Chapter Thirty-Four

The next morning, Tony was already waiting at the bar working on a laptop. He was still working on his mastery and refused to spend one day without making progress. He had wanted to have a drink, but was unable to enter due to Harry's security charms. "Hi Harry. Open up so I can make us some tropical smoothies." At Harry's incredulous look, he said, "Non-alcoholic, of course! Pepper would not be happy if I started drinking this early in the day… again."

"Fair enough, but remember, just because I let you back there this one time does not give you the right to enter the bar area while I'm here." Harry warned.

"When you're not here, I go back there all the time, though. What's the difference?" Tony asked.

"I don't know. I guess I just took the time to learn how and now I feel like it's something I enjoy being in charge of." Harry said.

"I just think he likes to be the centre of attention when it's not for saving the world. He hates being a celebrity, but he's still a man who likes being acknowledged for his other skills." Natasha said as she walked up behind them. She was already dressed for the beach and in a sarong.

That got Tony's attention. He thought about it for a second and then tapped a couple of keys on his laptop. "Harry, isn't it supposed to be the dead of winter in Fiji, right now?"

Harry smirked. "Noticed that, did you?"

"Harry thought it would be better to always have a warm place to stay, so he made it so he could set the weather anywhere on the island." Natasha explained.

"You can control the weather?!" Tony asked incredulously. One day he'd get used to everything Harry could do, but not yet.

"Not for a place that isn't saturated with my magic, no." Harry said.

"He usually leaves the rest of the island's weather alone as Logan prefers to let nature run its course. He did once ask Harry to step in when there was a storm brewing." Natasha said.

"It was a hurricane." Logan said as he appeared out of the bushes. "Some of the animals aren't used to that kind of weather."

"Hey, Logan. What brings you to us this morning? Did you want to have breakfast with us?" Harry asked with a smile. He really liked the feral man.

"I'm here to get a portkey from you. I'm going to fetch Sif and Bruce as well." Logan said. He held up his mirror. "Fury just called. There's a large magical creature on the loose in London. Apparently it arrived through an unchecked rift that happened during the Convergence. They've cornered it and are keeping it from the public."

"Damn! I knew I forgot something. I didn't check if there were other breaches. Has anybody been hurt? Should I come with you?" Harry asked.

"Nah, just give me the portkey, spell the carpet for invisibility and let Sif and Bruce join. Maybe Thor could help." Logan suggested.

"Will do. I'll just go fetch them for you quick." Harry said.

"No need. I already called her." Logan said pointing.

Sif, Bruce, Thor and Loki were all running up to them. Sif was carrying the rolled up carpet. Thor the shrunken cage.

"Good morning, Harry!" Thor cried. "Are the mornings here always so filled with excitement?" he asked.

"No, we're responding to a request from Fury." Harry said.

"We are." Logan insisted. "You're on vacation."

Harry shrugged. When the carpet was unrolled and they had all gotten on, Harry cast his security spells over them and tossed them a bottle cap. "Touch it to the carpet and say 'London'. The carpet can already return here."

That was that. Logan activated the Portkey and they were gone. Loki looked at where they had been. "Are you sure Heimdall can see through that?" he asked.

"Not really. I've never been invisible in front of him." Harry said. "Do you think that would be enough?"

"Maybe. Add some intent and I'm almost certain." Loki thought aloud.

"Cool." Harry said.

Tony soon diverted their attention when he switched on the blender and started making the smoothie. Harry went to join him and when they were joined by the rest, Harry took over and started making them for everyone. Then he started on a more traditional breakfast for those who preferred that. There was a space set up for things like that in the bar, so why not.

They all enjoyed breakfast and Harry had decided to make some extra for when Sif, Bruce, Thor and Logan came back. When they did, Harry looked up and asked, "Where's the creature?" Harry asked when he saw the cage was empty.

"We returned it to its home world." Logan said.

"What was it?" Natasha asked.

"Bilgesnipe, from Jotunheim." Thor said with a smile. "We thought it best to return it to its home as it was most likely accidentally brought here."

