Lord Guardian of the North (2)

Looking at Sun Wenyan's back, Hongyi Qian started to cry. He promised himself that Sun Wenyan will be his brother forever.

"If you prefer it that way. Don't blame us if you end up dying!" The three guardians spread out to attack from all sides.

"The honor of the Lord Keeper of the North will not be tarnished by a traitor. Kill him without mercy!" The three guards began to accumulate energy in their bodies and began to mutate.

They were all users of the Celestial Dragon Martial Art who were on the 6th Spiritual Level. Their power increased more than a hundred times with the transformation. Their frightening aura was towards Sun Wenyan.

Seeing the scene, Murong Lanying was desperate. She doesn't want anyone to hurt Sun Wenyan.

She walked towards them. Murong Lanying has many mixed feelings in his relationship with Sun Wenyan.

"Nobody hurt Sun Wenyan. I owe him my life. If anyone touches his hair, I promise you will apologize for your own life!" Murong Lanying spoke firmly. The three guards looked at each other. They were a little confused. They are only employed by the Lord Keeper of the North. If the princess wants to do evil with them it would be the same as being sentenced to death.

It was impossible for them to disobey the Lord Guardian of the North's orders. But they were unsure of ignoring his daughter.

"Princess, don't come here. Otherwise, we cannot guarantee the safety of these rebels." The guard was talking to Murong Lanying with his hand on his chest.

Murong Lanying looked at Sun Wenyan and felt awe. Sun Wenyan did not retreat even in the face of great danger. All of Sun Wenyan's actions made her admire herself even more ... He was completely different from everyone else who usually runs after her. The scenario was at an impasse.

The guards were not sure that disobeying the Lord Keeper of the North would be right. He was not here, the princess can tell any story against them.

Professor Long Kan was weak, but still joined forces to say his words; "Sun Wenyan, Hongyi Qian is a rebel who defies the strength of the Lord Keeper of the North. You must not help him or his future will be ruined!"

Linghu Yu looked at Sun Wenyan without believing that he is helping Hongyi Qian. He would never believe that Sun Wenyan would be heading for his own destruction. Murong Lanying was very uneasy.

Even though she was the daughter of the Lord Keeper of the North, she had no power to help Sun Wenyan, and she started to cry. Even though it cost her life, she wanted to help Sun Wenyan.

At that moment she forced herself to generate energy and overcome the strength of the poison. At that point, in a location about half a kilometer away, there were two people in long clothes and looking powerful.

Their sight fell on Sun Wenyan's body. Divine rays of light came out of his eyes. "Those two young people are very talented. The golden-haired one reminds me of the old Hongyi Kuan!" His face seemed to remember something from the past.

"That fallen one is the son of Hongyi Kuan, he is called Hongyi Qian. According to our information, he joined an organization that wants to dominate the Great Empire. My lord, are you prepared to kill Hongyi Qian ?!" One commented.

"I'll take care of that later!" The other replied. The last one to answer was Murong Xaile, father of Murong Lanying, the Lord Guardian of the North. He was an Expert on the 9th Layer of the Kingdom of Spiritual Ancestry and commands over 1 million soldiers to protect the northern border of the Empire. He was calmly watching the situation unfold and was checking the power level of Sun Wenyan and Hongyi Qian.

Hongyi Qian and Sun Wenyan looked at each other "Sun Wenyan, living or dying, now that Murong Shawl has arrived, he will not just send these three guards after me. He will surely have a hundred on the way." Hongyi Qian still looks at Sun Wenyan.

"There is no way to escape this fate, just get out of the way and let them end!"

"I don't care who you work for. I just don't want to let a friend die. I'll do anything to help you escape." Sun Wenyan said quite seriously. Earlier, Hongyi Qian had several opportunities to kill Sun Wenyan and still did not. Even though Hongyi Qian mortally wounded Yun Mingzhu, he gave her a rare jewel to save her.

"Sun Wenyan, you will always be my brother. If we get out alive today I will dedicate my life to you." Hongyi Qian said firmly. He had done many wrong things, violated justice and morals. But Sun Wenyan never stopped being at his side.

Hearing Hongyi Qian's words, Sun Wenyan was deeply happy. He had recovered his brother. "In that case, we can fight together!" In Sun Wenyan's hand, the [Blade of the Phoenix] began to emit an elevated aura.

He started towards the Guardians. Due to that weapon, his power had increased. But it was the first time that he faced 3 fighters of the 6th Spiritual Level .. In this life ...

"Die!" Sun Wenyan squeezed the [Phoenix Blade] and advanced on the guardians.


The intense battle started and soon the surrounding vegetation was completely destroyed. Hongyi Qian quickly gathered a large amount of energy from the darkness and summoned a Demonic Abyss Tiger to help Sun Wenyan.

The three guards were concerned. Those two children were between 15 and 16 years old and already on the 5th Spiritual Level?

A freezing aura surrounded Sun Wenyan's body. His weapon turned everything he touched to ice. In the middle of the fight the guards were attacked by snow and ice at all times. All of Sun Wenyan's attacks, in addition to being strong, were diminishing the power of those three guards. Hongyi Qian was filled with energy from the darkness. He transformed them into various types of weapons.


