Next few days, Mai has not been feeling well, so Mai went to the hospital. When she got to the dorm she saw Yu and Xaing sitting there doing nothing much, she told Yu in a sad tone "I'm pregnant by my boyfriend, the front manager said that I have to move out now because I'll be a bad reputation for the school." Xaing and Yi just sat there in silence.
2 weeks later, Mai got done packing, she left. Yu said to Xaing "See this is why I'm waiting for us to live together."
Xaing said "Well we're going to live together anyways, so what is your point."
Yu was silence for second but said "Well I don't want to get pregnant right now and I still have college to finish." Xaing went back to his college and Yu got ready for her classes.
After Yu was done with her classes, she went to get groceries and some cute clothes. When she was done shopping, she walked home. While she was walking she notices a guy was following her, so she tries to act like someone called her but it didn't work. Yu try to walk faster but so did the guy following Yu. Soon the guy catch up to Yu, he pull her to the wall then punch her in the stomach. Yu drop her things on the floor as she fell on the ground and said "What do you want?"
He said "I want-" before the guy can finish Xaing punch the guy and said "This is my girlfriend, leave her alone!" Xaing took Yu and her bags and walked away. Xaing ask "Why didn't call me to take you go shopping? don't you know it's dangerous to walk by yourself."
Yu said "I'm sorry, I didn't want to bother you."
Xaing said "It's fine, just call me next time you want to go shopping" and Yi nods her head. As they were walking, Xaing smirk and said "Well since I save you today, you have cook food for me." She nods her head, agreeing.