"I agree. It was able to detect its home when we flew over the lands of ice. And we deposited it close-by." Sif said.

"Cool." Harry said, then, "I made you breakfast. It's still warm." He waved his hand and a plate flew to hover in front of each of them.

"Thanks." Bruce said. He took the plate and went to sit at the counter, Sif following closely behind.

Logan took his with him. He knew by now that it was a conjured plate and would eventually vanish, so he didn't care to bring it back. He needed to go back to the enclosures anyway. It was time to feed the manticores. Their rabbit population was expanding quickly and he tended to just catch a few and release them for the manticores to hunt on their own.

Thor went to go sit near where Loki was hard at work trying to emulate the sticking charm, for reasons he was not divulging. The two magics they used were not so different, but the application was different than Loki was used to. Harry also seemed to have a much larger pool of stored magic to draw from. Harry had decided to show him the spell being applied, so that he could try and do it without incantations or strange hand movements. He was getting there slowly.

A couple of hours later, they had split into groups. Sif and Bruce had gone for a walk on the beach, holding hands as soon as they thought they were out of sight. They both enjoyed the simple things at times and were getting much closer these days. Bruce intended to make their situation official today and he thought the walk was the perfect opportunity.

Odin had returned to their rooms so that he might catch up on events in Asgard on the large Mirror Harry had hung there for him. Frigga had decided to keep Natasha, Pepper, Harry, Jane and Darcy company, so she had stayed behind. She had hoped for a smaller gathering, but could see Harry was enjoying having his friends around. They had not told him that they had witnessed an episode, but he must have known. His chambers were repaired the next morning, so he and Natasha must have discussed it. She'd decided to let him bring it up when he was ready.

They were playing exploding snap. While Harry and Natasha had lightning fast reflexes, Frigga was currently in the lead. Pepper was just watching and chatting with Natasha. Thor had decided to quit, after he kept on breaking the table, and once almost broke Darcy's hand while slamming his own on the table.

Thor was stuck to the bar counter after that, and Loki was trying to show him how to use his magic to unstick himself, rather than use brute force. Thor did have quite a pool of magic himself. After all, he had some control over the weather as part of his gifts. Loki theorised that he just needed to learn to channel it properly.

Tony was sitting in his pool chair and tapping away on his laptop, busy with his studies. He was really excited to get access to Hermione's research soon. Harry had also promised to go fetch some of his extra brooms later and he wanted to get his daily work out of the way, so he could enjoy the fun. He had spent the morning installing some equipment in the bar so that Jarvis could 'join' them.

When Odin came back, they decided to go on the tour and Harry summoned the Carpet. The Carpet wasn't too big, but eight of them were able to get on and sit in relative comfort while Loki, Harry and Natasha decided to take the brooms. Natasha flew with Harry as Harry had not yet gone to fetch the extras. When they arrived at the first enclosure, it was to find three unicorns looking up at them from their enclosure. Logan had saved quite a few of them and their group had increased to twelve. Not all of them were quite as friendly as the younger ones born on the Island in relative safety, but they no longer ran at the sight of people. Of course, most of the females, excluding Natasha and Frigga, wanted to go up to them and pet them.

"Be careful. If they lower their heads, it might be a sign of aggression." Harry said.

"Aggression? But they are unicorns!" Darcy exclaimed.

"Yes they are. And what do you think they have those horns for?" Harry asked.

"To make them pretty, of course." Darcy replied. When Harry just looked at her she asked, "Right?"

Harry started laughing, when he saw her stricken face. "Sorry, I couldn't help myself. Actually the unicorn horn has the special power to cleanse water. When they bend down to drink, the horn makes contact with the water and purifies it. People used to hunt them for the special properties in the horn and so Unicorns don't trust humans easily. It was later discovered by magical folk that its hairs contains much the same power, so they were considered a protected species." Harry finished his summary.

"So, they won't attack me?" Darcy asked.

"No, but they might run into their enclosure if you approach them. We try not to go after them into the enclosure as they are free to roam the island. We want them to feel safe so only Logan goes in there these days to make sure they have everything they need." Harry said.