Sun Wenyan managed to attack a guardian.


Another guardian took advantage of the fact that Sun Wenyan dropped his guard and landed a blow to Sun Wenyan's abdomen. He started coughing up blood.

"Go away!" Hongyi Qian ordered the Demonic Abyss Tiger to attack the three guards while he took Sun Wenyan away from them ...




The Demon Abyss Tiger was just a distraction. He managed to wound two guardians before being destroyed.

"How are you?" Asked a guard.

"I'm fine, follow them fast!" Replied the other. The three guardians quickly went in pursuit of Hongyi Qian who was carrying Sun Wenyan.

"Sun Wenyan are you okay?" Hongyi Qian was concerned about the blood coming out.

"I'm fine!" Sun Wenyan shook his head. Although he is a little finished, the injury was not as strong as it seemed on the surface.

"Sun Wenyan, are you aware of the consequences of what you just did?" Hongyi Qian still cares about Sun Wenyan.

"I know the consequences since I was little. My aunt told me what happened to those who rebelled against royalty." Sun Wenyan said very seriously.

"Your aunt must have been a good person ..." Ling Hong said and continued; "... But good people can still be victims of injustice. My father used to say that the real man is an indomitable spirit and is always loyal to his superiors. Even though he never died in battle, he ended up dying for his superiors."

"What do you want to do? Kill these people? ..." Sun Wenyan looked at Hongyi Qian; "... Everyone is innocent."

"We already discussed this. I have my way and you have yours. But I can promise you that I will not kill without a just reason ..." Hongyi Qian continued; "... But the ones who are trying to kill us, I will go."

"These guys want to kill us for self-defense. But some people do not deserve punishment for being innocent. If you kill them, you will take away their lives, they will have no more freedom, feelings, cultivation ... nothing." Sun Wenyan said what was on his mind.

Hearing Sun Wenyan's words made Hongyi Qian thoughtful. Some people want the same justice as Hongyi Qian, but without getting blood on their hands. Those who kill many people gradually lose their reason.

In those days Hongyi Qian killed some people who deserved it, but remember that others were completely innocent. They were just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

"Listening to you, I realized that it is best not to kill to achieve my goal. But I will not go back on my mission." Hongyi Qian realized that he was being driven by hatred and that that was not right.

"From that moment on, I will dedicate my life to returning your friendship. You are my brother." Sun Wenyan and Hongyi Qian had understood each other. They went through many dangers but the two can only see from now on.

They continued to flee. "Hongyi Qian what do you want to do?" Sun Wenyan asked Hongyi Qian. They were coming into a great chasm. And the bridge that was the only way out was in the other direction.

"Listen to me, run in that direction!" Hongyi Qian pointed out; "There is no bridge on this precipice to allow us to escape. The guards will come and try to corner us when they reach the edge."

"But then we are really going to be cornered!" Sun Wenyan said still confused.

"Shut up and follow me!" Hongyi Qian said with a slight smile. When Sun Wenyan and Hongyi Qian were arriving at the edge of the precipice the three guards arrived. This precipice was an extremely high fall. Not even a fighter on the 8th Spiritual Level could withstand such a fall.

"There is no way out. Surely surrender that we will take you to prison for trial. If you try to escape by defeating the three of us there is still more reinforcement coming." Said the guard. The three guards started walking towards Sun Wenyan and Hongyi Qian.

"I'm waiting for your big plan!" Said Sun Wenyan.

"I'll deal with them three first!" Hongyi Qian said. As the three guards began to approach Sun Wenyan and Hongyi Qian. Murong Lanying took a deep breath to concentrate energy. She ran quickly as she felt the effects of the poison were wearing off.

At the edge of the chasm, Sun Wenyan and Hongyi Qian were standing around waiting for the guards to approach. Just arrived, Murong Lanying saw that if they took any accidental steps they would both fall from the abyss.

"Sun Wenyan just don't fight again. I swear on my life that I will protect you." Murong Lanying said. In all her life she has never been interested in men but was very afraid of never seeing Sun Wenyan again. Murong Lanying looked at the three guards and said; "You three heard me too. If Sun Wenyan dies, I will jump into that chasm and you will have to be accountable to my father!"

Hearing this threat made the guards even more nervous. If Murong Lanying dies, the three of them will face a mortal punishment from her father. The three made no further move.

At that moment Hongyi Qian smiled "Seeing how Murong Lanying defended you, I would never imagine that she was that man's daughter. If we get out of this, I will not do her any more harm, after all, she wants to protect you just like me. That leaves me more relaxed of having more people wanting to protect my brother. I can already die in peace. "

Hearing Hongyi Qian's words, Sun Wenyan had a bad premonition of what would happen next.

"Hongyi Qian, don't ..."

