Larping 2

So the first person I met as my persona was a rogue agent protecting an orphanage of sorts. The agent was the sole adult and was adamant in defending the place with everything he had. Given he was thirty and ex-child services on the military side, I found his reasoning for going rogue to be decent enough to live. Most of his friends were joining Keener, and when they mentioned turning literal six year olds into soldiers. Well agent, Daryl Sullivan, of the team Vainglory, executed his former friends in broad daylight.

Afterward, through the slow progression of this all, he gathered orphans of various ages and made a safe place for them. So I gave the man a phone number for Pikachu, still hilarious for a Ghosts monkiner, as her four-man team would be nearby. Telling him that I had seen and met some actual soldier folk unlike LMB setting up shop in a hotel and helping people. After getting a good distance away from the orphanage, I put out a volo using ISAAC. Just a simple one on escorting the group to a safe area controlled by everyone working with me, just to make sure those who are saps for kids come running.

After that, we ran into a large group of rogues trying to hold us at gunpoint to go rogue or face execution. Simply because we're not working with them, given my watch and Alexia's collar were still orange in their eyes. Sighing as I raised my hands, I didn't think much when I suddenly lashed out with my right arm, a compact SHD shield ripping through my sleeve and decking a rogue in the face. Alexia, taking the moment that the rogues were stunned, pounced and mauled a woman to death.

Meanwhile, I grabbed the fire axe from another one and impaled their friend with it, lodging the axe in their neck as a bullet was fired right into my left shoulder from behind as Alexia disemboweled a rogue with her claws. Grunting, I grabbed the one I smacked with my shield, taking their side arm and unloading the gun through their stomach into two of their friends.

Discarding the corpse as the other two hit the ground, I ducked under the fist of the rogue I stole the axe from and aimed the stolen gun up under their chin. Pulling the trigger, their head flew backwards with a snap, a rogue with a bastard sword taking the chance presented to ram their blade into my side. Acting quickly I shot my leg up, having the blade impale it at an angle before blowing the rogue's brains out. With a sword stuck in my leg, I sighed and used my shield to block a blow from a shotgun, Alexia getting kicked in the head by a rogue who met their end when a spear made of junk went through their face.

"Move people! Take those rogues down and secure those friendlies, we can't lose any more people trying to help us survive!"

A black man wearing a skull bandana with a biker's vest yelled as he hurled another spear through the rogue trying to break my shield with shotgun blasts. Studying the man's biker vest, I realized he was fucking a Hell's Angel, and the people with him were civilian private security operators or other bikers. A man wearing a security uniform for Stone Security, that works directly out of New York, raised a M16A1 and fired three times, putting two rounds into a rogue's heart before one to the head.

A Hell's Angel with a Trench Shotgun volted over a car, gun raised, before pulling the trigger and riddling a fleeing rogue with holes in the back. A guard from Anpu Security walking calmly towards the downed rogue before putting a bullet in their head with a Beretta M9 as a rogue with a bow and arrow put an arrow through their eye and out the back of their skull.

Idiot this isn't a stroll in the park this a war zone currently, shooting a rogue in the back of the head as they ran I watched as a motorcycle came from the way they were running. Two bikers on it wearing different vests from the Hell's Angels used chained meat hooks to snag a rogue and drag them off down the road along with any others unlucky enough to get hooked. Sighing, I looked around and noticed that the area was clear now, just a bloody mess with Alexia sporting a few wounds and a knife in her shoulder blade.

Chuckling when she came over to me and chuffed needily while rubbing her body against me due to seeing me with a sword in my leg. Stroking her head a bit, I eventually pulled the sword from my leg and administered field aid to close it and reattach torn segments using ISAAC, and Revive Hive serum to get my leg fully functional with no issues.

Testing my leg out and doing a few rather dangerous movements with it, I learned what was still not possible even with it being healed. Nodding to myself, I got to tending my big baby while the bikers and security guards watched us or moved bodies out of view and to somewhere else. Alexia rather proudly showed she's a big baby as well, while I tended to her, my shield still out just in case someone tried something. No one did, but they did wait to ask me something until after I made sure Alexia was fully alright, just going to need to file her claws because they were a bit long.

"So you're with the Division, right? That's what the watch is for, yeah?"

