
Hong asked Xia and Yu "Is Xiu Ying and I cut out of the scene because of me," in a concerned tone as she was looking at them.

Yu and Xia looked at each other, Yu told her "We're not sure. We asked the director about that but he said we'll have to watch the movie to find out," in a calm tone as they both gave her a soft look. Hong just nodded, trying not to cry again.

Yu and Xia stayed with her for a few more minutes, Xia said "Hong, Yu and I have a lot of work tomorrow, we'll head back first if you don't mind," in a tired voice and she yawned. Hong nodded so Yu and Xia got up, waving goodbye to Xiu Ying and Hong.

"Why don't you leave," Hong questioned him.

"I'll leave when you fall asleep," he answered. He spread her arms and said "Come on, I know you need one," in a calm tone, she knew he was right so she hugged him.

While she was hugging him, she told him "Xiu Ying, so far you're the only one who has seen me cry, don't tell anyone I cried," in a quiet voice, he nodded. After an hour, Xiu Ying knew she was deep asleep so tried to lay her down but her grip was tight, he couldn't get her to let go of him. A few tries later, he got her to let go, he slowly lay her down, trying not to wake her up, he covers her with a blanket, lastly, he kisses her on the forehead. He was too tired to go back so he slept on the couch.

Around 4 am, Hong got up to go use the bathroom, she saw a long, dark figure laying on the couch, she thought it was just her imagination since she knew Xiu Ying already left. She just drags the IV pole with her to the bathroom, after she wasn't tired so she decided to go for a walk but before she leaves she grabs her phone. While Hong was walking around, she saw many families which made her feel so lonely but felt happy seeing the smile on their face begin her warmth, she eventually just stood by a big window, looking at the beautiful view.

When Xiu Ying woke up, he didn't see Hong on her bed so he checked the bathroom but she wasn't in there, he went to look for her. He went to many places, he still can't find her so he started to call her, "Hello?" she answered.

"Hong, where are you," he asked her in a calm tone.

Hong replied "In the hospital, did you forget," in a happy voice as giggled a bit.

"But where in the hospital," he asked.

"Oh, I'm at a big window but I have no clue where I'm actually at," she told him in a confused tone.

Xiu Ying sighed and said "Just stay there, I'll come find you," in an emotionless tone, then he hung up. After a few minutes, Xiu Ying saw Hong standing, looking out the window, he quietly went behind her and commented "Wow, the view is beautiful just like you," right next to her ear in a calm tone.

She turned, her face was so close to his face that they could kiss. They just stared at each other and their heartbeats were going crazy, it was like the world just stopped. Xiu Ying looks at her pink, smooth lips, then back into her beautiful, dark eyes. He slowly moved closer to her, ready to kiss her.

"Lai wake up, you need to send me to school," Chin whined, shaking him. Lai mumbles that he will then he went back to sleep, after a few times she gave up, she told him "Fine, I'll just go to school by myself," in an annoyed tone, then she left her room. Since none of the guys were awake, she just left, when she got to school, the school hasn't started yet so she just did her homework.

At 4:30 pm Chin got home, "I'm home," she said but she got no response, Chin went to look around to see if anyone is home but the only one home was Lai, still sleeping. "Lai, how are you still seeping? Did you even wake up once," in a curious tone as she shook him?

He mumbles half-awake "Yeah to go use the bathroom."

"Come on, Lai, wake up. You have slept more than half a day, let's go for a walk to get your legs stretch a little bit," she told him trying to get him to wake up. After a few more tries, he finally said "Ok, ok, let's go but let me get ready," in a tired tone as he got out of bed, he begins to stretch and yawn.

After 30 minutes, Lai announced "Ok, I'm ready. Let's go," in a sleepy voice as he yawned again. Chin said "Ok, let's go," then they left. While they were walking, Chin suggested "Let's go get something to drink while we walk, especially so you don't look so sleepy," in a joyful tone as he nodded. Lai got a Banana Milk Coffee and Chin got a warm ginger tea, as they were walking out the door, Chin bumped into someone, making her slip her drink all herself, it doesn't help that she's wearing a white. She heard a familiar voice apologizing, when she looked, it's nobody else than Bojing, he said "Oh hi, Chin, sorry for this," in an apologetic tone.

She quickly said "Hi and bye," in an upset tone with a frown on her face as she covers her chest with her arms, walking out of the cafe with Lai.

Bojing followed them, he said "Chin, I told you that I'm sorry," with an apologetic tone, grabbing her shoulder as Shu-hui went to go get their drinks.

