Pride of Straights

"Hey Gay People, Thank Straight People For Your Existence."

Thank you for my existence,

thank you for allowing me to be born,

born into a world where I am unequal to you,

born into a world where I am considered wrong,

born into a world where God has claimed to not love me

because I love someone.

Im so thankful that I had to hide myself

I had to pretend to love who I didn't,

I had to pretend that I was happy,

I had to pretend...

thank you straight people

for considering my life as useless,

Im sorry for my hearts desire

I tried to tell myself what straight people taught me,

that I should only ever love women

for men cannot love men.

You say #straight pride,

and for what?

Is it wrong for me to have pride,

pride in love,

pride in myself,

you will never be touched by us

but we will bleed by your hand.

Im sorry for being born,

Im sorry for existing,

your pride is worth more than mine.

Thank you straight people

for this world I will never be accepted in.

Thank you...