
Chapter 33

viLelouch's POV

The start of a new semester begun. School works has been hectic than ever before. Well, they will be graduating next year and their internship starts next month and so they were tight on schedule.

Andy and Erika also have been closer than they'd ever been and their skinship did not pass unnoticed in Rina and Donna's knowing eyes.

"You okay?" Donna asked. They were on that café near the University.

Both Rina and Erika just left a few minutes ago.


"You're spacing out."

"Nah," Andy just smiled.

Donna glared at her friend, "You've been spacing out a lot lately."

"Did I?"

"You're worrying me."

"Nah, I just got something on my mind."

"Can't you tell me?"

Andy shook her head. "I will after I sort things out," she smiled dryly.


It was a fine afternoon, Donna was dragged to come along with her three Architecture friends to buy something for their miniature project.

They were on their way in Erika's car.

"Hey guys, how's it going with your internship application?" Donna asked.

"My mom works at vL Properties, in the HR Department so I guess that's it." Rina answered.

Both Donna and Andy exchange glances in the backseat.

"Hmmm, how about you Erika?" Donna asked.

"My father is in construction business. Guess I'll work there."

"How about you Andy?" Rina asked while turning her head to look at Andy in the back.

Andy wryly smiled, "Hehe, I'll be in vL too, I guess?"

Rina clapped her hands, "Good choice," and she raised her thumb up.

"Speaking of vL." Donna uttered while pointing at the ongoing construction on the view. They were stopped for traffic.

Erika rolled her eyes to what she saw. Rina was laughing and Andy leaned back while sighing.

"I won't be surprised if you'll be influenced with their peculiarity by the end of your internship," Erika blatantly stated.

"Hey, what's wrong with that?" Rina asked between laughs.

"Everything, just look at their designs."

Rina was still laughing while the two in the back kept their silence.

"You sounded like you hate vL," Rina snickered.

"Not like that, I just don't get the unnecessary designs and peculiarity," Erika explained.

"Come on Erika, they've got the money and their peculiarity is what made them known."

Erika rolled her eyes.

That's a fact but still—

"So what do you think is that?" Donna pointed at the top of an on the ongoing construction of that high rise building in sight. It seemed to be in eighty percent completion.

"It's a fork," Erika answered coldly.

"What fork?"

Erika turned her head to Donna, "A fork, that fork we use with the spoon."

Donna's eyes widened and covered her mouth.

Well, vL Properties is known for their peculiar designs especially what's on the top of every building they owned, so visible occupying the entire floor.

That huge.

Like for example, they already have a building with a gulf ball on top, a crown, a bowling pin, a flute, a hand, a bicycle, a bulb, a lamp, a strawberry fruit, and many other more.

It was even made a custom for everybody in the construction business to make a joke or a gamble in guessing what would be the next thing on top of an ongoing structure of vL.

The owner of vL usually reveals it late so everyone could only wait in anticipation.

"I've heard the daughter of the owner has the last say in everything," Rina said as they drove off from the traffic lights.

Donna poke Andy's side. The girl glared back at her friend.

"Yeah, I've heard that rumor too,"Erika agreed.

"Rumor has it, that even if that daughter wants a TOILET BOWL on top , then it will be so," Erika added, while groaning in disgust.

"Hey," Andy pacified.

"What?" Erika stared at her on the rear mirror.

"An architecture student wouldn't use TOILET BOWL, it's water closet."

Erika rolled her eyes, "I want it to sound gross."

Andy sneered and turned to glare at Donna by her side. The girl has been gritting her teeth and holding her side as though she has stomachache.

Andy studied her face. She has that upward quirk in her mouth telling her that she's suppressing a laugh.

Andy glared at her friend even more.

She then leaned back and turned her head by the window.

Yeah, she remembered her father asking her on their first dinner at home. That time when she and her brother Kevin bicker about her being spoiled.

That time when she'd directed her fork towards her brother for gifting her a Ferrari 458 Spider.

That time, that was the time her father asked her and she just passively said 'fork' as it was in her hand back then.

"Ugh—" she hid her face in her hands.

She did not expect her father to took it seriously. She peeked a glance at Donna by her side only to see the girl still gritting her teeth not to laugh.