Secreto of the Heart

Squeak… ..

The cabin door was pulled open cautiously, and a frail lady walked inside carrying a basket of fresh laundry. She looked about twenty-three to twenty-four, and she still had the delicate and charming air of a teenage girl of fifteen or sixteen years old. She was as peaceful and charming as the moonlight.

Seeing clearly where he was, Sun Wenyan had already predicted his appearance. However, within the second she opened the door and entered, her heart began to beat violently. Both his eyes and expression froze and he could only look pale. It was as if all the color in the world had been drained at that moment, and only her figure remained. All of her emotions, all of her thoughts, all of her beliefs, all of them started to come up violently ... That year, she had died in his arms. After crying until his eyes went out, he believed he would never shed another tear in his life. But at that moment, he felt uncontrollable tears fall unauthorized below his eye socket ...

His heart was pounding as if the emotions that no longer belonged to him were entwined in chaos. He forgot where he was; he forgot that he was still in the test. At that moment, all her emotions came together and became a tearful cry that came straight from her soul ...

"Yun'er… Yun'er !!!"


The basket in the girl's hands fell to the floor. Seeing Sun Wenyan sitting on the bed, his beautiful eyes revealed sincere happiness and surprise. Rushing to the front of his bed, his expression was frantic, and yet she forced her voice to become so soft and gentle: "Big brother Sun Wenyan, are you awake ... Is your body still hurting? Are you uncomfortable somewhere? "

With the girl's face merely inches from his, the feminine air that belonged only to her had a heavy impact on Sun Wenyan's soul. Her eyes shone with happiness, worry, anxiety, a deep lament and longing ... It was like her memories, as well as the countless times she appeared in her dreams. Only, he had never dared to think it was possible for him one day, to look at that beautiful pair of eyes again ...

He was stunned to look. His lips were still trembling, and yet he couldn't say a word. In that moment, all his thoughts had completely disintegrated. The only thing that remained was that figure before his eyes that was deeply marked in his soul, that even death was not capable of making him forget. Not caring about anything else, he threw his bandaged arms open, and with an 'Ah!' Yun'er's surprise, and he hugged her tightly, so tightly it was as if he was afraid she would leave him if he relaxed even a little.

"Older brother Sun Wenyan… .." Yun'er froze for a while before hugging him back, leaning her entire body against his chest and whispering softly.

"Yun'er ... Yun'er ... Yun'er ..."

Sun Wenyan knew how inappropriate he was at the moment. His heart was in a complete state of chaos. Under his own cries, he could clearly hear the sound of tears and the fall of tears that kept sliding down his face.

After that painful loss at that time, this was a situation that could only appear in your dreams. The heat in his heart was almost enough to stop him from beating; it made him feel as if even if he died right now, he would still be completely happy. If possible, he wanted to embrace her forever and never let go again; no matter how huge the price he had to pay for it would be.

All those years, he had grown accustomed to her presence, accustomed to treating her as his own safe haven. Whenever he was bleeding and dying, he desperately climbed to the front of this little house she had built with her own hands ... Whenever he needed heat, he had nothing to do but come here ... Whenever he needed a woman's warmth, he also always came here ... Every time he was delusional and went crazy, he would also always come here to find peace. And, she would always treat the wounds on her body and soul, over and over again. She went to the river to catch a fish for him, stroked his back as if to persuade a baby to sleep ... He was very vigilant and would wake up every fifteen minutes every time he slept. Only with her here, he was finally able to sleep until noon on the second day.

She was his only source of heat at that time.

However, his eyes had been blinded by hatred. He had put vengeance as the sole purpose of his life and it had become a habit ... Just until the day he lost it, he really understood that this girl had become important in his life a long time ago; then your revenge.

Again and again, she asked him not to seek revenge with tears in his eyes anymore. That was her only request in the midst of all self sacrifice and surrender, but he never listened. Even in the last moments of her life, she still asked him not to take revenge on his master or hers… It wasn't because The people who had killed her were from his own family, but why did she want him so much to stop living a life of endless revenge and hatred.

No matter how much pain he suffered or how much he regretted, what had been lost would never return again ... If he could, he would accept to give everything he had in return; even if it were your own life and soul.

"Yun'er ... Yun'er… Yun'er…"

He kept Yun'er tight in his embrace. Again and again, with each cry, he wished he would never have to wake up from that dream. The blessed feeling of recovering what had once been lost was so warm that it was unable to be described with any spoken word.

"Big Brother Sun Wenyan ..." Yun'er's sigh came from the side of his ear, with a mist and light that seemed almost like a dream, "Don't think about revenge anymore, okay? Your master's soul in the skies definitely he doesn't want to see you that way ... No matter what, I can promise that as long as you promise that you won't seek revenge anymore ... We can both stay in this forest. You will accompany me, and I, you, forever ... A life ... I will be your kindest wife… and I will never leave you… okay? "

Her perfume, her voice and her words; they were all so familiar. Those were exactly the same smell and voice that belonged to her. And even more, those were the words she had said many times to him before ... In the past, whenever she said those words, he would feel the inside of his heart pound, but soon after that he would be repressed by his hatred ...