Harry took them to the next enclosure. This one had a Hippogriff standing out front. It lifted its head to look at them and Harry asked them to wait. He walked up the animal and bowed low. He waited a second and then the animal bowed back. He then approached it and stroked its neck. He gave them much the same speech that Hagrid gave all those years ago, but added the cautionary tale of a stupid boy who decided to insult the creature.

Strangely it was Loki who decided to approach the creature first and bowed respectfully. When the animal bowed back, Loki approached. "Does he understand what we say?" Loki asked when he was also rubbing its neck.

"No, but he understands the tone of your voice, your body language and somehow it can detect sarcasm. They are very proud and will not tolerate disrespect. Once you have shown it respect, though, they like the company of people. Do you want to take him for a flight?" Harry asked with a smirk.

"Would that be possible?" Loki asked awed.

"Get on up. This one actually waits out here specifically for it. He likes to show off his strength, and he is one of the strong ones." Harry said patting him on the flanks. Loki looked at Harry sceptically, but when Harry didn't look like he was joking, Loki shrugged and slowly approached its side. "Okay, now don't step on his wings, your legs go behind the wing joint and you can hold on around the neck or onto the wings themselves."

Loki jumped on behind the wings as instructed, but lowered himself slowly so as not to startle the creature. When he was sat down, Harry tapped it softly on the flank again and it needed no more encouragement before it started to run. A couple of seconds later it was airborne and they watched as the eagle-horse cross flew out and over the plateau.

"Are you sure that is safe?" Frigga asked worriedly.

"Very much so. Once a hippogriff acknowledges you as a friend, they will do much anything for you. When I was thirteen, on my first Care of Magical Creatures class, I was taken for a flight on one. Every time after that, when it saw me, it would just walk up to me and look for attention. They are very powerful and can fly very fast. If Loki doesn't pull out any feathers he'll be fine." Harry said.

"But you didn't warn him about that." Thor said with a bemused smile.

"He'll be fine. No creature likes their hair or feathers plucked and Loki should know that." Harry scoffed.

A couple of minutes later they returned and landed. Loki was smiling from ear to ear. "That was a fantastic flight." he said as he got off and rubbed the creature's neck. It rubbed at him for a second before taking a step towards the group, looking at them.

"I think he wants to go again." Harry said. "Who else wants to give it a try?" he asked.

Thor went next, and Harry encouraged him to take Jane with him. The hippogriff didn't seem to mind and it didn't look like he was upset about the extra weight either. After they went, Darcy decided she HAD to try it. When she returned the hippogriff rubbed against her once before turning and going into the enclosure.

"I think he's made enough friends for one day." Harry chuckled.

"Does he have a name?" Loki asked as he watched the creature disappear into its home.

"Charlie." Harry said. "Don't call him Chuck though. They don't understand nicknames and take offense. It took Logan a while before the creature understood that he didn't mean offense when he called it that. They are intelligent enough to understand when we say their names." Harry warned.

"Charlie, as-in Charley Horse?" Bruce asked.

"Yup." Harry said with a smile.

"He called his first cat, 'Cat'." Natasha said. "I think this is better, at least." she said.

They continued the tour in that vein, where Harry would take them to a new creature and explain a bit about them and, where he could, allowed them to interact. The sphinx was a bit of a scare, but fortunately it was in a good mood and asked a simple riddle that Odin could answer. Harry had not known the answer as it referenced things from the planet it came from. Harry had promised to get it a book on riddles, so that it could learn something for when the students came to visit.

Jane had been gobsmacked. That was a real living human, lion, and eagle cross-breed. And it was able to talk! Tony was laughing his ass off. Finally something science could not explain. When they were back at the houses, Harry was explaining that many magical creatures could cross breed, and that there was an entire division in his old world's government that handled permits for that kind of experimentation.

"But that's impossible! The genetics would not allow it!" Jane replied to that little titbit.

"You keep forgetting that this isn't science." Tony said. "I decided a while ago that I would rather appreciate that there will always be some mystery in the world. Now I'm making my own kinds of magic and I can appreciate the fact that it has its own laws, principles and applications. Wait till you see what I'm working on right now…" Tony trailed off as an idea hit him. "Hey Harry?" he asked.

