After three hours, the parents woke up, they went to use the bathroom one by one. Yu taste the soup and it was ready, so she asks Xaing to help her to put the soup and the rice in bowls. After Xaing did what she told him to do, Yu put the rest of the soup in the middle of the table with some side dishes. Yu call the parents to come eat, when the parents tasted the soup, Xaing's mom said "Omg Yu, this soup is good, when did you learn to cook this soup?"
Yu said, "This is soup was easy to cook and I heard that this soup was good for your health." They ate and talk at the table. After they ate, Yu cleaned up, Xaing and the dads just watch the soccer game, and the moms just gossiping about things. After Yu was done cleaning, she gives the parents and Xaing the stuff she bought for them and they said "Thanks." Yu just said "No problem."
After some time the parents said goodbye to Xaing and Yu and then they left. Yu started to write on her story and Xaing told Keria "Um... Yu today I have to go to my company because there's a meeting at the company and all the employees need to be there."
"Oh ok, you better not cheat on me or I'll kill you." as she sarcastically said because she knows that Xaing would never do it and Xaing said "ok, bye." like that he left to his company. Yu wrote for a few hours and she finally finishes her book so she sent it to her company but she notices that Xaing has not come home yet and it was getting dark. Yu begins to worry so she tried to call him many times but he didn't answer, she was about to give up but she decided that she'll call one more time and Xaing picked up. Yu heard very loud music in the background but she ignores it and asks "Where the hell are you, it's getting late."
Xaingsaid "Um.... I'm with my colleagues." in a very drunk voice. Yu guess that he is at a club so she hung up in anger but Yu remember that Xaing's phone has a tracker so Yu went to check where Xaing is and he is at a club close to their apartment. Yu got ready, got into her car, and drove to the club that Xaing is at. When Yu got into the club, she saw a bunch of girls around Xaing and he was kissing one of the girls, she begins to walk up to Xaing and those girls who are around him. Yu said, "Get your filthy hands off of my man!" One of the girls asks her "Who are you?"
Yu yelled "I'm that guy's GIRLFRIEND," in a very angry tone. All of the girls got scared and ran away, Xaing's drunk butt said to the girls "Hey come back, we were just starting the fun." Yu slapped him really hard and she was about to cry but she tries to hold it in. She heard a familiar voice, and it was Ming. Yu grabbed Xaing's ear, pull it, and begin to walk towards Ming to see what she's doing here. Yu said, "Hi Ming, what are you doing here?"
Ming said "Oh hi Yu, I'm here because Sun is drunk but he said that he has a meeting at his company and I saw him kissing another girl." in a very sad voice, Ming asks "Why are you here?"
Yu said, "I'm here for the same reason." Tears begin to fall down their cheeks, so they try to get their boyfriends to their cars.