When Chen Xaing woke it was already night time, so he went downstairs to see if there's anything to eat. When Wan Yu saw him coming downstairs, she said "Thank you for carrying me to my room when I fainted." He just chuckled and said "No problem but next time you won't be in your room." Everyone was shocked at what Chen Xaing said but then they just laughed as a joke. Chen Xaing came close and whispers in her ear "I'm not joking." Chen Xaing's mom said "Ok enough joking, let's go eat, then go to sleep it's getting late." So everyone ate dinner, then went to sleep.
The next day both of the family went on a trip to the beach. Everyone was excited, so everyone started to pack and they when to the beach. Chen Xaing whisper in Wan Yu's ear "I'm excited to see you in a bikini," all she said "In your dreams,"as she rolled her eyes. When they got there, everyone got into their swimsuit. Chen Jing and Wan Li, Mr. Chen, Mrs. Chen, Mr. Wan, and Mrs. Wan just went on their little date. Wan Yu and Chen Xaing had no one to go on a date with so they went to do their own thing. Wan Yu went to swim in the ocean and Wan Yu went to sit under the umbrella. Wan Yu swim a little to far, so she started to drown but Chen Xaing saw her. Chen Xaing ran fast and jump into the water to save her. Chen Xaing carry Wan Yu bridal style and starts to give her CPR but after she spits water out she passed out. Chen Jing, Wan Li, Mr. Wan, Mrs. Wan, Mr. Chen, and Mrs. Chen ran to them and asks "What happened to Wan Yu?"
Matt said in a worry voice "She swim a little to far and started to drown." They went to the hospital after a few hours, Wan Yu woke up and said "Why am I in a hospital and how?" Mrs. Wan said "First of all, Wan Lu you dumb head why did you go too far, you could have die if it wasn't for Xaing and second of all you're in a hospital because you drown in the ocean."
Yi said "Because of you, my date is ruined."
All Lu could said in a sad voice "I'm sorry, Xaing thank you again for helping me."
Xaing said trying not to sound worry "No problem."
Lu said "Can you guys leave, I want to be alone," so everyone did except for Xaing but she didn't know. Lu started to cry and whisper "I'm sorry that I ruined the trip," but Xaing just sat watching her cry because he didn't know what to do. Yu cried for an hour then she fell asleep from crying.
The next day Yu woke up and realized that it's Monday, so Yu got up so fast but went she turn around, she saw her family. Her mom said "Yu relax, today you don't have school because it was cancelled." So she relaxed but then her mom said "Yu you're lucky to have Xaing to take care of you last night"
Yu scream "WHAT!?! he stayed with me last night."
They said "Yeah because he told that he will stay with you," then he woke up and said " What's happening?"
Yu's family said "Nothing but we're here to tell you guys that there is no school today but anyways bye," and they left. Yu said "Xaing why didn't you go home and you did hear and see what I was doing last night?"
Xaing said "First of all the reason I didn't go home was because I feel bad for you and second of all yes I did," then she went back into bed and thought to herself "Wow I never knew that Xaing can be caring and swee- wait this probably one of his tricks, I can fall for them." But little did she that Xaing actually really like her. After a few hours Yu got discharged from the hospital, Yu's parents took Xaing and Yu home. When they got home they act like it was a normal day.