Harry had just stepped in behind the bar to pour himself a butterbeer. "Yes?" he asked.

"Since you can now add intent to your enchantments, can we go ahead and start selling flying cars already?" he asked excitedly.

"Sorry, Tony. I'm not standing there and bonding people to their cars, which only they can control then." Harry said.

"Damn!" Tony swore. "What about me? Would you mind enchanting a car for me?" he asked.

"Only once you get close to creating an actual rune-based control system. You can then show off your flying car for a while and once demand is high enough, I suspect you'll be in business." Harry said. "Have you sorted out that vacuum issue you were worried about?"

"Turns out it wasn't necessary. Jarvis had already been modifying the build to add a pocket of air as well, so that when the device is opened in a vacuum, the self-destruct would still activate." Tony replied casually.

"Jarvis?" Harry asked.

"Indeed," Jarvis replied, "I had noted the obvious flaw in the design and decided to address it after your original design."

"Yeah, and that scared the living daylights out of me." Tony said. "You were right when you said Jarvis might become more sentient. He's been doing things without my asking and security has never been better. The other day, he stopped a hack on his system and he didn't even tell me about it!"

"I'm sorry, but what are you talking about?" Bruce asked.

"Haven't we told you?" Harry asked. At Bruce's head-shake he said, "Sorry about that. You remember how we secured the PMGs so that nobody could find the rune clusters?"

"Yes, you said it worked on a vacuum and self-destruct feature." Bruce confirmed.

"Exactly. Well, Tony had a thought the other day about what would happen if someone opened the PMGs in a vacuum. Obviously the self-destruct would not activate then. Turns out Jarvis had already thought of that and fixed it." Harry explained. "Well done, Jarvis. One of these days I'm going to have to make a golem for you to inhabit, just so I can give you a high-five."

"I would appreciate that, Harry. I find myself having thoughts these days that I would like to act upon." Jarvis said.

"Like what?" Harry, Bruce, Tony and Jane asked. All with varying emotions behind them. Harry and Tony were truly interested, Bruce with wonder and a calculating look. Jane was looking at the ceiling in fear.

"I think I'm hungry. Every time I see you eat, I find myself wanting to join you. I don't even know why." Jarvis said, a thoughtful sound in his voice.

"You don't want to have a drink?" Tony asked.

"As I understand it, alcohol has a negative effect on intelligence. I'd rather not affect mine that way, Sir." Jarvis said, with just a bit of levity in its voice.

"Your artificial intelligence is having cravings?" Odin asked. "That is strange."

"Have you ever seen an artificial intelligence, so you could compare?" Tony asked interestedly.

"A couple." Odin said. "Usually it is a good idea to know that it won't turn on you once it starts becoming self-aware. I've heard stories about whole civilizations that fell because of it…" he warned.

"Exactly!" Jane said with true fear in her voice.

"Fortunately, if Jarvis ever decided to turn against us, the one thing that makes him truly intelligent will be taken from him." Tony said.

"Indeed. My knowledge of runes was the catalyst for this change. It was secured by a magical Contract. If I ever betray Harry's trust, I will lose that information and the one thing that makes me, me." Jarvis said.

"How can a machine sign a magical Contract and have it actually apply?" Jane asked.

"How can knowledge of magical runes make a machine truly sentient?" Tony countered.

"I would also not want to harm anyone. Harry has been making changes that might one day save the human race. I would like to be part of that." Jarvis said.

"Wow." Bruce said. "Jarvis, do you have morals?"

"I… don't know. I… feel, hopeful and like the possibilities Harry is bringing to the world." Jarvis said uncertainly. "I have not discussed this with anyone, but I've been working on a rune-cluster that might help mitigate the planet's greenhouse effects. I want to help save the world." Jarvis finished.

"REALLY?!" Harry and Tony asked excitedly. "Why haven't you told us?" Tony asked.

"I… like the way Harry surprises people and wish to emulate him, Sir." Jarvis said.

