If You Think God Will Never Forgive You....

I know many people if not all of the population suffers from sin and it's consequences. To be honest, I'm having my own battle against sin.

In your life, have you ever felt that you wanted to give up so bad that you would've preferred to die? I know some points in time that I have. But, when I heard about what the Bible says, my faith in God was restored once again. An example of this is this verse.

"If we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness".

1 John 1:9

When I heard this verse I was so relieved. I kept on praying to God up until now. Some people suffer so much saying that it is their punishment and God will never forgive them and will send them to eternal damnation.

Friends and fellow believers in Christ, don't say that. Don't you know that the devil can use our feelings against us if we succumb to the flesh? let's follow God just like a man named Job did so.

If you read the Old Testament of the Bible, this should be familiar to you.

Job was a wealthy merchant who had a lot of money. He also had many cattles and oxen. He was a faithful believer of God. God loved him very much. One day, Satan the devil visited God in heaven. Satan told God that Job only worshipped Him because of his blessings. The devil also told God that if He was to take away all the blessings Job had he would curse God. So God let the devil tamper with Job and all his blessings but did not let him hurt Job physically. When the devil finished tampering with Job's belongings, Job almost lost everything he had. The devil expected Job to hate God but was greeted with a pleasant surprise. He didn't curse the Lord nor did he hate Him. So the devil, knowing he couldn't touch Job left him. After that, God restored all the things Job lost and doubled them because of his faithfulness to Him. After that, Job lived a very peaceful life.

We should all aim to be a person like Job because when we are faced with a challenge, we should never run away from them nor surrender to them. Our feelings get hold of ourselves sometimes that we go ut of control which leads us to become disobedient to God. When your faced with depression never attempt something like suicide.

But when we regain our consciousness and realize what we've done, we say to ourselves God will never forgives us. This kind of thinking informs us that if we sin a lot of times, God will never forgive us. But haven't you seen what God did to Israel? No matter how much times they went to paganism, when they asked God for forgiveness, God always forgave them and delivered them from their enemies' hands.

Remember that Jesus died for us on the Cross to forgive our sins. Jesus answered his disciples of how much they should forgive a man's sins. seven times they said. And Jesus answered, "Forgive them seventy times seven and after that seventy times seven more".

So you see, never be scared to ask God for forgiveness. Never be afraid to repent to God. Confess your sins to Him and he will forgive your sins if you are sincere in your prayer.

When you suffer from something, always remember, every single person on Earth is suffering from something. Don't let your feelings control you.

Always remember, there is not a single person that lived on Earth had an easy life. Also, God said in the Bible, "I will never give anyone a challenge that they cannot do to the point that they lose their faith in Me".

God will always make a way no matter how harsh the road is. Remember, surrender yourself to God. Never let your feelings take hold of you.

This is all what I write to you all today reading this. May God forgive your sins. Amen.