She looked at him and asked "What are you going to do about this? I need to go home to change my shirt before I get more embarrassed," in a furious tone as she glares at him.

Bojing asked "How far do you guys live from here," with a calm tone, Lai told him that they live about 35 minutes from there. He told them "Oh ok, how about you guys come to my and Shu-hui's apartment since we live 5 minutes from here so I can give Chin a shirt to change into," in a calm tone as Lai and Chin looked at each other, then nodded, agreeing.

As they were walking to their apartment, Chin asked "Why did you say that we're dating when I asked you yesterday," with an annoyed tone.

He answered "Well I didn't know that your brothers were there plus I said it as a joke," in an upset tone with a pout on his face.

"Oh by the way, what did my brother tell you? If he said anything insulting to you, I'm sorry," she told him in an apologetic voice.

Bojing just smiled and said "I can't tell you what your brother told me," in a relaxed tone, then he took a sip of his drink. "How did your brothers find out about our texts," he asked in a curious tone with a confused look on his face looking at Chin.

Chin just sighed and told him "The guy behind me saw me texting you when you texted me last night so he distracted me, took my phone, and started to read from the beginning to the end. I told him that you were just a friend but after reading the texts he said that he thinks we're more than friends since our texts seem more like lovers," in a calm tone as he looked behind her, looking at Lai.

Behind Bojing and Chin, Shu-hui whispered "Wait, really? Their texts are like lovers," in a curious tone as he lends towards Lai with a smirk.

Lai whispers back "Yeah, I know I even saw that they called for 3 hours, from 12 am to 3 am. I even saw her text him "I love you," her excuse was that it was an accident," with an excited tone, then they giggled.

Chin clears her throat and commented "You know I can hear you guys, right," with an annoyed tone without turning at him. When they got to their apartment, Bojing went to his room, he came out with a black shirt with funny colorful, cartoon dinosaurs, he said "Here, you can wear this," with a calm tone but Chin could tell he was trying not to laugh.

She frowned at him as she took his shirt and asked "Where's the bathroom," in a calm tone as he pointed down the hall.

When she went into the bathroom, Bojing busted out laughing, Shu-hui asked "Dude, isn't that a little mean? You rarely wear that shirt because you said that it looks childish and kinda ugly," in a calm tone as he sat on the couch. He nodded and said "That's the whole point," as he tries to get himself under control.

Lai just lends on the couch, shaking his head, and said "Omg, Bojing, you're so childish. I think that shirt would match you well," in a disappointed tone.

Bojing stopped laughing and said "Hey, that hurts," in an offended way, he saw Shi- hui and Lai's eyes filled with sparkles as they staring at something. He turns around to see Chin, she looks so stunning that he couldn't take his eyes off of her. Chin asked "Are you guys okay? Do I look that bad," in a concerned tone as she was looking down at her outfit.

Bojing snaps back to reality, he stutters "I'm fine, it makes you look like a child," in a flustered voice as he frowned, turn towards Shi-hui and Lai. Shu-hu and Lai told her that she looks beautiful and that Bojing was just joking. Shi-hui said "It's close to dinner time, why don't you guys stay for dinner," in a generous tone as he looks at Chin and Lai.

"We'll love-" Chin quickly covers her brother's mouth and answers "Thanks but we have to get back home or it'll get too dark," in a thankful tone as she took her shirt and drags Lai to the front door. Before she closes the door she noted "Thanks for the shirt, Bojing, I'll return your shirt. I'll kill you if you tell people that we're dating," then she closes the door.

As they were walking outside, Lai asked "Do you want to walk or take a taxi back home," in a curious tone as his eyes went to her.

She answered "Umm, let's just walk," in a calm tone as she walks ahead as Lai just followed.

Lai sniffs the air and asked "What is that smell? It smells really good," in a curious tone as continues to sniff around.

Without thinking, she said "Oh it's the cologne that Bojing wears, it's Creed Aventus if you want to buy it" with no emotions as she looks like she was talking without realizing.

Lai smirk pulled out his phone to record and told her "Chin, say that again," in a calm tone, she repeats what she said. He asked "Do you like the smell of his cologne? What do you think of the smell," in a curious tone as he has his hand in a fist, using it as a mic.

"I really like the fruity fragrance, which I think smells like apple and pineapple, I just can't get enough of- wait a minute," she answered in a calm tone to a confused tone as she snaps back into reality. She looked at Lai, that's when she realized he was filming her, "Lai, why are you filming me? Wait, what did I say," in a confused tone.

"Nothing," he answered with a sarcastic tone as a grin appeared on his face.

