Right and Perfect Moment

Chapter 54

viLelouch's POV

After meeting Mei, everyday has been a noisy day and she's like a mushroom suddenly popping everywhere.

She also convinced Erika that she'll be picking her up after classes while giving Donna, Andy as well as Rina baffled look every encounter.

She's really doing a good job at acting like a girlfriend to be.

Erika even declined Andy's invitation for a stroll in the park one weekend for the reason that she has prior date with Mei on that day.

When in fact, they just stealthily went around the park, wherever Andy was and act lovey- dovey with all the skinship.

They're making Andy jealous. That's the plan.

Mei even wasn't satisfied that she kissed Erika on the cheek as she spotted Andy's gaze was on them.

Well, in that angle, Andy thought it's on the lips.



"You are like a mushroom," Donna said addressing Mei.

"You just pop up everywhere."

They were on that café near the University.

"Am I?"

'More like a stalker.'