Hongyi Qian looked at Murong Lanying who was a little far away

"I will take revenge on your father. But I will do nothing to you for your relationship with Sun Wenyan. He would never forgive me if I did you any harm. Go back to your father and tell him to remember how my father, Hongyi Kuan, was wrongly accused and killed in prison. Tell him that Hongyi Qian, son of Hongyi Kuan, will sooner or later seek revenge. " Hongyi Qian's eyes showed the extent of the hatred he felt.

"Hongyi Kuan's son?" The three guards were shocked. Murong Lanying was just confused. She has no idea who Hongyi Kuan is.

"Murong Lanying, will you give me your word that you will protect Sun Wenyan? ..." Hongyi Qian still continued; "... If in the future I realize that Sun Wenyan suffered any kind of punishment or humiliation, I will personally seek revenge on both the father and the daughter." Sun Wenyan is not understanding what Hongyi Qian means with those words.

Murong Lanying replied "Sun Wenyan is more than a friend to me. I owe him my life several times. I will certainly protect him."

Hongyi Qian hearing this gave a laugh "Although my mission failed, I do not regret it. Sun Wenyan now has several people who protect him, although it is generally Wenyan who protects everyone ... hahaha. We still have time and there will be many opportunities for me to avenge the Lord Guardian of the North. "

After all this hype, the guards were a little confused. Hongyi Qian and Sun Wenyan were in the worst place to claim an advantage.

If they made a misstep, they would definitely suffer a horrible death from the fall. After he stopped laughing, Hongyi Qian bent down a little and jumped back.

"Hongyi Qian what are you ..." Sun Wenyan shouted and tried to catch Hongyi Qian, but he had a lot of momentum and didn't have time.

"Little brother, be careful, it's time to say goodbye!" Hongyi Qian was smiling and very calm. He was gathering some amount of energy from the darkness quickly.

Looking at Hongyi Qian so calmly left Sun Wenyan even more confused. Hongyi Qian did not tell him anything about his plan.

Was jumping from the abyss the plan? Hongyi Qian's body could not withstand the fall and break into pieces. Why did Hongyi Qian jump if he talked about several plans in the future?

The three guards were discouraged. Whoever falls from this abyss dies a terrible death. The guards were also confused by the words it seemed that Hongyi Qian had already planned his future.

"Sun Wenyan, let's go! From what Hongyi Qian said, he must be fine!" Murong Lanying called Sun Wenyan.

Sun Wenyan agreed, and walked towards Murong Lanying.

"Wait!" A guard blocked his path.

"What is it now?" Murong Lanying was glaring at the guard. Another guard intervened

"Nothing! Get out of the princess's way!" He ordered looking at the guard who blocked the path of Murong Lanying and Sun Wenyan.

Hearing the guard's words, Murong Lanying just ignored it and kept walking. Sun Wenyan followed Murong Lanying and realized that she really was worthy of royalty. All the guards were afraid of her.

But Sun Wenyan was more concerned about Hongyi Qian. He didn't know how he was doing.

"Why is this boy with us? ..." The guard asked with a troubled expression. "... He helped the thug, so he's an accomplice."

"Are you blind? He is protected from the princess. If something happens to this boy, she will know that it was one of the three of us who handed him over. The leader of this attack killed himself and that Chun Xianxia was arrested and we will say exactly that to the my Lord!" Another guard said. He knew that to offend the princess was to jump out of that chasm as the bandit chief did.

Murong Lanying and Sun Wenyan returned to the camp. Yun Mingzhu was a little confused.

When she woke up she had 10 guards in silver armor next to her. When Murong Lanying approached the guard put his hand on his chest "Princess!"

"Commander West, is Mingzhu okay?" Murong Lanying asked looking around. Sun Wenyan was also concerned so he was paying attention to the commander.

Yun Mingzhu took a big wound to protect Sun Wenyan which made him a little depressed.

Commander West put his hand on his chest and said "The young lady was attended to by the mansion's doctor"

"What she said?" Sun Wenyan was tense. "The doctor said that she suffered a big wound that added together with a poison that was already in her body. She just didn't understand how the star power protected her heart and in her mouth she had a precious Vitality Jade that protected her body from pain, infection or even death ... "Commander West spoke with a hand on his chest. "... It will take about a month for her to recover. But she is out of danger!"

Listening to Commander West made Sun Wenyan very angry. He feels guilty for the deadly wound that Yun Mingzhu took. Murong Lanying looked at Sun Wenyan. She noticed his concern for Yun Mingzhu's health.

She wondered how much Mingzhu must like Wenyan so that he would not care about his life at any time when he threw himself in front of a deadly attack.

"At least everything is fine. Princess, you should see your friend now!" Sun Wenyan placed a hand on his chest imitating the guards' manner.

Being called princess by Sun Wenyan made Murong Lanying scared. Sun Wenyan had a very firm expression. He was cutting off any ties they had.

Before they were all living in the forest. Any social class does not exist when one is just trying to survive.

Now Sun Wenyan was reviewing his behavior. Murong Lanying is a princess. If he treats her as usual he may offend the Lord Guardian of the North and his entire family will be destroyed.

Murong Lanying started to cry "Sun Wenyan, you idiot!"