Feelings in Conflicts

Sun Wenyan was surprised "What do you want?" Linghu Yu looked at Sun Wenyan and smiled awkwardly "I came to say goodbye to you. I know that if it weren't for you I wouldn't be alive now. I owe you a lot." Sun Wenyan had really saved Linghu Yu.

Hongyi Qian would have killed Linghu Yu without even blinking twice. But Sun Wenyan still feels that this gratitude to Linghu Yu is not as sincere as it seemed.

Linghu Yu has recently treated Sun Wenyan very well. Although he still has a habit of mistreating the weak, Linghu Yu knows that Sun Wenyan will grow even stronger quickly. Linghu Yu also knows that even though Hongyi Qian jumped out of the abyss, no one has any evidence that he actually died after all his body was not found.

The aristocracy loves wealth and honor, but above all they have a deep fear of death. Sun Wenyan looks at Linghu Yu's entire body expression. He was certainly not sincere in his words.

"Do you still remember that subject related to my Purple Raven Family?"

"I do remember about that ... I will certainly speak to my family on behalf of my brother Sun Wenyan." Linghu Yu said.

"Great, you have my anticipated gratitude and our resentment ends here." Sun Wenyan does not blame Linghu Yu for everything the Sol Negro Family did to his family. Maybe in the future he will pay a visit to the main culprits.

Hearing Sun Wenyan's words, Linghu Yu breathes a sigh of relief.

"Having your word, I already feel relieved!"

Mong Yusheng was running desperately towards Sun Wenyan. He was out of breath; "Sun Wenyan, I heard you're leaving, is it true?"

"Uhum!" Sun Wenyan was a little depressed.

"If it weren't for you, many people would have died. Why do you have to leave?" Mong Yusheng was outraged by this injustice.

"I don't know for sure. You are one of the few friends I have at this gym. Thank you for coming to say goodbye to me." Sun Wenyan said with a sincere look.

"Don't say such a thing. Our institute couldn't be so stupid as to want to expel you. Come on, I'll talk to them for you!" Mong Yusheng took Sun Wenyan and pulled him to follow him.

Mong Yusheng was very reckless and did what he thought was right. Sun Wenyan knows that Mong Yusheng has a good intention but he stopped Mong Yusheng quickly.

"I'm fine, you still have a long way to go in cultivation. Stay at the gym and train to be strong."

"But and you?" Mong Yusheng was still feeling outraged.

"Relax, I will continue to move on. Even if I leave the Academy I can cultivate by the traditional method. Furthermore, Master Xuan remains my master." Sun Wenyan said smiling.

Mong Yusheng looked at Master Xuan who was there; "Okay, but when you come to visit him, be sure to look for me!"

"Combined!" Sun Wenyan agreed. At that moment, a carefree and mocking laugh was heard

"Well, if it's not Deputy Director Xuan. I haven't seen him in a while!"

Upon hearing the laughter, Sun Wenyan and Mong Yusheng looked to see who it was. Deputy Director Xuan's vision was towards a group of people.

Leading these people was a tall, fat middle-aged man. He wore blue clothes and his face was covered with fat and fat and could only see his eyes. He looked at Sun Wenyan, Mong Yusheng and Linghu Yu. There were 6 people following the hooded man. 5 of them were women who kept whispering.

"Hu Shuo, are you around here?" Deputy Director Xuan was thoughtful. Upon hearing the words of Deputy Director Xuan, Sun Wenyan, Mong Yusheng and Linghu Yu were surprised. This obese person who looked more like a pig-type demonic beast, who was in front of him was none other than one of the two Vice-Directors you are from the Dragão da Geada Academy.

Secretly they did not get along, having a kind of "secret" competitiveness among themselves.

Hu Shuo's vision turned to Sun Wenyan "After all, the student who stimulated 6 Spiritual Crystals will be expelled, it really is a pity. It must be painful to have a master who didn't move a finger to protect his disciple. Child, you don't have a decent future if you follow that Xuan Li! "

Deputy director Xuan was controlling the anger that Hu Shuo's harsh words. "Hu Shuo, what do you think you're doing?"

"Am I talking to the boy? Can't I?" Hu Shuo looked at Sun Wenyan smiling.

"I'm sorry Deputy Director Hu Shuo. I appreciate your goodwill but I refuse your offer. I somehow offended the Lord of the North, unless you make Lord of the North recognize that he was wrong, your help would not be bigger than my master's. " Sun Wenyan said kindly to keep up appearances.

