Demonic Summoner (2)

Yun Mingzhu just looked at Sun Wenyan a little confused. "I always had some doubts about who that person was. Only now that I got to understand. But I will not say who it is. That person's strength can be stronger than us all together and could cause a massacre at any moment. I hope let the Demonic Summoner come to me and explain your reasons! " Sun Wenyan said calmly.

"Since he is stronger than all of us, why doesn't he just end up with us ?!" Mong Yusheng was confused.

"I don't know their purpose in this regard, I just know that they want Murong Lanying and that he doesn't want to reveal himself. I'll be here waiting for him to come anytime" Sun Wenyan was silent just staring at everyone. He hopes that the person he suspects is not the one he suspects.

Shan Huan looks at Murong Lanying "This is all your fault ... Your ... Nobody would die if you weren't with us!"

Murong Lanying said nothing. She agreed that everything was caused by her being with this group.

"Huan don't say anything more. Lanying is sad enough." Yun Mingzhu quickly went to defend his friend.

"Ahem, I highly doubt it!" Huan was furious.

"Silence!" Sun Wenyan was out of patience for useless discussions.

Listening to Sun Wenyan, Huan no longer opened his mouth. She wouldn't say anything more. Everyone started looking at each other. Everyone's psychological was: 'Now that the worst killer is among them, who will be the next to die?'

"Sun Wenyan, who do you suspect is the Demonic Summoner?" Murong Lanying tries to gain ground. His eyes shone in the hope of bringing justice to the one who was causing death.

"I can't tell you yet!" Sun Wenyan shook his head. Although Sun Wenyan said he knew who the Demonic Summoner was, he did not say who it was. This made the environment even more tense. Sun Wenyan said that no one should know yet.

Dusk was coming and everyone was heartbroken. The Demonic Summoner was among them and that made everyone uneasy. How not to die from an attack by someone who is so close, powerful and nobody knows?

Nobody could sleep. When will the Demonic Summoner act? Why doesn't Sun Wenyan immediately say who he is? Will Sun Wenyan manage to defeat him? People are restless. They hope that the worst is coming at any moment.

The fire is still burning. It is after midnight and people are struggling to stay awake because it is not known when they would be attacked.

Hongyi Qian walked over to Sun Wenyan and asked calmly; "Can we speak alone?"

Sun Wenyan was looking at the campfire thoughtfully. Lit by the fire, Sun Wenyan's face seemed attentive to any threats that might arise.


Sun Wenyan nodded and stood up. Murong Lanying, Yun Mingzhu and several people looked at Sun Wenyan and Hongyi Qian and gaped.

"Stay here, I will talk to Hongyi Qian alone." Sun Wenyan calmed people down. He had a slight smile on his face.

Although a little unsure, Hongyi Qian needed to talk to Sun Wenyan. They walked to a more secluded and secluded spot.

Approximately 200 meters from the camp, Hongyi Qian and Sun Wenyan sat on a log.

"When did you find out?" Hongyi Qian is smiling slightly at Sun Wenyan.

"I actually suspected you several days ago." Sun Wenyan said calmly.

"Because of the blood demon's talisman on my arm?" Hongyi Qian pointed at his arm.


Sun Wenyan nodded. He looked at Hongyi Qian wanting to understand why he would kill so many people. He was such a good person.

"Wow… I hid my identity perfectly and I was discovered only because of the talisman I have hidden on my arm." Hongyi Qian smiled, and there was no feeling in his eyes that could give a clue as to what he was thinking.

"In fact, just having the talisman would not confirm that it was you. Before that, I was already sure that the Demonic Summoner was in the camp due to the poisoning of the flesh, but that he was hiding his power so as not to be discovered. But this morning you had the chance to use it to get rid of the bonds or to protect themselves from hidden killers and did nothing. After you asked me to talk I was able to get my confirmation. " Sun Wenyan had a lot of feelings.

Hongyi Qian for a while was the only friend he had at the Dragão da Frost Academy. Sun Wenyan did not think that Hongyi Qian would so easily accept being discovered. Hongyi Qian started to smile "Anyway I was found out, how you found out is not that important."

"Hongyi Qian, why did you do all this? You helped to kill many innocent students." Sun Wenyan closed his fist remembering each death.

