Episode 2


Can she be Rosa?

No no no I must be hallucinating.

But they have the same color of hair and eye.

Should I go ask her?

Will she even remember me?

Of course! She was 7 at that time and a 7 -year -old girl tend to remember her childhood.

So how do I go ask her?

I smiled as an idea popped up in my head.

I'm gonna send Elena since she's the only female in the group.

Rosa is female too but she's unavailable.

So since Elena is a girl, she'll get to do the job.

After class, the bell rang for lunch and we all headed out to our spot in the cafeteria.

The students wanted to start cheering and screaming but I raised my hand up, signaling them to hold it and silence enveloped everywhere.

"so you want me to go to the new girl and ask whether she's your sister " Elena asked and I nodded.

"for how much " she asked and I sighed.

I forgot being the only girl in the group, she is to be pampered and well taken care of.

We don't let her get hurt, we're always on the look out for her.

I brought out my wallet and slipped out a dollar note and placed it on her palm making her gasp.

"thanks " she said and took her tray then headed to the new girl.



"hey" I said to the new girl as I dropped my tray in the table and sat down.

"hey" she said back, a little rude.

I'm not here to judge her character, I'm here for business.

"so Uhm what's your name " I asked friendly.

"were you deaf when I introduced myself in class " she fired back.

OK she did noticed we were in the same class and she's super rude.

If I find out she's Rosa, I'm gonna kick her butt.

PS : only if Darren will allow me, coz he's the protective type.

"mind telling me your name again " I asked politely.

"Tessa " she blurted out and rolled her eyes.

"oh" I nodded.

"have any brothers or siblings " I asked stylishly.

"nope, only child " she blurted out and I nodded.

"parents " I asked.

"why does it seem like you're doing a background check on me " she asked.

"oh common, I just wanna be your friend that's all " I said smiling.

"well I live with my mom and dad " she said and I smiled.

"so you don't have any brother or maybe a deceased one or ....you know " I asked as I drank my smoothie.

"nope " she popped the "p" and I nodded.

"OK good day " I said and made to stand up but she held my arm.

"what" I asked and sat down back.

"who are you guys " she asked and I arched an eyebrow.

"I mean you guys are always in group, when you guys stepped into the cafeteria, all the students stood up just to stare at you guys and when one of the boys raised his hand up, the cafeteria went silent " she blurted and I smiled.

"we're the DELORS, the hottest group in college and everyone respects and likes us, I. E they're our fans " I said proudly.

"oh" she breathed out.

"and I know you don't wanna be friends with me, you just want info " she stated and I smiled and made to leave.

But again, she held my arm making me sit.

"can you count me in " she asked, smiling ear to ear.


"the group, I wanna join " she said happily.

"I'm not the leader " I remarked.

"who is " she asked.

"he is " I said and pointed at Darren making her mouth open slightly.

"he's never gonna take me " she said sadly and I laughed.

"what's so funny " she asked.

"your face, I mean your expression, it's so funny " I said truthfully.

I nodded negatively and made to leave but she held my arm again.

OK I'm starting to get pissed off.

"before you leave, I wanna know something "

"what " I asked angrily.

"why did you want my info " she asked.

"nothing " I said blankly.

"common, I didn't hesitate to tell you all about me so why should you " she said and I sighed.

"well I'm not you " I remarked.

"please, we can be good friends " she offered and I put a quick thought to it

Lately I have no girl friends, just boys which are the DELORS of course.

It won't hurt to make one.

"OK " I said and she smiled.

"well the leader, Darren asked me to do it " I blurted out and her facial expression changed.

"why" she asked lowly.

"cause he thought you were his lost sister " I said and she arched an eyebrow.

OK time to go back to 1990s.



"so sad " Tessa breathed out after I told her everything Darren passed through and how he lost his sister.

"I'm so sorry for that " she said.

"well I'm not Darren but yeah " I said and nodded.

"do you think he'll accept me in the group " she asked, changing the topic.

And I thought she was getting emotional about what I just told her.

What a bitch!

"give it a try " I said and she nodded.

I took my tray and went back to the guys.

"is she " Darren asked.

"let me get my butt seated first " I back fired and he rolled his eyes.

"so" they all asked in unison as their gaze remained on me, waiting for the news.

"no" I blurted out and Darren and Lorenzo sighed while Odell hit his fist on the table and Scott rested his head on his desk.

"sorry " I mumbled.

Lorenzo's phone rang and he picked it up.

"yes dad.... Of course not dad.... We're busy... Oh OK..... Whatever, bye " that was all we heard him say.



Once again I got my hopes up but as usual, I end up getting disappointed.

"guys " Lorenzo called after ending his call with his dad.

"we've got work to do in the company so y'all get your ass off that chair " he said and we all sighed.

Lorenzo's dad is the one who actually made me this rich, But credits to Lorenzo.

I met Lorenzo first, he was the one who introduced me to his dad and his dad gave me a work in his company.

It was just two of us until we met the rest.

Elena was a flower delivery.

We met Scott in high school and we met Odell at a super mart.

So now we're all working in Lorenzo's dad company and we do go for part time modeling job too.

Scott's dads rich too but he chose to work in Lorenzo's dad company so we can all be together.

"hey girls " we heard a voice and we all turned to see that new girl.

I sighed and looked away.

"mind if I join" she asked and took a seat beside me.

"so actually, I'm sorry Darren for what happened in the morning, I should've been more careful " she blurted out and I nodded.

I just want her to leave.


👉 Elena's P. O. V👈

He doesn't seem to like me.

I mean Darren.

"so guys, I wanna join the group, please vote me in " she blurted out and I scoffed while Odell try to hold in his laughter.

"please " I pouted, putting on a puppy face.

"Lorenzo, didn't you say we've got work to do at the company, I'm off " Darren said and got up then walked outta the cafeteria.

"yeah I did " the one who Darren called Lorenzo said and got up too and they all followed except Elena.

Elena shrugged and followed them too.

I hit my fist angrily on the table as I fume in anger.

No one turns me down, never .

I always get what I want and I'll get these too by hook or by crook.

So DELORS, watch out!
