
Chapter 12

viLelouch's POV

On the next day, the three ladies, together, got out of the building after school. Andy already informed her friend Donna of what she'd gotten into.

"Hey, where are you going?" asked Rina.

She turned towards her,"To my apartment. It's just a walking distance."

"Oh, but—but Erika brought her car and— we got our things inside and—we got to go buy some groceries," Rina reasoned.

"Oh, right," Andy snapped to agree.

Erika drove silently.

She let Rina decide where to buy the groceries since she seemed to know more about those stuffs.

They went straight to Andy's apartment right after buying everything they need.

"I've heard it's quiet expensive here," Rina said passively while looking around by the window on Erika's car as they reached the vicinity.

Andy flinched but remained silent.

Didn't her Dad said it's the cheapest apartment around?

"Andy, what does your parents do?" Rina suddenly asked as they were looking for parking.

That's a question Andy doesn't want to be asked. She's trying hard to hide her wealth. So she's avoiding questions of that sort.

She clenched her fist before answering.

"Hmmm, my father works as an Engineer and my mom as an Accountant," she answered hesitatingly.

Good thing that Rina did not ask her further after a couple of nods which made her exhaled deeply in relief.


Andy's apartment was on the seventh floor.

Glancing at her companions following her, she motioned them to come inside after unlocking the door to her flat.

What greeted them was an airy, bright and cheerful interior.

The two visitors were standing rooted for a couple of seconds in surprise. Erika recovered earlier than Rina, and so she walked right to the couch and seated.

Rina on the other hand was still mesmerized. Holding a bag of groceries, with her jaw dropped, she went straight to the kitchen.

Andy was silently observing them.

She also expected their reactions. She did not even bothered them as both women were surveying the entire room with their gazes; especially Rina whose eyes were sparkling.

The entire room has a stylish hardwood flooring, a colored walls, upgraded lightings all throughout and a new wood interior blinds.

The living room has enough space to fit a sofa and two moveable couch fronting a 55" LED Tv. A piano at the left corner along with a guitar, violin and an ukulele standing on a rack, a few distance to the balcony.

The kitchen, the kitchen has a premium stainless steel appliances and ample counter and cupboards.

'Oh my God, what about the bedroom?' Rina thought.

"Did you somehow designed this?" She curiously asked.

Andy shyly nodded and lightly smiled.

She can't lie about the obvious.

Rina was nodding and continued looking around in awe.

After awhile, she'd move closer to Andy and tapped her shoulder.

"Guess I will be in your care about our Project Proposal then," she winked and grinned.


Chapter 13

viLelouch's POV

Rina cooked their dinner. It was good that it made them full. They started to gather in the living room after some time to start working on their Project.

Silence enveloped them as they were all focussing on the task at hand. Rina and Andy sat beside each other, with laptops on their lap as they work on the same Project.

Erika on the other hand, work silently on her own. Rina would sometimes ask her some questions, suggestions and advices.

Well, likewise, she too with Rina but never did to Andy. Erika and Andy never really had a proper conversation up until now.


Some time passed—

It was already late in the evening, Rina went to the kitchen for some tea.

"What?" Erika sarcastically asked. She noticed Andy kept on glancing at her, like contemplating to say or do something.

"Well, can you help me with something?" Andy shyly requested.

"I have some failed Beam Designs here," she explained.

"I— I can't seem to to know where the problem lies," she stuttered.

Erika got up without saying anything and sat beside the stuttering girl.

She leaned in closer to the girl to have a closer look in the monitor.

The sudden brushing of their arms gave Andy a shiver down her spine. She held her breath, her heart seemed to jump out of her chest too.

'The fuck with this' she complained in her thoughts.

And with great effort, she managed to follow Erika's explanation and demo.

The night deepens, Rina took a glance at the clock in the wall.

"Let's stop here."

"We still have tomorrow," She suggested while yawning.

Erika stretched her back then close her laptop. Andy did the same.

"Shall I make you both tea before we retreat to bed?" Rina offered.

The two both nodded.

Rina handed each a cup of tea and sat on the couch. Then something caught her eye.

"How about some music Andy?"

I bet those are not just for decorations, are they?" She pointed to the instruments.

"Well, I'm not that good," the girl humbly stated.

"We will decide for that," Rina said while winking at Erika.

Andy chuckled then smiled.

She placed her cup of tea on the table and went to the piano.

She pressed some random keys before really playing the full notes.

She sung the song "Love Someone" by Jason Mraz— where she seemed to mean every word in the lyrics and her voice didn't fail to communicate the feeling the song wanted to convey.

There was a gap of silence before hearing Rina clapping.

"You're giving me goosebump," she complimented.

Andy chuckled and just laughed then turned to look at Erika.

The look she gave forced the girl to comment.

Erika felt oblige to give one.

"You've got the voice. I think a Music Academy would suit you better," the girl said in monotone.


This made Andy's mouth to hung low. She did not know if she should be happy or not. So she just wryly smiled while Rina laughed.
