Be with You

Chapter 21

viLelouch's POV

The girls were still in that café leisurely having each others company. And the two lovebirds were just silently being observed by Rina and Donna.

They could sense it, the sparksfly.

"Hey guys, the end of semester is right in the corner. Do you have plans for a week vacation or something?" Donna asked.

"Nah, I'm staying home. I have four siblings to take care of," Rina dragged her words.

Donna just hummed while nodding.

"You sounded like you already have a plan Donna," Andy said, she very well know her friend .

Donna chuckled, "Tsk, you know me too well."

Andy just stuck out her tongue and received a rolling eyes from her friend.

"My brother decided to take me along to one of his trips so— that's it," Donna explained.

"Good for you then," Andy said in a mocking tone then she giggled.

"I plan to visit my grandpa in Green City."

"Guess I'll get to eat ALL — his home baked cookies to myself this time," she stressed out the word ALL to tease her already annoyed friend and so, she got a slap on the shoulder.

"Can I come with you?"

All three pairs of astonished eyes whipped their way to Erika's direction.

They remained still for a moment.

Rina's portion of cake on her fork fell off without any of them noticing it while Donna's mouth gaped in shock.

Well, they shouldn't be reacting this way but— but given that they somehow already suspected something unnatural going on between the two so it can't be helped.

"Pardon?" Andy blindly asked.


"I'm asking if I can come with you in Green City," Erika said softly, almost a whisper.

"It's been a while since my last trip to somewhere anyway."

"Oh," Andy snaoped and nodded blankly.

No one made another sound for a second.

Rina and Donna were only exchanging knowing glances at each other.

"Hmmm, why in Green City?" Andy asked and turned to look back to Erika looking confused and seemed to still processing the idea.


"Huh?" Erika looked back with jaw dropped and arched brow.

Donna choked on her drinks.

Rina had to hide her face behind her palms.

'The hell Andy!'

'Should you really have to embarrass her like this?' Rina yelled in her thoughts in frustration.

Erika seemed not to know what to say or do.

She gulped hard as she stared at the girl on her side. She can't think straight.

How is she supposed to answer that?

'I want to be with you?'

The hell she would say that.

Erika averted her eyes after a moment of thingking, "If you don't want to, you could just say no," she stated with an annoyed voice.

Andy's brows arched,"No, I mean, you can."

Erika exhaled deeply then rose up to her feet,"I have to go."

"See you guys tomorrow," then she's off leaving Andy to wonder and ponder what she did wrong.

"Did I mess up?" she asked while trailing her gaze to the silhoutte of the leaving girl.

Rina turned her head sideways while frowning and resumed to eat a mouthful of cake while Donna groaned her frustration for her friend.

"Ask yourself," Donna said coldly as she masaged her brows making Andy more confused.



Authors Note:


Hey guys, I have already wrote a handful of chapters that needs to be uploaded. So you can expect it to be uploaded anytime soon.

If anyone is reading this, you can comment as it is free anyway. It would give me a boost to continue writing this. Also, it would mean someone is reading my work. Thanks again.