
She went back to watching the show but she kept get notifications for Weibo and Youku so when she glance at the notifications, they were a lot of likes and comments for her video and post on Weibo. People commented on her post saying "I hope you join the show soon, I'm so excited, I'll bring wait for you and your future boyfriend." Yu's post has 6k likes in 5 minutes. On Youku, her video got 30k likes in 5 hours and Yu got a lot of comments answering the questions in her videos and compliments from her fans.

Yu smiles at the comments answering the questions, some are really funny, some are sad that made Yu teared up. She continues to read her fans statements for the next few minutes but eventually went to back to observing "My super lover." Soon it becomes dark with only the moonlight begin the light; everything was quite, the only thing you can hear is voices from the TV. Yu eventually watched the video that they posted recently, now Yu is done watching "My super lover" she just went to check if there's anything interesting on social media.

Yu checked but there was nothing interesting so she went to writing while listen to calming songs on her laptop. She continue to typing for the next few hours but then she wonder why isn't Xaing back home, she calls a few times but he didn't answer so Yu just went back to typing. It soon became 12 am, she got really drowsy so she told herself that she'll only take an hour nap, she set a timer to one hour, and laid on the couch as she drift off to sleep.

At 1 am, Xaing finally came home, the first thing he does is checks if there's anything to eat. He sees that there's Chicken Miyukguk so gets a bow, started to scooping the soup into the bow, then microwave it for a minute, then he starts to eat his bow full of Chicken Miyukguk at the table while he scroll through Weibo. On Weibo, he saw a post about Yu so that caught his eyes so he click on it, he saw a picture of Yu and the caption said "I really love Yu's new video. She does a Q&A, you guys should go watch it." Xaing was so astonished that Yu have a Youku channel that he almost choked on the Chicken Miyukguk but as soon as he was done reading the tweet, he went to Youku, look up "Yu's Q&A," and the video popped up, he starts to watch her video while eating Chicken Miyukguk.


When Xaing was done watching her video and eating Chicken Miyukguk, he had so many questions to asks but he decides to tell her tomorrow because she might be sleeping already. He wash his bowl and spoon, did his night routine, went to their room but he didn't on the lights because he didn't want to wake Yu up, then put on his short, and got into bed.

When he try to put his arms around Yu' waist but he only felt the bed sheets so he turn on the lights; when he turned on the lights he didn't see Yu in bed, he was kinda surprised and worry. Xaing looked around the bed but she wasn't there, he checked in the two other rooms; she wasn't also there. He checked everywhere but she nowhere to be found but he forgot to check the couch. Xaing being to panic so her calls his mom to asks if Yu is there but his mom said "No, why," Xaing said that he'll tell her later.

Xaing calls Sun to asks Ming if she has seen Yu but he said "Nope." Xaing was about to call the police as he about to sit on the couch but when he sat on the couch he felt a huge lump; when he looked at the huge lump he realized that it was Yu. He wanted to knuckles her in the head for making him worry but he just chuckled and whispers "Hey stupid, you made me worried while you just sleep on the couch and oh yeah I saw your video that you made while I wasn't here, it was pretty fun to watch I'm going to confront you tomorrow. Goodnight," then he kiss her on forehead. Xaing carries her to their bed; when he finally got her into bed, he finally got into bed, he put his arms around her waist, and went to sleep.

At 6 am, Yu woke up to the sun that is just waking up too, birds chirping, cars on the roads, and on the their bed with Xaing sleeping next to her; when she looked at him, he was sleeping on his back with his arms wide opened, his legs are making the number four. Yu couldn't help but laugh quietly. Yu thought it would be funny to take a picture of him sleeping in that sleeping position so she did. She went to use the bathroom to and her morning routine, then she went to the fridge to get the pot of Chicken Miyukguk, it warm up, sat at the table, and starts to eat it while watching her phone.

Soon Xaing eventually woke up and went to the bathroom, then telling Yu "Good morning," like he usually does. She was worry something bad happened last night so she just waited for him while eating Chicken Miyukguk. When he came out, grabs a bowl, he puts Chicken Miyukguk in his bowl, then went to sit in the chair next to Yu, and starts to eating while looking at his Chicken Miyukguk.

She asks "What's wrong?" in a worry tone as she was about to put her hand on Xaing's hand but he moved his hand.

He answered "Nothing," in a disappointed tone as he kept eating.

Yu said "Xaing, stop lying, just tell me what's wrong," in frustrating tone, she has lost her appetite so she sat there.

He said "Fine I'll tell you but you have to promise that you won't be mad or laugh at me," in nervous tone but he's not actually nervous.

She nodded as she said "Ok," still in a confused tone.

Xaing continues "Last night, when I got into bed, I tried to put my arms around your waist but I didn't feel you so I turn on the lights, you weren't there so I begin to worry so I looked everywhere for you but I couldn't. I called my mom and Sun to see if you're there but you weren't there either so I was about to to call the police but I found you on the couch by almost sitting on you," in a weak tone as he turn his head to look at he.

She said "Seriously, you couldn't find me sleeping on the couch, I guess it's good that nothing bad happened to you," in a joyful tone while trying not to laugh because he couldn't find her on the couch but when she looked at Xaing, he had a grin on his face.

She asked "What," in a confused tone as one of her eyebrows rise for a second.

He grins and said "I also found your Youku channel and I watched the video that you made yesterday," in a evil tone.

Yu nodded and said "So when I can reveal that you're my boyfriend," in an curious tone.

Xaing answered "I don't know but we'll have to wait to see if a music industry will let me become a singer and if my dad approves," in a helpless tone.

Yu mumbles "Ok, tell me when talk to them if you join one of the industries," then she slightly yelled "Wait minute~" in a puzzled voice with a confused look.

He looked at her and said "What," in a puzzle tone too.

She asked "Where were you yesterday and why did you come so late," in a furious tone.

He looks hesitate but he answers "Yesterday when I was at the last music industry, I saw some old friends so I went to eat with them and we catch up with life. After we went to eat we went to a bar but they got drunk so I had to call someone to pick them up, when they left I had someone drive me back home, then I paid person before I came in. That's it," in a confident tone

Yu slowly nodded while saying "Ok," in a suspicious tone. Yu asked "Are you done eating?" he nodded so she got up, grab her bowl and his bowl, starts to walk to the kitchen sink, and begin to wash their dishes.