Hongyi Qian looked at Sun Wenyan and said "Well, since you asked, do you want to hear my story?" Hongyi Qian looked towards the camp but his thoughts were far away.

"Uhum, but before that I want you to know that regardless of anything that happens in the future, you are my brother. And that you were my first friend that I had and will always be a friend!" Sun Wenyan said.


Hongyi Qian looked at Sun Wenyan. He looked somewhere far away and said nothing for a while.

Then he started to say; "I was born into a humble family just like yours. We were all over 100 people and live in the lands of the Lord of the City. My father and uncle were subordinate to the Lord Guardian of the North."

Upon hearing this beginning of the story Sun Wenyan began to understand a little of the reasons that Hongyi Qian had. "Sixteen years ago, the army troops that my father and uncle participated in completely destroyed an attack of another hundred thousand barbarians from the North. They returned triumphantly, their level was very high. Three of my uncles died in battle, my father came back very sad Some time later, my father denounced a superior who was responsible for the death of my three uncles, but the Lord Guardian of the North did not believe in the evidence he had and who ended up being arrested was my father. crime of contempt. On the second day of prison it was discovered that he had taken poison and committed suicide. " Hongyi Qian's eyes were red. His hand was closed so tightly that his veins were evident. "Can I believe that my father committed suicide? It was only 5 days and he couldn't stand being in prison for 2 days? I will avenge my father's death and I will kill them all. The Lord Guardian of the North and my father's superior, this gang society's garbage, they were all responsible for the death of my parents and uncles! "

"However you want to start your revenge for Murong Lanying, a girl, she is not the lord of the north ..." Sun Wenyan said "... This thirst for revenge will only bring suffering to you and your family. You don't think about good for them? "

Hongyi Qian shook his head and said, "When I was getting ready to start my life, my family was already living in seclusion. One cannot really oppose the empire, but our organization is growing rapidly. I have spies in all sectors of the Great Empire. Sun Wenyan you are an ordinary young man from a poor family just like me. Join us! " Sun Wenyan was silent for a long time.

Hongyi Qian as well as Chun Xianxia wants him to join that organization. Sun Wenyan after thinking about Hongyi Qian's sad story, Sun Wenyan just said "I will not join you!"

"Sun Wenyan, don't you hate the Black Sun Family? Don't you want to avenge your aunt? ..." Hongyi Qian continued "... I was only from the 1st Spiritual Level, after I joined the organization I quickly became an Summoner Demonic of the 5th Spiritual Level and I am at the peak of my fitness. With your talent you would go to the 6th Spiritual Level in a few days maybe less. " Hongyi Qian looked at Sun Wenyan.

Sun Wenyan said "Hongyi Qian this idea is not correct. Since Chun Xianxia told me those same words I have been thinking about my future all the time. In my eyes this problem can be solved without many deaths. How many people will die if it is your way? "

"But ..." Hongyi Qian tried to explain. Sun Wenyan interrupted.

"If the Great Empire falls, and at that moment a Demonic King or something worse attacks us, who will protect everyone? Many talented people who have nothing to do with their parents' or family's mistakes need to die for you all satisfy your personal vengeance? "

"Don't you want to avenge your aunt or your family? ..." Hongyi Qian glares coldly at Sun Wenyan. "... If that's the case, I was wrong with you!"

"I will make my own way!" Sun Wenyan had a firm voice ...

Hongyi Qian spent time looking at Sun Wenyan; "Since you don't want to join us, I won't insist. But I still have an issue to resolve!"

"What subject?" Sun Wenyan asked already knowing the answer.

"Murong Lanying, no matter what the price is, we need to take Murong Lanying with us!" Hongyi Qian was very determined. He prepared for a long time to capture the daughter of the Lord Keeper of the North. He would not accept that anyone interferes with his plan. Not even Sun Wenyan.

"Hongyi Qian even though you hated the Lord Keeper of the North, when your father died, Murong Lanying was a newborn baby just like you. The mistakes he made have nothing to do with her." Said Sun Wenyan hastily.

Hongyi Qian looked at Sun Wenyan "Sun Wenyan, did you fall in love with Murong Lanying? I don't know what method she used on you but a romance between you and Murong Lanying is impossible."

