More Than Friends

Chapter 50

viLelouch's POV

Both Rina and Andy had already consumed two bottles of their drinks but still no Erika in sight. They even reserved her a chair since the girl said she'll catch up.

Looking around, the place sure was lively.

Disco balls were beaming lights of many colors, the sound of the band playing in a suspended platform and the indistinctive chatters and shouts from everyone present; majority were Mohr's students.

Also, the band was accepting song requests and so it really got noisier.

But despite the noise, Andy seemed not to care at all. Looking at her, Rina could tell where the girl's mind wandered.

She sure was overthinking things like reading too much than necessary to Erika's action awhile back.


Not long, everyone got so worked up.

It started with a student who volunteered to sing with the band. Then, envy strikes.

Another student from the other class volunteered too until it somehow became a competition between classes.