"Oh, sure. That's fine. Emulate my best friend." Tony said sarcastically. "Why not me? You know, the one that created you?"

"Sir, you are hardly a role model." Jarvis said honestly.

"Hey, I'm doing lots better these days!" he argued.

"Of course, Sir." Jarvis said. Harry decided that it sounded sarcastic, but said nothing.

"You know what Jarvis?" Darcy asked. "I like you. Once you get a body, give me a call. I'll help you break it in." she said with a saucy smile.

"I'll put you on the list, miss." Jarvis said.

"There's a list?!" Darcy replied incredulously.

"There is now." Jarvis replied.

"Awesome!" she replied. "Go check out the internet so long and tell me what you'd like to try first." she joked.

"NO!" Tony exclaimed. "He's not old enough for that kind of thing!"

"How old is he?" Darcy asked, as she received a message on her phone and started reading. "Jarvis, what did you just send me a link to?"

"I don't know what you are talking about, miss." Jarvis said.

Darcy clicked on her phone and exclaimed, "Really!?" Then she looked up at the ceiling, "That's gross, never mind, don't call me." Harry snickered. Darcy looked at him and smiled, "Oh, you're so going to get it." she said as she got up and started running after Harry, who ran away, laughing the whole way.

"Why are you telling us about the rune-scheme now?" Bruce asked.

"If I am not mistaken, and from what I have observed, it seems you are all here to help Harry through some kind of emotional trauma. I was simply attempting to help, Doctor Banner." Jarvis said seriously.

"See, like I said. He's doing things without my asking. Not that I'm complaining." Tony said. "Jarvis has been with me many years and I consider him a friend, too."

"Thank you, Sir. I appreciate it." Jarvis said.

"Now, about this rune-cluster?" Tony started.

"I'm sorry, sir. That is my mastery project. I'd rather not share it." Jarvis said.

"Hah! He doesn't want you to steal his ideas!" Erik laughed. He had been quiet most of the day, preferring to observe the magic of this island. He felt like a kid again.

"I would not!" Tony objected. "Wait, is that why you are struggling to help me with my project? You're running simulations on your own?" he asked incredulously.

"No, sir. I only run simulations when there is time for it and I am not busy on work I do for you and Stark Industries." Jarvis said.

"Oh, okay then. That's fine." Tony said sitting down and taking a sip of his drink.

"Aren't we skipping over some very important subjects here? Did your AI just admit to wanting to help someone, that he's trying to save the planet and that he's working on a qualification?" Jane asked incredulously.

"Pretty much." Tony shrugged.

"And that's just fine with you?" Jane asked.

"Yes. Like I said, Jarvis is a friend. As long as he's doing everything he should, then I'm not going to complain if he wants to do some things in his down time. Besides, why would I complain about him trying to save the world and improving himself?" Tony asked. He was actually quite proud of Jarvis and hoped he succeeded. If Harry really could build him a body one day, that could feel and eat and experience all the human experiences, he was all for it.

He'd offer to make him one, but a body that runs on magic that actually had life, would obviously be better. He'd love to get into Hermione's research though. If she was really trying to build a magical computer, he might be able to help. He already had some ideas, but if she spent years on research, and she was as smart as Harry thought, then there would be a treasure trove buried in those boxes.

They all stopped discussing it when Harry came walking back. "I'll let you go when you've calmed down." Harry said, still smiling. Floating in the air behind him, was Darcy. She was tied up and had what looked like a gag in her mouth. "Seriously, you've got a really dirty mouth!"

"Harry!" Frigga exclaimed, "Let her down this instant!"

"But…" Harry began.

"No buts! Even if she's not really angry at you that is hardly decent." Frigga said.

Harry shrugged and vanished her gag. The moment the gag was gone, Darcy started laughing. "I told you she'd be the one to speak up first!" Darcy crowed.

"Yeah, yeah. Fine, you win." Harry said.

"Awesome! I get my own broom!" Darcy exclaimed.

"Only when you visit the island!" Harry warned. "We can't have you riding one around normal people. They'd burn you at the stake." Harry joked as he set her down and released her.

