
As they lay on Yu's bed, Xaing facing the back of Yu's head while Yu was laying on his right arm. Yu said in a sad tone "I'm sorry for ignoring you for the whole day." as tears fell on Xaing's right arm.

Xaing turns Yu to make her face him and he said "Don't you know how worry I was but it's fine," then Xaing kiss Yu on the forehead and cheeks.

Yu ask "Don't you have school tomorrow?"

Xaing said "No, school is cancelled for tomorrow."

Yu just reply with "Ok," then they fell asleep.

5 minutes later, Yu woke up to a very loud thunder, Yu try not to wake Xaing up. Yu got too scared so she squeeze Xaing but she did it a little too hard, so that woke Xaing up and Xaing ask "Yu, what's wrong?"

Yu said "The thunder was really loud so I just got scared."

Xaing look so worry and he said "I'm sorry, I can't help much."

Yu just smile and said "You already do a lot for me."

Xaing said "Are you tried anymore cause I'm not after waking up."

Yu said "Well there is thunderstorm and it's loud, so I'm not tried anymore, so what we going to do it's only 12 am?"

He said "Let's talk about plans for the future."

she said "Ok."

Xaing said "My plans for the future is to get a good job, move into an apartment with you, marry you, and have kids. What about you?"

Yu said "My plans are the same as your plans."

They both smile at each other and then Xaing said "Please don't ignoring me again, you don't how hurt and worry I was about you," in a calm and upset tone as he rub her left cheek with his thumb.

Yh said "I'm sorry, I just wanted to know if you really care about me and now I know that you care about me a lot." Then the door open, it was Mai kissing with her boyfriend Wai, Yu and Xaing act like they were sleeping, Mai thought that Yh was sleeping and she didn't see Xaing was there, so she thought Yu won't hear them. Mai and her boyfriend started to do "it" and Yu and Xaing just lay there in silence.

The next morning Yu woke to Xaing's face really close to her face, Yu got up and looked at her roommate, her boyfriend and her were gone. Yu looked at her phone and it turns out the all of her classes cancelled because all of her teachers were sick. Yu lay back in bed with Xaing.

Xaing woke up with a smile and he said "Good morning, beautiful."

Yu said "Good morning."

Xaing ask "Yu, don't you have class?"

She said "Oh all of my classes are cancelled cause all of my teachers are sick."

Xaing said "Since we both don't have class today. Do you want to go to the park, mall, or do you just want to stay here?"

Yu said "Let's go to the park." So Yi got ready, then they went to Xaing's college so he can change and then went to the park.