
When Yu woke to the sound of rain so she looked outside the window, saw that it was sunny and raining, Yu took a picture and a video, then Yu went to find Ying Yue since she wasn't in bed when Yu woke up. She went to use the bathroom before she went to find Ying Yue but when she walks past the living room she saw something from the corner of her right eye. She steps a few steps back, took a close look at what she saw, Yu saw Lai laying on the couch while Ying Yue was sleeping on top of him.

It was such an adorable scene that she took a few photos than she saw Zhe coming down the stairs, Yu calls his name to get his attention, when she got him to come towards her she points at Lai and Ying Yue. Zhe looks so confused until he looks at the direction that she was pointing at. When he saw it his confused face turns into a proud face with a big smile, Yu can tell that his heart is melting at the adorable scene, he really touches how sweet Lai is with Ying Yue, then Zhe begins to take a few photos too. They look so peaceful so she let them sleep in plus Lai babysits Ying Yue all night.

After Yu cooked breakfast, Zhe ate, then he left for work. While Yu waits for Lai and Ying Yue to wake up she watches things on her phone, she so got sleepy so she went to take a 10-minute nap. When she woke up, went to check on Ying Yue and Zhe, she looks in the living room, they weren't there, then she hears Ying Yue scream "Mama,'' in an excited tone. Yu turns around, she saw that she was eating. When Lai and Ying Yue look at Yu, he starts to laugh then he covers his mouth to show that he wasn't laughing, Ying Yue copies Luke.

Yu was so confused, she asks "What's so funny," in a confused tone.

Lai tries to make a serious face, said "Nothing, we were just talking about something fun," in a lighthearted tone, and continue to feed Ying Yue.

"Ok," said Yu in a doubtful tone as she walks to the bathroom. As she's walking to the bathroom she could see from the corner of her left eye that Zhe is taking Ying Yue and quietly walking away, that's when she realized they probably did something bad to her, she quickly ran to the bathroom. when she saw the reason they were laughing, they drew on her face, she yells "QING LAI, WHY DID YOU DO THIS, I'M GOING TO GET YOU," in a menacing tone as she ran out if the bathroom to find them.

When she found Lai in his and Zhe's room, she chased him all over the room, went she finally caught him, she hit but not too hard, then said "Did you do this to me'' in a curious and serious tone.

"Ok, ok I'm sorry, how can I make it up,'' in an apologetic tone as he gave a nervous smile.

Yu smiles evilly and she said ''Ok, get me a second." After a few minutes, Yu burst out laughing so did Ying Yue, Lai walks to the bathroom to see how he looks, he walks back to his room, and said "This is a little unfair, Ying Yue was part of it too," so Yu drew on her too but she only drew one dot on her cheek.

Around 3 pm, Yu begins to pack up because Ying Yue and she is going to leaving soon. She let Lai play with Ying Yue for a few more minutes, went time was up Yu said that it was time to leave, he begins to fake cry so the baby begins to cry. After Yu got her to stop crying she let her hug Lai for the last time, then Yu gently took her hand, grabs the bags, and begin to walk out of the house as Lai follow behind. When they were walking out of the house, Ying Yue was looking at Lai with a very sad look. As Yu and her got closer to Yu's car she let go of Yu's hand, ran to him, hug him, when she did that Lai hugs her as he smiles, then she whispered to him "I will miss you."

"I'll miss you too, I'll visit you when I'm free," in a soft tone as a few tears fell from his eyes. Ying Yue broke the hug, wipes his tears, kiss his left cheek, and quickly ran back to Yu. When she was all seat belted, Yu got into her car, seat belted, they both wave goodbye to Lai as he does the same, then Yu drove off. Halfway home she felt hungry so she asks if Ying Yue was hungry too and she nods so they went to get something to eat. They stop at a restaurant that sells noddles and hopefully it tastes good.

"Omg, it's Wan Yu and Ying Yue! They're really at our restaurant," as the employees whisper to each other. One of the employees walk towards Yu, told them to follow him, bought them a table, gave Yu a menu, asks them what they wanted, and left. As Yu and Ying Yue wait for their food she saw someone familiar.

She stood up, taps the guy on the shoulder, and asks "Um.. hi, are you, Li Bai," in a hesitant tone as the guy turns around to face her.

"Yes, I am Li Bai, who are you," in a confused tone as he makes a confused and serious expression.

Yu gave a surprise face and said "You don't remember me, my chubby boy," in a curious as she points at herself with a sweet smile.

He was silent making a confused face for a few seconds but then make a realization expression and said "OMG are you Wan Yu aka my little dorky girl," as he said in an exhilarated tone with a surprising look as he gave her a tight hug.

"Omg how are you," said Bai in an exciting way as he pulls apart from Yu and looks her up and down.

"I'm doing fine, how about you, Li Bai," in a joyful tone, then she looks at Bai up and down too.

Bai said "I'm fine, wow you look so different since the last time I saw you," in a surprise and excited tone, and then he pulled a chair to sit down at their table.