After losing it, he had dreamed many times. If he could go back in time, if the heavens could give him another chance, he would never reject it again; absolutely not!!

Without hesitation, he nodded his head with extreme vigor; he agreed five or six times at once and insisted in a hoarse voice: "Yes! Yes! Yun'er, I will listen to you, I will no longer seek revenge. In the future, you will be my life; your life will be my life Wherever you are, I will be by your side forever, watching you and we will never be apart until the end of life and death !! "

Every sentence, every word, and every bit of emotion came from the depths of your soul. How he longed to shout all those words at her all these years that have passed ...

Yun'er wept with happiness, his white jade hands hugging him tightly, "Older brother Sun Wenyan, do you mean? What are you really saying that?"

"I am serious. Every word I said was real. If anything I said is false, I must be destroyed by heaven." Sun Wenyan said each word with determination.

After saying these words, he closed his eyes; his expression was so peaceful and content ... Sun Wenyan felt a cold, sharp object pierce his back deeply. Blood gushed frantically as his consciousness quickly dispersed between the weight….

The scene before his eyes distorted and disappeared as the world returned to darkness again. Sun Wenyan opened his eyes. In front of his vision, there were those two eyes, giant and golden.

"I failed". Sun Wenyan laughed, self-depreciating, but firmly. "Originally, I thought that, with my mental state, I would be able to get through the third stage easily. But I thought too high of myself ... Hehehe, I must have disappointed you. My search for strength is not so determined after all ".

The Phoenix Spirit's voice floated, "Your soul's response tells me that you already knew that this was only an illusion from the start, and that you obviously saw the dagger by the bed. You also clearly knew that if you held it this dagger and stab the girl, you would be able to escape the illusion and pass the test easily. Why did you prefer to stay in the illusion and even make a mistake believing that it was real? Unless, inside your heart, the great strength that you could get right away can't even be compared to that illusion? "

"I couldn't do that." Sun Wenyan shook his head slowly. "This illusion came from the most precious memories of my soul. Although it was merely an illusion, it is deeply marked in my soul as to what true happiness is. You wouldn't be able to understand how dear this girl is to me, or you will. how much I owe her. Even if it was just a dream, even if I had to lose my great strength as a price, I would never hurt her ".

"Even if that's the case, why didn't you dodge it, or push it when you obviously felt her picking up the dagger to stab you?" The phoenix spirit asked in a confused voice.

Sun Wenyan laughed; but it was a sad laugh, "I knew it was an illusion that you had forcibly created based on my memories ... My Yun'er, even if she had to kill herself, she wouldn't hurt me. However, I allow myself to die in her hands why what is life compared to what I owe her? To be able to die at her hands, although it was merely an illusion, it allowed the guilt in my heart to calm down a little ".

The Phoenix Spirit was silent for a long time.

"I yearn for power, but in this world, there are many things that are much more important to me than strength. I also need strength because I need to protect the things that are important to me. It seems that I am not destined, or qualified to get the power of the phoenix… However, even though I failed the test, I'm already satisfied. Because this training allowed me to see and hold it again. It even allowed me to say the promise I wanted to make to her even in my dreams ... "

Sun Wenyan laughed; he laughed very warmly, without any trace of reluctance or regret.

"It seems that the girl you call Yun'er must really have been very important to you. And also because of her, your inner self has a heavy regret. However, you must not repress that regret in the depths of your soul. You went through the reincarnation cycle due to the blood of sansara origin and this interfered with the karma of this Primordial Chaos. Under the butterfly effect, time, dimension, and plans will also always change. Your repentance and debt, you may not have lost yet the chance to repair it ".

"You went through the cycle of reincarnation due to the blood of origin of reincarnation". This sentence caused Sun Wenyan's heart to give a huge jolt. He looked directly at the golden eye in front of him and was unable to say anything for a long time.

It passed through reincarnation ... Could it be that she currently saw through which I lived two lives? And the reason why he said two lives ... Was it due to the ability of the blood of origin of reincarnation to pass through the cycle of reincarnation?

Sun Wenyan only possessed the Spiritual Core of the Diabolic Emperor of Ancestral Calamity in his possession, he only contained this divine treasure in his possession and he definitely could not be related to reincarnation and rebirth. Above that discovery, where did the ability to pass through the reincarnation cycle come from?

As for the other last half spoken after that sentence, he was completely unable to understand them. He asked, proving, "What do you mean by those words you said?"

"Heheheh…." The Spirit of the Phoenix laughed mysteriously, "... It's okay if you understand only half of them, but not the rest, which are divine secrets that are not to be revealed. As you progress and your strength continues to increase in this world, you will one day will understand all of this ".

Sun Wenyan fell into deep thought and then nodded, "Spirit of the Phoenix, although you interfered with the illusions of my memories and made Yun'er stab me to death, which was quite unpleasant, I still have to thank you. But since I was unable to go through this training stage at the end, I must leave now ".

"No, it is not yet time for you to leave. Why have you already passed the third stage of the race successfully".

"Congratulations, human who carries the essence of the Diabolic Emperor of Ancestral Calamity. In these countless years, you are the tenth practitioner who chose to give up your strength instead of hurting the illusion you once loved. You have earned the right to inherit the gift of Phoenix".