Hearing Sun Wenyan's words left Hu Shuo outraged by the boldness. It is one thing to get into trouble with other families, it is quite another to offend a royal family. For Hu Shuo, Sun Wenyan admits that he has offended the Lord Guardian of the North, already a sign of his complete lack of awareness.

For Hu Shuo, in addition to Sun Wenyan not caring for offending someone as important as the Lord Guardian of the North, he still has no regrets. Hu Shuo was thinking that Sun Wenyan was also provoking him.

"You got yourself a very troubled disciple! ..." Hu Shuo looked at Vice Director Xuan "... Xuan Li, it seems that this time your chances in Spiritual Battles are zero. I still think it's funny that you being a Vice Director don't got a disciple to pay ... hahaha. "

"What do you mean by that?" Master Xuan was pretending not to understand Hu Shuo's provocations.

"Understand how you want, I didn't stop by to talk to you, I was just passing by. When the Battle of the Spiritual Tower arrives, you won't have a trained disciple and I will have several. This proves that you don't deserve this post of Vice Director, you you just find garbage to train. "

Hu Shuo teases Master Xuan over and over. Each sentence contained a strong poison waiting to affect its prey. Since they started training, Hu Shuo was far inferior to Mestre Xuan in relation to his crops. Hu Shuo could not miss the chance to provoke Master Xuan while he is at his worst. Linghu Yu was furious with Hu Shuo.

Linghu Yu was being called garbage without being able to do anything. Sun Wenyan looked coldly at Hu Shuo and realized that he was completely different from his master.

The disciples purposely started talking louder "I prepared so much for this Battle of the Spiritual Tower. It is a pity that Deputy Director Xuan will not have a decent fighter for me to test my skills, it will be boring."

"This guy is Kung Fu, he's from the Rabo do Macaco Family. He's 7 years older than us and he's already in the 6th Zone of the Kingdom of Spiritual Ascension"

Linghu Yu informed Sun Wenyan in a whisper. After all, they were both being humiliated by Hu Shuo's disciples.

Sun Wenyan looked at his Master, put a hand on his chest and said "Master, I don't know when the Battle for the Spiritual Tower will take place. Can I participate?"

"The Battle of the Spiritual Tower will start shortly and will be at our Dragon's Frost Academy, but we didn't have time to enroll any of you who were in the field class. The next one will be in the capital, anyone can participate!" said Master Xuan.

"Master, can you allow me to participate in the next Battle of the Spiritual Tower? I'm looking forward to seeing if this Monkey Tail person is really strong or just a slob who likes to speak up!" Sun Wenyan said to his master very seriously.

Upon hearing Sun Wenyan, Kung Fu started to laugh out loud "It seems that this runt is not convinced of my strength. Since the runt is so interested in me, I will wait when you are ready to play. Just don't go crying to your master if you get hit on your face! " Unlike Master Xuan, it was very easy to provoke Deputy Director Hu Shuo's disciples.

Sun Wenyan continued "I am looking forward to our meeting as a member of the Rabo de Macaco Clan, I look forward to seeing you in less than 5 minutes to make up for my training."

"Hahaha, do you think I will lose to a runt like you? You must think yourself too much. If you are so self-confident how about placing a bet?" Kung Fu's eyes had a malicious aura.

"What kind of bet?" Sun Wenyan already hoped it would be something to do with humiliation.

"If you lose, you will have to run naked for 3 blocks shouting that you are Deputy Director Xuan's disciple, how about that?" Kung Fu revealed a wicked smile. He looked at Hu Shuo who showed a smile of satisfaction.

Sun Wenyan looked at Master Xuan and saw that he was controlling all of his anger to keep from provoking these people. Sun Wenyan replied; "Okay for me, if you lose you will do the same and shout that you are Deputy Director Hu's disciple!"

"Verbal agreements have no guarantees, we will sign a written agreement for the bet!" Kung Fu was sure it was impossible to lose. He had 7 years of experience and was on the 6th Spiritual Level. Sun Wenyan was just an ant of the 3rd Spiritual Level who had the strength of a person of the 4th Spiritual Level. The difference in powers was immense.

"Great!" Sun Wenyan unconcernedly agreed. Xuan and Hu stared at each other. Their rivalry spilled over to their students. The student who lost would throw his master's honor in the trash. Master Xuan didn't know why, but he believed that Sun Wenyan would win.

"Such a young boy and yet so arrogant. That was really unexpected." Kung Fu hummed. After they established the betting contract, Hu Shuo sneered as he left. "

Kung Fu is on the 6th Spiritual Level. These days I will train you again, even though I think you will have no difficulty! "Hu Shuo was quite happy with the easy victory. If he had known it would be so easy to provoke these Xuan disciples he would have come before. With Xuan's disgrace, the Hu's position as the next Director will be guaranteed.