The one to ask was a security guard for a small-time company called Fiendless . Standing up, I looked around to see the civilian group was a total of sixteen people.

"I mean not initially, we got our watches by looting a dead pair and this AI asked some stuff and registered us as Agents due to a shortage of them. But if you're needing a safe place and all, then I know a few places with people willing to house you. But you'd have to work and be ready to fight and everything, since these are hard times currently."

My answer seemed to make some of them happy, some were angered though that I wasn't offering to help them with everything or some other thing. Shrugging my shoulders with a roll of them, I had ISAAC pull up the nearest settlement that wasn't full. Humming as I narrowed it down before heating up the three-dimensional map projection to burn the route onto the back of a stop sign ripped from its post.

Handing it to the Hell's Angels people, as they're more trustworthy than the rest here. Given that they have a reputation with communities and children's hospitals, I trust them a lot more. Because bikers do a lot of good even if they scare people, just gotta be on their good side. The bikers, when hearing that an unofficial orphanage of children was heading there as well, funnily enough I had them escorted, hollered for their bikes after that.

Heading off, I would meet several more Agents and Rogues throughout the day and learn a lot about how they typically would begin to think after a while on duty. The Agents being a minority compared to the rogues, who think they're tough shit. The agents still following their mission wholeheartedly believe they can make a difference and will do anything to make sure that they can do so. As one team I met, called the Demon Slayer team, set up a school for learning sword, halberd, spear, and gun techniques to help the civilians and JTF be able to survive longer. One called Dawn Guard was some of the Division's best medical personnel setting up missions to combat and control the Dollar Flu going around with the primary goal of minimal casualties. One called Forsaken Killers though was a band of sociopathic Agents at twelve people strong who called each other family, they were operating much like my Hunters and waiting for justifiable reasons to end a traitors life or didn't care and would kill them outright, before having a hearing in which the evidence presented to ISAAC would have them reinstated as a regular Agent once more.

The Rogues, believe that they've done enough and all they've gotten is used by the civilians, and thus think it is time for them to take what they believe they are owed. Some have legitimate reasons for such thinking, as they got used by the JTF as disposable personnel and left to die by them, so those had anger that is justifiable. Same for those who watched entire civilian groups be slaughtered before their eyes, and all their calls for help were met with denial or a wait time they didn't have. Some had their family murdered, and the Division did nothing or condemned them for taking revenge for those they loved. Which is why those Rogues I offered a chance, after Alexia and I captured them, to be a part of a new Division branch that'd work the Hunter branch called Hound.

The top Hound's were Unosknight, a Japanese male taking on a more modern samurai look with his load out was ex-JSDF and PMC for Black Tusk. Black Oni, a German and former special forces who had been recruited into the Division, had gone rogue when he witnessed an entire settlement of three hundred people be gunned down by the JTF because an outbreak of the Dollar Flu happened and spread quickly. Frankenstein, a defamed scientist specialized in viral diseases and curing them, had gone rogue when the military tried to militarize her fail experiments to contain infected populations, and she took that personally. Artillery, a demolitions specialist who can man and use any form of artillery weaponry or explosive, was an Agent planning to go rogue when her commanding officer in the JTF she worked with demanded she lay a minefield outside a hostile civilian settlement just because the people wanted to be left alone and dragged into any fighting.

After meeting all those people and learning about the Division a bit more in detail, I was heading towards a contested check point with Alexia to see how the JTF would treat us. However, I never expected to be ripped into a Rainbow Six operation when I got near the walls being built for the Dark Zone in upstate New York, though. Didn't get a choice really when big and ugly tried to side wind me with a clawing motion, big and ugly being an infected woman from the Norway embassy who had dark sickly yellow puss sacks along exposed portions of her skin. Thinking fast, I grabbed her arm and spun in a half circle, throwing her back further into the Dark Zone with my hidden exo suit powering on to help do so.

{"This is Doc of Rainbow Six, if any Division, JTF, Ghost, civilians near or in the Dark Zone get this be advised that there has been a mutation in the Dollar Flu strain in highly concentrated areas. Several cases of the mutation escaped the kill zone and are trying to make a break for it."}


"ISAAC path me in and lets get this show on the road."


"This is Agent Chime, I read you loud and clear, Doc. Moving in to help contain the situation, with extreme prejudice and plenty of violent intentions."