First Date

Chapter 18

viLelouch's POV

"Then, will you go out with me?"

Erika almost drop her keys to the ground.

A pair of deep brown eyes directly stares at her without a hint of joke, unwavering.

For awhile, both seemed like to froze in time.

Then Andy realized what she said, a surge of heat washed over her face.

"I— I mean if you're free t— to— tomorrow since it's the weekend and—" Andy explained while stammering.

She sighed, "It's not what you think Erika."

"I mean, I plan to go to the park and thought maybe you would like to come along," she continued.

Erika didn't say anything. She just stared at the stammering girl.

"Look, there are a lot to see in the park every Valentines Day. A lot of foods too. And—" Andy elaborated.

"Fine, tomorrow then," Erika interrupted and went to open the driver seat leaving Andy with an open mouth.

"It's a date," she added and cheekily smiled before finally getting inside and drove off.


"What should I wear?"

Erika has been tossing around her wardrobe. She could not make up her mind what to wear.

"You look like a teenager on her very first date," Mei said snickering on the monitor.

"Shut up and just help me," Erika yelled from her closet.

Andy texted Erika their itinerary. They'll meet up at four in the afternoon, g to the park, eat dinner and go home.

Mei even laughed at it when Erika forwarded the message.

"It was so lame for a date," her cousin replied on the text.

Even so, Erika doesn't feel that way. She felt anxious, excited and all.


Erika arrived and saw Andy leaning on a pole inside the park; near the entrance. She was constantly tapping her right foot on the ground while waiting.

She seemed not even aware of her arrival.

Looking admiringly from a far, Erika surveyed her date from head to toe. She was wearing a plain navy blue ¾'s sleeve unbuttoned down collar (feminine cut). With a white plain tee underneath and a well fitted white jeans.

It's a very 'unisex type of look' ; an androgynous look to be precise.

Erika was smiling as she strolled towards her date.

She was wearing a denim shorts that exposes her toned legs paired with a leather boots. And a white sleeveless blouse under a denim unbuttoned jacket.

"Did you wait long?"

Andy lifted up her head, "Nah, I just got here."

'Damn it'

'Can I hug this girl right here and now?' Erika thought.

"Shall we then?" Andy motioned for them to get going.

Erika nodded with a sheepish smile.


'Aren't you going to hold my hand?' She again complained in her thought.

Looking at Andy, she just seemed to really not plan on doing it. Well, she can't blame the girl. They're not that close.

They spent their time almost strolling. Sometimes stopped to eat something on random food stalls.

Erika also found another side of Andy. She's talkative; a good story teller; a person with broad horizon. She has always something to say in everything. Well, that ended up Erika to be the listener most of the time.

"You really love music huh," she pointed the fact.

Well, she noticed it.

They were sitting on a bench listening to some performers playing the violin along with an organ.

"Yeah, it's divine," Andy replied enthusiatically.

"It has a way of telling me beautiful and poetic things right straight to my heart," she added without taking her eyes off to the performers.

Erika smiled hearing those and seeing Andy's eyes gleamer, she's falling even more.