Being Yourself

Chapter 1

'BEING YOU is to follow your heart even when you have doubts.

It's to listen to your gut even when others do not believe you can.

It's to be silly and weird even when others don't understand.

Being yourself is meeting yourself in your own skin and saying –

"You know what? This is who I am."

It's about staying true to who you are and following your heart over anything else.

It's about finding peace within your skin and love within your soul.

It's about being kind to yourself and honest about both of your strength and weakness.

Because at the end of the day, if you aren't being yourself then who are you being?'

-Walk the Earth


viLelouch's POV

The night was young, warm and a friend of Andy has visited her place to devour some dishes her grandpa prepared and some delicious cookies.

The girl has been shooing her friend away to go home or she'll have no more cookies for herself anymore.

"Hello Mrs. Lewis," Donna greeted Kate Lewis on the monitor.

It was passed dinner and they're having a video chat in the living room.

"I'm transferring school next semester and just imagine how bitter your daughter took the news," the girl mockingly glanced at Andy who's washing the dishes by the kitchen sink.

"She took it like a girl having a break up," she added.

Andy could hear her mother's laughter through the speaker, so she glared at her friend sharply, "You shut up Donna!"

"You sounded gross!" she shouted.

Donna along with John, Andy's grandfather who's also in the living room , laughed together.

That made Andy to groaned in annoyance, "I'm your blood Grandpa."

She reminded the old man for siding with Donna.

She felt betrayed hearing them. She felt like breaking the plate she's holding.

Kaileen Andy Lewis and Donna Rowan are childhood friends.

Donna is the very first friend Andy made in her first visit to her Grandpa in Green City. That was when she's 12 years old.

Green City is an eight hour drive from Capital City where her parents live.

She was living with her parents in Capital back then. Donna and her can only meet every vacations and holidays but somehow their bond solidified when she had decided to live with her grandpa as she entered University.

The girls attended the same school but took different Major. Now on their third year, still, they're like sticks glued together.

"I'll be in Capital City a week before the semester starts," Donna informed her friend's mother, Kate.

"Do you have a place to stay sweety?" the woman on the monitor asked. Her voice sounded so lovely and caring.

"My brother already got me a decent apartment near Mohr's University," Donna replied assuringly.

By then, Andy slowly and calmly joined in the living room and sat down on the couch beside Donna.

She put her arm over her friend's shoulder and hovered down on the monitor allowing her mother see her beautiful face.

"Then I should also look for one Mom…near Mohr's University."

Grandpa John threw a confused glance at his granddaughter and Donna threw her a questioning look.

It was like— she just dropped a bomb of no warning.

"I'm also transferring," she stated wearing a half baked smile.

Donna threw her another questioning look, piercing look to be precise.

'What do you mean by that?'

"Hey don't you ever think that I'm following you," Andy pecked Donna's forehead.

"Ouch!" Donna quivered while holding her forehead in pain.

"It's more like you're stalking me, you dummy!" Donna exclaimed.

Realizing something, Donna teased her friend, "Don't tell me you can't live without me babygirl?"

Andy chuckled, "Huh, what are you?"

"The AIR I breath?" she said sarcastically.

Donna smack her with a pillow multiple times, "That tongue!"

Andy just laughed while taking her arms up for cover.

"And we are going to live separately. It's not like I'm going to live with you," she said between blows.

Mrs. Lewis sighed, " Enough both of you," she ordered in her motherly tone.

Addressing to her daughter, "Kaileen Andy Lewis, aren't you forgetting your grandpa here?"

Both girls turned their heads to John, only to see a very dry smile.

Andy exhaled deeply, "Since when did I make a rush decision mother?"

Rising from her feet, wearing her sweetest smile, then gave Grandpa John a big fat hug— looking like a puppy snuggling for love.

"I'm going to visit you Grandpa every other weekend," she said childishly and matching pouting lips.

She's pampered by John so she knew where to get her grandpa's side.

John at the meantime, melted from his only granddaughter's embrace, he could only nod and accept.

He's not that old anyway to be worried upon being left by himself.

"I love you sweety," he said while squeezing his granddaughter.

"I love you too grandpa," Andy replied with matching peck on the cheek.

"I love you both," Donna butt in.

That made everyone to laugh as well as Kate.