heavenly Sovereign Martial Artist like you. Could I ask you some questions about your cultivation in the Celestial Sovereign Martial Arts? " His face expressed shyness and a little adoration towards him.

"Senior Brother Wenyan! I am also a Celestial Sovereign Martial Artist, my name is Shan Huan, we wanted to know how you cultivated, could you teach us? " Shan Huan was also a young woman, grabbed Sun Wenyan's arm and pulled like a spoiled girl, but she couldn't deny that her appearance was hot and sexy.

As Sun Wenyan felt the warmth that was transmitted by the girls' hands in his arms, his cheeks got even redder, he then sought out Hongyi Qian and Mong Yusheng in the hope that they would save him.

Hongyi Qian and Mong Yusheng were actually watching this and laughing inside, while pretending they didn't notice anything.

"And ... I don't know ... if I could help." Sun Wenyan was not sure what to say, he was really embarrassed since it had never happened to him before.

The students around them looked at Sun Wenyan with envy, Ming Feng and Shan Huan, although they were not as beautiful as Yun Mingzhu, they were somewhat beautiful and swayed their hearts. Yun Mingzhu was kept aloof, as if she were an untouchable goddess, but these two girls were different.

If Sun Wenyan gave his consent, maybe he could ask them to surrender to him

Sun Wenyan wanted to let go of the hands of Ming Feng and Shan Huan, but when he tried to pull his hands away, he actually couldn't get rid of it. In front of two female students, he didn't know how to reject them, and so he hesitated for a long time.