"I ..." Sun Wenyan doesn't know how he felt about Murong Lanying, but she was a good person.

"Do you really believe that the Lord of the Guardian in the North will accept that your daughter will marry you? She is only using you, after she no longer needs it she will just discard you." Hongyi Qian said coldly.

"I don't want to marry her. I know we are from very different social classes. But I don't want her to die because she is an innocent girl and she doesn't deserve it." Said Sun Wenyan.

"Sun Wenyan, you don't understand. My father and uncles were also innocent. What is the sacrifice of 12 people close to such a bigger goal? Doing something big often requires big sacrifices." Hongyi Qian looked outraged. He was remembering the death of his family members all the time.

"But Hongyi Qian, if you kill them, you are being equal to them. Do you want to become a new Lord Guardian of the North? These people deserve to live and cannot be sacrificed for any reason!" Sun Wenyan looked at Hongyi Qian.

"Sun Wenyan don't give me that. I've already made my decision and I won't go back! I wanted you to join our organization, but since you don't want to, this is where we will split up!" said Hongyi Qian.

"Hongyi Qian give up on your plans at once and stay with us!" Sun Wenyan still hoping to get his friend back. He had a little tear in his eyes.

Hongyi Qian said; "Sun Wenyan you don't understand. My identity will soon be revealed whether you like it or not, so it is better to soon sever any friendship bond between us."

"Hongyi Qian I hope you give up on your plans. Murong Lanying is really innocent. So are the others at the camp." said Sun Wenyan.

"That would be impossible. Even as my friend, I repeat again: Don't mess with our organization. With your strength it is impossible for you to stop us from capturing Murong Lanying!" Hongyi Qian's body emitted an absurd force. His aura was impossible to describe. It gave off a feeling of darkness, cold and fear. Legend has it that a Demonic Summoner communicates with an obscure prison and summons creatures using people's souls.

"Besides, you don't have the strength to stop me anymore!" Hongyi Qian looked at Sun Wenyan's weak appearance.

Sun Wenyan stood and got dizzy. 'When did I get poisoned?' Sun Wenyan feels that his body is going numb. Your strength is being drained quickly. He did not know what method Hongyi Qian used to poison him.

Sun Wenyan looked at the camp and saw Murong Lanying, Yun Mingzhu and Shan Huan were also down. It was possibly some late-acting poison.

What time had he been poisoned? Hongyi Qian started walking towards the camp.

"Sun Wenyan you cannot stop me. I know your talent and you are already really strong, if you joined our cause you would have a bright future. But now you are weak and you cannot do anything against us. Murong Lanying will be the first one that I will tell you the big news. "

Seeing Hongyi Qian walking towards the camp, Sun Wenyan wanted to get up and prevent him from doing any harm to his friends. But your whole body is weak. He's feeling completely helpless. Sun Wenyan was feeling like crap.

He looked ahead and saw Murong Lanying; "I won't let you take it!" Sun Wenyan's spirit absorbed some of the poison. He tried to cultivate some energy but a dark energy did not leave it as if they were chains that would hold any cultivation of energy. At that moment, a third star shone with energy. Sun Wenyan took all the energy he could muster to break those chains.

Sun Wenyan manages to get all the poison out of his body and gets up. Sun Wenyan has never had so much energy. He gets up and heads towards Hongyi Qian.

Hongyi Qian was walking towards Murong Lanying. The hidden poison he used was an energy blocker. While he was talking to Sun Wenyan, he was dropping small amounts at all times. Sun Wenyan could not use his power for several hours.

Hongyi Qian felt a powerful force coming from behind him. He quickly turned his head to see Sun Wenyan advancing towards him at full speed.

"What's going on? You were supposed to be poisoned!" Hongyi Qian was sure of the poison he used, it was impossible for Sun Wenyan to get up so fast. He just had to put his hands together to make a seal.


A fierce roar was heard in the distance. A beast mysteriously appeared out of nowhere. It was a giant Bear. His entire body was covered by a dark, dark aura.

He advanced on Sun Wenyan with his huge and monstrous claws.

"You may have come out of the poison, but it will be impossible to defend yourself against it!" After summoning the Demonic Black Bear, Hongyi Qian just turned and kept walking towards Murong Lanying ...