Sing Along

Chapter 24

viLelouch's POV

Erika arrived on time of their schedule.

Andy was already waiting for her outside her apartment. Even if how upset Andy was, she still chose to be punctual.

She assisted Erika of her luggage, put it the trunk while giving the girl a cold shoulder. They drove out of the vicinity without talking to each other.

Erika broke the silence that enveloped them after some miles.

"How long are you going to be like this?"

"Sorry, I'm okay now," Andy answered without taking her eyes off the road.

Erika knew it's not.

She sighed and adjusted her seat then leaned back turning her head to look outside the window on her side.

Andy decided to turn on the car audio for some music to lessen the heavy atmosphere around.

They already passed the City's boarder but still not talking with each other.

"It's Jason Mraz," this time, Andy broke the silence.

Erika just hummed in response.

"I like his songs and I love his voice," Andy added.

After taking a deep breath, Erika then adjusted her seat back to level with Andy's.

Andy smiled, "He's my favorite artist or singer whatsoever they call it."

Erika stretched out her back, "Well to me, I don't really have anyone I can call my favorite singer."

"If I like the song then I like the song not minding whoever sung it."


Andy hummed and nodded.

"Should I switch the music to your liking?" she asked. "My playlists are all Jason's.

"Nah, I like them," Erika shrugged.

Andy smiled then continued to focus on the road.

"But I think, I will love them if you're the one singing," Erika said with a teasing tone.

"Woah," Andy laughed then not holding back; sung.

She sung Jason Mraz's "Everything is Sound" while tapping her hand along the beat on the stirring wheel.


'Here she is'

'I love it when she sings' Erika muttered to herself.


She was clenching her teeth the whole time while listening to Andy. She was suppressing all the butterflies in her stomach while she's at it.

"So how was it?" Andy asked as the song ended.

"Should you really be asking me every time you sing?"

Andy chuckled.

Yeah, she remembered asking the girl the first time she played the piano in her apartment.

"Fine, I won't ask anymore. Now, it's your turn."

Erika arched a brow, "What turn?"

"Come on, I heard you sing and play the piano."

"Nah, I don't feel like singing today."

"You are being unfair here," Andy pouted.

Erika laughed on it, "Fine, what song then?"

"Anything," Andy took a glance at the girl then back to the road.

Erika tapped on the phone and was typing something, she was searching a song.

After finding "Island in the Sun" by Weezer, she tapped play and started singing.

She begun to dance but since she was buckled up, she only manage to do it with her shoulders.

She chuckled as Andy sung along with her with those at the chorus.

And just like that, their trip was full of singing, laughing and a little bit teasing.