"That wasn't the deal." Darcy complained.

"I said I'd give you a broom, I didn't say you can take it off the island." Harry corrected.

"Aw, man!" she whined.

"What is happening here?" Frigga asked.

Darcy laughed. "Harry sent me a message telling me what to say and do. He thought it would be funny."

"And you just went along with it?" Jane asked smiling now. She was still concerned about the AI, but decided to let it go for now. If smarter people than her were fine with it, they could handle the fall-out if something went wrong.

"Why wouldn't I? It was funny. Also, magic." Darcy said with a shrug.

"Wait, what was the bet on?" Loki asked.

"I thought Jane or you would react first." Harry replied.

"I thought it would be Frigga or Odin." Darcy smiled. "Thanks for that." she said to Frigga.

"How could I not, when you were looking at me the whole time?" Frigga asked with a smile.

"What?" Harry asked looking at Darcy. "That's so obviously against the rules!" he said to her.

"Didn't stop you from trying to get me to react though." Loki smirked.

"Oh, that's different. I was just trying to see your reaction." Harry scoffed. Then he looked at Darcy, "I still say we should have made it look like there were tentacles holding you up. I guarantee he would have reacted then." He said as he walked behind the bar again to go get himself a drink.

Loki did not react, but he got a far off look in his eyes. Until Darcy smacked him on the shoulder, good-naturedly. "Get your mind out of the gutter!" she admonished playfully. Loki just smiled. Damn, she had been hoping for a blush. "And I still say that it sounds gross." she said to Harry.

"But you laughed when I suggested it!" Harry said.

"That's because you were tickling me with your magic!" Darcy explained.

When Natasha, Loki and Frigga looked scandalously at Harry, he quickly explained, "The normal one, I promise!" to prove his point, he cast the normal tickling charm on Loki.

Loki's mouth twitched, but he refused to be made to laugh against his will. "That counts as your next attempt." He managed to get out once he'd countered the effect.

"Fair enough." Harry conceded.

"So much is happening here I don't understand." Erik said. "Does anyone else find some of what Harry does to be strange?"

"You get used to it." The people who know Harry best said simultaneously.

"Okay." Erik shrugged and took another sip.

They said goodbye to Tony and Pepper early the next morning, when they had to leave for a meeting. Harry had given Tony a broom, but he had been made to leave it on the island. Because of that Harry suspected he'd see him again later. He had yet to catch the snitch. Darcy had actually managed the feat once. She was still rubbing it in his face. Harry thought they might see Tony in his Iron Man suit later in the day.

Later that day, when there was a moment, Odin asked to go for a walk with Harry and broached the subject they had taken the week off for. "Harry, I'd like to discuss something of a difficult nature with you." he began.

"I'm not done with the book yet." Harry said immediately.

"That is not what I wish to discuss with you." Odin said seriously. "We were made aware of your nightmares on your last evening in Asgard." he said.

"I was afraid you might have heard that. Sorry that I worried you." Harry said sincerely. "It doesn't happen too often, but I know it can get bad." he explained. Then, "I did repair everything, I promise!" he said quickly.

"That is not the problem." Odin calmed him, looking off into the distance. "We, Natasha and your family, are worried about the cause of the nightmares." he said. "When you were having the episode, we came to your rooms and were unable to enter until Natasha had calmed you down, and then you could not wake. The tremendous sadness and pain we saw you experiencing has us worried."

"I assume Natasha told you what I experience?" Harry asked, a far off look in his eyes.

"She did. She couldn't go into specifics, not that I think she would have if she knew more, but she is worried about you too. She fears that you will never tell her what you really experienced in any sort of detail, because you fear her reaction." Odin said.

"And she is right." Harry said with a blank expression. He couldn't tell her. While she probably would understand, having experienced much the same things, he didn't want to lose her. "I'm never telling her of the specifics. I can't imagine her looking at me the same way ever again." He admitted, still emotionlessly.

Odin looked at him then. "So when do you tell someone? Who can help you, if you cannot trust the person you love to hear it and not judge you."

