
Next week Xaing told Yu "Babe, the guys have everything set up for the trip, so we'll leave next week and we'll be staying for three days," in a happy tone, Yu smile in happiness. When they went to the airport, they saw Ming and Sun, so they only need to wait for Lai and Zhe but 5 minutes later they were there.

When they landed Lai, Xaing, and Sun blindfold Yu, Ming, and Zhe.

"Why are you blindfolding me?" said Yu in a curious tone.

Xaing said, "The reason that we blindfold you guys are because we want to surprise you guys."

Yu said "Ok, so take us where we need to be," in a sassy and happy tone, so Xaing, Lai, and Sun started walk with Yu, Ming, and Zhe to the bus with other people. When they got there, Xaing, Sun, and Zhe took off the blindfold on Ming, Yu, Zhe. When they saw a beautiful beach and Xaing said "We'll be staying at a hotel and each couple will have their own room."

So each couple went into their rooms to put their stuff in then they all went out to eat. When they were done eating, they went back to their room. Yu and Xaing went in their room, they did some of work from their jobs, and then just cuddle while watching a really scary Korean movie. Yu said, "Omg this movie is really scary, are you scared?"

Xaing said, "Well I'm a bit scared but not too much." While they watch the movie, Keria would cover her eyes when she think when something scary is going to happen. After they watch the movie, they went to sleep because tomorrow they will be going to the beach. In the middle of the night, Xaing heard Yu crying and saying "Please don't leave me," in an upset tone. Xaing woke up to Yu having a bad nightmare. Xaing immediately woke up Yu. When Yu woke up, she sat up, Xaing asks what's wrong, Yu said in a sad voice "I had a nightmare where you were leaving me for someone else."

Xaing said, "It's going to be fine, I would never leave you, there is no one as good as you." Xaing kisses her forehead and then hugged her.

Xaing said "We should going back to sleep or tomorrow we'll be tired," Yu nodded, so they went back to sleep.