She sat down and said "Well you look different too, I remember your cute, chubby baby face and now you're not chubby anymore, you're baby face is gone, and you look so handsome now but I still remember your birthmark on your collar bone," in a joyful tone as Yu looks at his birthmark.

"Hey! don't remind me of those days!," in a disgruntled tone as he pouts, then he said "You too, I remember you with your glasses, braces, questionable fashion of clothes, and you were a little chubby too," in a bantering tone as he gave a small smile.

"Shhh~ don't say that out loud, I can't have anyone knowing about those days...aissi~ you really had to remind me of those days," said Yu in an irritated tone as she lowers her eyebrows, drawn them together to make a "V," as she glared at Bai. Ying Yue start to giggles and Bai and Yu turn their head to look at her, as she was laughing their food came to their table.

When Ying Yue finally stops laughing Yu begins to feed her, while Yu feeding her, Bai asks "So have you got married already since you have a child?"

She shook her head and said "Oh no no, I'm not married yet, the-," in a nervous and surprised tone with her wave her hands.

Bai interrupts her and said "Oh so are you a single mom, her aunt, or you're babysitting your friend's child?" in a confused tone and expression.

"BAI let me finish my sentence, just listen," in a frustrated tone and making an upset face. "She lost her mom 2 weeks ago, I found her, the police let me take care of her until they can find her mom so I'm technically her foster mom, have you not been on Webio," as she tries to calm down.

"Oh, I'm sorry," in an apologetic tone as he makes a nervous face. "So are you still single or not, if not who's the lucky guy and no I don't go on them cause I'm too busy with my company," in an excited tone to a calm tone.

"I'm taken, I can't tell you cause you might expose us," she whispers to him then she continues to fed Yue.

Bai whispers back "I won't, I promise," he held out his pinkie finger, so Yu and he link their pinkie finger together.

"Ok, his name is Chen Xaing, his family is wealthy, and we have been together for almost 4 years but we live together for almost 3 years now," in a jolly tune as he says "Oh ok." Bai took out his phone, begins to type but Yu didn't notice. "Are you talking about this dude?" He shows his phone screen to her and it shows a picture of Xaing.

Yu's eyes widen, she took his phone, turns it off, gave it back to him, and said, "Bai, why did you do that? What if someone saw it," in an unbelievable tone and made her eyebrows in a "V'' glaring at Bai again.

"Ok ok I'm sorry and can I feed her because you need to eat too," Yu nods so Bai begins to feed Yue while Yu eats. After they paid, he asks for Yu's phone number so she gave him her number. They wave goodbye to each and Yu and Yue left.

When Yu got to her car and said: "Oh shoot I forgot to ask him what he's doing there but I guess I'll just text him when I get home." Yue starts to cry after Yu have been driving for an hour, Yu begins to panic, she wants to do something but she has to drive so she tries to put music on, comfort Yue with her voice, and even gave one of the toys Yu bought to her but she continues to cry. 15 minutes have passed, Yu couldn't think of anything so she begins to stress but then she thought that they're 5 minutes away from her parents' house. Yu will see what's wrong with Yue when they get to her parents' house.

When they got there, Yu parks in their driveway, got out of the car, open the backseat door to reveal a crying Yue, she got Yue out of the car seat. Yu smell Yue's diaper, it smelled really bad so Yu guesses that's why she was so fussy. Yu took the diaper bag, open the driver's door, she laid Yue on the driver's seat, and just as she was about to take off Yue's diaper she hears her mom asking what is she doing. Yu turns around to see her mom walking towards her, while Xaing's parents and her dad were standing on the porch to see what Yu was doing. When her mom was beside her, she saw that Yu was about to change a little girl's diaper, she said: "Honey, why are you changing a diaper in your car, you know you should come in if you need to do something."

"Well ma, I thought since I'm just going to change her diaper, there's no need to bother you guys," in a nervous tone alone with a nervous smile. Yu begins to pick Yue up, the diaper bag and begins to walk with her mom to their house.

"Aissi, you dork, even if you just going to change a diaper you should come in," said Yu's mom in an upset tone but then she smile. Yu look at her dad and Xaing's parents, they were nodding their heads, agreeing with Yu's mom. When Yu got on the porch she hug her dad and Xaing's parents, then they went into the house.

When Yu was changing Yue's diaper she notices that there is a rash, Yu begins to worry so she called her mom. When her mom got there, she took look and said "Yep, it's a diaper rash. Do you have any diaper rash cream?" Yu shook her head so her mom left but then came back in with some diaper cream and told Yu to put on the rash. When she was done changing Yue's diaper she took her downstairs to the living. Yu put Yue on the ground with some toys that Yu brought from their house.

Yu's mom asks "So whose child is this?" as she was looking at Yue then Yu with a confused face.

Yu said "Well I-" then Yue yelled "Mama!" All of the parents made a surprised expression and Yu starts to make nervous face.