"It's not that simple." Harry said. It was getting difficult to maintain control. His fear of losing her was so great that he had to actively suppress his feelings to continue the conversation. "I love her as she is, just as she loves me as I am. If I tell her, that will make her see me differently. I won't be that person anymore." he explained.

"And what of your family?" Odin asked. "Would you have Frigga never sleep a restful night again? She worries about you constantly, now that she knows."

Harry was shocked. "She does?" he asked, worry slipping into his voice. The tension in him had just exponentially increased. "I didn't mean to worry you." he said as he looked back to the houses. "Is she going to be okay?"

"You are too selfless. You are the one in pain and you worry for her worry." Odin chuckled, but then turned serious again. "The only way to comfort her, will be to tell her something is being done." he said. "That is why I broached the subject. That was the cause for this week away. We need to ensure you are going to be okay."

"This whole week is for me?" Harry asked softly. "You interrupted your lives just so that you can help me?"

"That is what family does." Odin said emphatically. "When you are in pain or suffering we worry and so I offer you my unbiased ear. You may lay your troubles on my shoulders, so that you need not worry your love or carry it all alone." he said sincerely.

Harry was shaking his head, a look of horror on his face. "You cannot ask me to do that!" he exclaimed. "You'd make me lose my family so soon after giving it to me?!" Harry asked tears forming in his eyes. He turned his back on Odin, with waves of magic starting to roll off him as the memories he kept locked up started to threaten to break out. Odin would never respect him the same way if he ever found out the things he had seen and done. All the people he had failed. An entire world of dead people. All of it on his shoulders. If only he had moved quicker. If only he hadn't joined the ministry. If only…

Odin grabbed him by the shoulder and turned him around, and to his great shock, he was engulfed in a hug. Harry wasn't sure what to do. Odin said nothing, he just held him. Harry didn't know if Odin was doing something with his own magic, but suddenly Harry felt like he was safe for the first time since he could remember. Since the Dursley family had decided to use him as an indentured servant.

And then the memories broke loose. His mind was not ready for it as all the pain of his past, all his guilt and all of the fears were released and overwhelmed him. He didn't even remember sitting down. He just cried. He was begging for forgiveness of all the faces he saw. All the dead that surely blamed him for their deaths. That was the reason he had never called on any of the spirits that he could. He did not want to see the anger in their eyes, the disappointment. He didn't want to hear them asking why. Why hadn't he saved them? What had they died for?

As Harry cried out for his loss, Odin listened. The names just kept on coming. And he blamed himself for every one of them. How could his son blame himself for all of their deaths? If he truly believed that, how was he still alive? What inner strength he'd have to have just to face a day and not do the unthinkable, let alone, making jokes and playing and trying to find some joy in the world?

And then he remembered. Harry had told them of the prophecies. The first one that was made before his birth and the new one that said he might be able to save all those people anyway. But how had he lived till that moment.

When Harry seemed to have cried himself out an hour later, Odin looked him in his eyes. The look that he saw chilled him to the bone. It was the look of a man that thought he had been responsible for the deaths of billions of people. It was the look of a man whose soul was on the edge of oblivion.

"Listen to me Harry." Odin said quickly. When Harry didn't respond he pressed, "Listen to me!" Harry looked up with an uncomprehending look. "You are not responsible for all of those people dying, do you hear me?! It was the work of a monster, who wanted to see the world burn! You cannot blame yourself! No one man could carry all of that responsibility!" he implored urgently.

"But it was my fault. I was the only one that could stop him." Harry said emotionlessly again. He had accepted it a long time ago. Every death was his fault for not doing something about Tom in time.

"No it wasn't! Where was your government? Why didn't they do anything? Where were the armies set to attack him?" Odin asked. "Can you tell me honestly, that you didn't do everything you could to stop him?!"

"No, I can't. I did everything I could, but it wasn't enough and I let everyone down." Harry said. He was still looking at so many faces, so many dead people sent to haunt him.

