Love Unfolding

Chapter 81


I blinked a couple of times as my vision was a little bit blurry; vivid.

Despite the vividness, I could figure Andy hovering down, smiling at me.

"Gosh, you're even in my dreams." I uttered.

I shifted my body to a more comfortable position.

I smiled.

I'm somewhat sleeping on her lap as she brushed my hair gently.

'Such dream'

Then my vision became clearer and clearer, I sprung myself to sit and knit my brows at her.

The idiot just smiled wryly.

I hid my face behind my palms for a while hiding my puffy eyes.

"What time is it?" I asked sounding mad.

I noticed it's still dark outside from the window.

"Two in the morning." She answered.

"How long have you been home?" I grumpily asked but she did not answer me anymore.

She got up and headed to the bedroom.

'What the…'

It made me more mad.

She paused by the door.

"Come over here, so you can sleep comfortably."

Then she made herself in and shut the door behind her.

'That's it?'