"Master, I'm sorry to decide this without consulting you first!" Seeing that Hu Shuo's group had already left, Sun Wenyan went to talk to Master Xuan.

Master Xuan smiled and said, "There is nothing you need to apologize for. Just concentrate on your training and come to me if you have any difficulties." Although Hu Shuo's words were very heavy and made Master Xuan very angry, he only thought about what Sun Wenyan's training would be like.

The difficulty of defeating Kung Fu was absurd. He was a fighter who was in the 6th Zone. The 3-level difference was like comparing an elephant to an ant. Master Xuan did not interrupt Sun Wenyan at any time in order not to affect the self-confidence of his talented student.

"Sun Wenyan, explore your monstrous cultivation talent to train hard. Maybe in 2 months you will be able to advance to the 4th Zone. When you have succeeded, come and look for me to pass on some teachings about control and experience." Master Xuan was finding it absurd to imagine someone entering the 4th Layer of the Kingdom of Spiritual Ancestry in just two months.

It was impossible for a normal person to reach that speed just by training alone. Sun Wenyan was scratching his head a little confused.

For Master Xuan, Sun Wenyan was just a 3rd Level Martial Artist, but in fact Sun Wenyan's power was already greater than a 4th Level fighter, perhaps not even a 5th Level expert would be enough to defeat Sun Wenyan.

Linghu Yu and Mong Yusheng looked at each other and understood that they too were confused. For Linghu Yu and Mong Yusheng, putting Sun Wenyan compared to a 3rd Artist was simply a bad joke. Sun Wenyan, in the forest, some time ago, defeated two teachers who were on the 5th Level as if it were a peaceful walk.

Sun Wenyan's strength was long past the 3rd Layer of the Kingdom of Spiritual Ancestry. But who was able to measure Sun Wenyan's strength? As they were not sure, they have not said anything until now.

If Sun Wenyan has so much power and is only at the 3rd Layer of the Kingdom of Spiritual Ancestry. Linghu Yu was grateful to the gods for making peace with him. If Sun Wenyan manages to reach the 5th Layer in two months, it will be an unimaginable cultivation speed. Having unfinished business with Sun Wenyan was a complete suicide.

"That's all. Take care and don't do anything unsafe!" Master Xuan was still not relieved. It was like a worried mother saying goodbye to her son.

"I'll be careful, I'll be going now. Mong Yusheng and Linghu Yu, see you!" Sun Wenyan put a hand on his chest and said goodbye to them.

Sun Wenyan got into the carriage and little by little his friends and master disappeared into the horizon. Crossing several streets, the carriage headed out of the city gates.

Sitting in the carriage, Sun Wenyan was holding back the sadness of having to tell everyone in his family, especially his parents. He still doesn't know which face to face his Clan ... or say he was taking a vacation from the Academy ... After a long time thinking. Sun Wenyan, was still undecided on how to break the news to his family. He took the Celestial Star Technique book and started reading.

The Celestial Heaven technique book, which his master gave at the beginning of his training, had three basic levels of cultivation in all. The Celestial Star Technique book had 16 levels in all. They were intermediate cultivation techniques. This Celestial Star Technique was much weaker than the Celestial Heaven Technique. It just explained some basic cultivation methods. The Heavenly Heaven Technique, on the other hand, had a much deeper interpretation and with much more content.

"What do you mean? And just that?" Sun Wenyan was confused, read several pages of the Celestial Star Technique and did not have much to learn. Sun and put aside the Cultivation Technique and took his Spiritual Stones from his backpack and started to cultivate.

Suddenly, while looking at the Spiritual Stones in his hand, an idea crossed his mind and a smile that was not a smile appeared on his face.

"How can I have forgotten that, if the Guardian of the North did not look like me, I can simply take support from another force as powerful as his just in case ..."

"... Driver can stop right here, I'll get off right here ..."

Meanwhile in the Jade Seal Family, Yun Mingzhu is in the bathtub washing up.

The water that falls on your skin slips leaving it cleaner and creamy. Quiet and elegant, she was looking like a lotus flower calmly floating in the bathtub. The right hand massaged the left shoulder.

His mortal wound had no trace on his skin. There was not even a scar. She knew that this was Sun Wenyan's total merit. Even if there were dozens of Medicinal Jades, an injury of that magnitude would take at least a few months to fully recover.

In her heart there was only Sun Wenyan, even though she was depressed when she remembers her future arranged marriage.

A small servant was throwing water at Mingzhu with a ladle. The water flowed down Mingzhu's shoulders calmly like a stream.