"Harry, you can't blame yourself. I know the man that you are. You would sooner die that let one child suffer. Why do you think you have so many friends? Why do you think Natasha loves you? If you think it was all because of your power or trickery, then you are insulting them all. They care for you because of how big your heart is." Odin said. "It is a miracle that you still have one after carrying all of that weight, needlessly."

When Harry looked up sharply Odin continued, "I don't mean to make light of the fact that so many died, as it will always be a burden, but to blame yourself for all of that is not healthy and it is simply untrue. You have only brought joy to those who know you! You didn't even know me when you decided you could help Asgard. And you didn't even want anything for it. Don't you see? You've shown us your true character right from the start! I was not lying when I said that I was proud to call you my son. And I still am!" he insisted.

Harry then had a glimmer of something he hadn't felt in a long time. Hope. "Do… do you really mean that?" Harry asked haltingly as new tears started to fall.

"Of course I mean it! I wouldn't lie to you. I love you, my son. And I am sad you feel such regrets, but I'm proud and in awe of the strength of your character. To work such wonders in the service of others without asking for anything in return! For bringing such joy to an old man and his wife. For being a brother that looks out for his siblings. For being a man I can see they both look up to. You are not the monster here! You killed him before we ever met." Odin said. Then he smiled, "Though I do regret that slightly, for the things I would do to him should I get hold of him, would be spoken of in legend for all time, for causing you such hardship."

Harry smiled ever so slightly. "I'd have liked to see that. He deserves to burn in hell!" He said vehemently. "Unfortunately, for me to kill him, I had to destroy his soul." Harry said with a sudden look of sadness. "I never wanted to do that."

"There you go again. Your heart is so great, Harry, that you even show regret at doing what was necessary. And yet again my respect for you has grown." Odin said sincerely. "I'm certain that, was there any other way, you would have rather done so." he said with absolute certainty.

"I don't know anymore, but there wasn't." Harry said. Then he looked up at Odin, "Thank you for not thinking badly of me, now that you know what I am. Thank you for being my family, father." Harry said as he started weeping again. This was not the tears of a lost man anymore. It was the tears of a boy, who just wanted to be loved, for so many years. Who finally believed he had found a family.

"What you are, is my son. And you will never be without your family again, if I have any say in it." Odin promised as he held his son. He had not connected so with his other sons in many years, and he vowed to take the time to learn of their personal woes and worries, so that this family could only become stronger.

When they returned to the houses, it was to a sombre group, waiting to find out what had taken so long. Odin had warned them that he would need privacy and asked them to leave them alone. It did not stop them from worrying when it had taken so long. When they returned, though, Odin was smiling and walking with his arm around Harry and Harry was smiling a lopsided smile. Natasha was the first to him. She could tell he had been crying and asked no questions as she took him into her arms.

Frigga was right behind them and standing just within reach, wringing her hands in worry, but when Odin smiled a sad smile at her and nodded, she couldn't hold herself back and she took them both in her arms. "Oh, my boy, I was so worried about you!" she cried.

"I'm sorry I caused you such worry, mother." Harry said sincerely. Then he looked down at Natasha who was just holding him, "And I owe you an apology, Natasha. I shouldn't have put you through that for so long."

"I love you, Harry." she said. "I didn't like it, but accepted that you needed time. Just, don't do it again, okay?"

"I promise." Harry swore.

They went to the fire and sat down. Nobody discussed the situation, but they had a pleasant night and when they went to bed, Odin contacted Heimdall on the Mirror. He asked to let him know if Harry suffered any more nightmares. Heimdall was also worried, and promised the king to let him know the moment anything happened.

It turned out to have been completely unnecessary, as Harry had the most restful sleep he could remember that night.

Over the next couple of days Harry took the time with Odin to discuss specific events that still haunted him and at times even used the Pensieve to show him what he had experienced. Odin had requested that he bring Natasha along, so that she didn't feel he was keeping things from her. They were proud of him for facing his past with such courage and made certain that Harry understood that they cared no less for him for what he was forced to do at times.

On the second last morning of the holiday, Harry opened his pouch and took out a small box, which he had been hoping to present to Natasha someday. It seemed that he was finally ready.