She told him "I know you're lying, let me see," in a cheerful tone with a smile on her face as she tries to take his phone but before she could, he ran away, many people were just looking at them.

Soon Chin gave up on knowing why Lai was filming her, as she was walking next to him, she asked him "When and how will you make up with Zhe," in a curious tone.

"I don't know how or when we'll make up because he accused me of cheating when I was busy staying all night working on a sculpture with a short timeline, just to get extra money to help Zhe with a house or apartment," he said in a downhearted tone with a gloom face.

Chin told him "I understand you but he probably really misses you plus you were gone for 3 weeks that probably made him overthink. If you were in his shoe, I know you would think the same. I don't know if you'll believe it or not, this morning when I went to the bathroom, I heard him crying for 2 hours, then he finally went to sleep. While you were gone, the first 2 weeks, he would stay up all night waiting for you to come home with little sleep, after 2 weeks he gave up but he only slept for 4-6 hours, and most of the time he would overwork just to keep himself busy from thinking of you," in an assuring tone as she pats him on his back.

Lai was quiet with a gloomy and guilty face for a few minutes, then he stated "It's my fault, huh? I feel so guilty, I should have told him that I had to do a sculpture and that I will be gone for a few weeks but I didn't which led him to overthink," with a guilty voice.

She pats his back and reassured him "It's okay as long as you guys find a way to apologize to each other," in a calm voice, he just nodded. When they got home, they saw that Xaing and Zhe weren't home, since it was dinner time, Lai start to cook dinner, they ended eating by themselves. Around 10 pm, Lai commented "I'll sleep in my room tonight," in a drowsy, quiet tone as he was walking to his room, Chin just nodded. An hour later as Chin was studying, she saw a question that she didn't get, she went to Lai and Zhe's room to ask Lai but when she peeks she saw that he was already asleep so she went back to her room.

She just skipped the question and continues with the rest, after an hour, she was done with studying, she started to put away her stuff. As she was doing that, Bojing texted her, she replied "What do you want?"

"Oh nothing, I just wanna text you." he texted back.

Chin thought it was a good opportunity to ask him if he could help her, she texted back "I'll talk to you if you help me with something." He answered "Okay." So she took a picture of the question that she couldn't solve, sent it to him, and told him if he could solve it. A few minutes, he sent a picture of how he solved it and she just copied it, she texted him "Ok, we can text now. What do you want to talk about?" they started to text.

Around 2 am, Zhe came home, he knew that the rest were probably asleep so he quietly ate his dinner, while he was eating his dinner, he was thinking of Lai and he knew that Lai was sleeping in his sister's room again cause he's probably still mad. Zhe was blaming himself for bringing up the topic and overthinking things but he wasn't sure how to apologize to Lai. He was so tired thinking of other things that when he went into his room, he didn't see Lai, he just grabbed clothes, a towel and just went to the bathroom.

After a nice, hot shower, he feels more relaxed that now he wasn't stressing over things, all he knew was that he was super tired and just wanna sleep. When he went into his room, he saw a lump on a side of the bed, he just thought it was pillows under the blanket but as he look closer it was moving. Zhe went to knock on Chin's door, when she opened it, he asked "Is Lai sleeping with you again?"

Chin shook her head and said "Lai is sleeping in your guys' room," in a soft tone as she looked at him, he just said okay and went back to his room. Zhe was a little confused if he was still mad at him or forgive him but he was happy that he finally gets to sleep next to him after 3 weeks, he was a little nervous as he slowly and quietly climbs into bed. As Zhe was lying next to him, he didn't know what he would do. He didn't know if he should face the other way, just stay as he is, or cuddle him from behind.

He just decided to be brave and cuddle him from behind, as he was hugging him, Zhe whispers "I'm sorry that I was overreacting, I was just worried to lose you. I just want you to know that I love you with all my heart and I miss you very much," in a calm, quiet tone, then he kisses him on the cheeks.

Lai turns around, hugging him back, and whispers "Don't be sorry, I should be sorry, I'm the one that didn't tell you about my work and I don't want to lose you too. I love you very much too and I miss you like crazy too," in a sweet tone as his eyes were still closed. Zhe didn't know what to say, he just got more nervous that he can feel his heartbeat going crazy as he looked at Lai, Lai smiled and said "Why is your heart going so fast? This is not our first time doing this," in a cheerful tone.

Zhe uttered "While it's been a while since we have done this, okay," in a nervous tone. Lai just giggled a bit and told him "okay okay." They just stayed that until they fell asleep.