"Young lady, your skin is so smooth. If your fiance saw you, he would be very happy." The little servant looked at Mingzhu without thinking of her own words.

"Xiao Gu, I don't want to hear about it again." Just hearing this made Mingzhu furious.

"Young lady, it was my mistake. I really didn't want to mention your future fiance." This little servant, called Xiao Gu, bowed her head quickly. She had some doubts as to whether Mingzhu had actually accepted this marriage or not. This was a custom among Aristocratic Families.

Yun Mingzhu was recovering from his injury at home. Since leaving the field class area, she hasn't heard from anyone, least of all Wenyan.

Xiao Gu thought for a while and spoke calmly; "Young lady, I heard that a boy in your class offended the Lord Guardian of the North and was expelled from the Frost Dragon Academy" Young Xiao Gu thought that would not be something important, she just wanted to change the heavy climate that was that moment.

"Offended the Lord Guardian of the North? What is the name of that boy?" Mingzhu took Xiao Gu's hand and spoke so quickly that it scared the young servant.

"The name I don't really know!" Xiao Gu was very confused. She didn't imagine that just mentioning this gossip would make her young lady so scared ...

Mingzhu was squeezing her hand so hard it made her sore. "I'm sorry Xiao Gu!" Mingzhu noticed an expression of pain and let go of Xiao Gu's hands.

In Mingzhu's heart, she was almost 100% sure that Wenyan was the boy who was expelled. Mingzhu was concerned, Sun Wenyan did not have any support. It came from a family in the City of Vale Verde. Entering an elite school like the Dragon's Frost Academy was his chance to change his life. She feels that some injustice could have happened to Sun Wenyan. If Wenyan left the Institute, what future would he have? Yun Mingzhu was just having bad thoughts of how it would end. She was unaware that Sun Wenyan was already far from the city. She dressed quickly and left in a hurry.

In the mansion of the Lord of the City.

The entire guard was in complete silence in the main hall of the Central Palace. Wearing gray clothes, a middle-aged man was standing. He was the father of Murong Lanying, Lord Guardian of the North Murong Shawl. Next to him was, wearing red clothes, a young girl, was Murong Lanying.

"Lanying this matter is already over. I will not go back on my decisions." Murong Shawl said coldly.

Hearing that his opinion was rejected left Lanying with tears in his eyes; "The boy saves me from death several times and you repay him for his kindness by expelling him from the Academy? Is that how a respectable gentleman like you reciprocates who saved his daughter's life?"

"Do you want to teach me how to behave with respect?" Murong Xaile said without paying much attention to Lanying's words.

"You are Lord Guardian of the North, in a nutshell, you are inspiration to many people in the Great Empire. Ending the excellent future of a student like Sun Wenyan is so low that I really didn't expect that from you, my father. No do you think Yuan Xin would be ashamed of this? He is my savior and I owe my life several times to him. I really do have a father who embarrasses me! "

Murong Lanying said as his eyes welled up with tears.

"He helped the son of a rebel and that is betrayal and heresy. He is fortunate not to be executed in a public square. Expelling him from the Dragon's Frost Academy was the best thanks he deserved." Murong Shawl looked furious.

"Getting him expelled from the academy is like killing him!" Lanying still appealed. Murong Lanying understood that it was extremely difficult for an ordinary family member to enter the Academy. Now that she was kicked out, she imagined the level of frustration that Sun Wenyan could be experiencing. What was Wenyan's crime?

Although he really helped Hongyi Qian, he saved so many lives that in Lanying's opinion he definitely deserved an award, marrying her would be a great prize ...

"Hongyi Kuan, father of Hongyi Qian, died because he was arrested on the false charges of Ming Fei. Now Wenyan who saved my life and the lives of several other people had his goodwill reciprocated with injustice and defamation." Said Murong Lanying

Murong Shawl frowned at Lanying's words. His gaze held a furious expression and his voice changed to an icy and extremely deep tone.


Lanying covered his face, tears streaming down his beautiful face. His heart was suffering a lot. She didn't expect her father to react that way. She turned and left furiously.

A person dressed in black approaches Murong Shawl. He had a covered face, but only a pair of brown eyes were visible.

"My lord, do you want me to watch the princess's steps?" Asked the mysterious person.

"It won't be necessary, I know this rascal with the palm of mine. I already know what she's going to do… hehehe!" replied Murong Shawl.

"Hongyi Kuan, my old best friend, your son is exceptional and has excellent friends. It is really a shame that he believed a lying version of his death. But I will kill the real culprit who killed you is my wife. I promise... "Murong Shawl murmured so low that only he can hear.