
Chapter 85


I got out of the bedroom seeing Erika making breakfast by the kitchen.


'She can cook.'

That made me smile.

"Good morning." I greeted still with a grin in my face.

She just sharply glared at me and got back her attention to cooking. She still looked grumpy though.


I walked behind her and wrapped my arm around her waist while I tugged away some strands of hair at the back of her neck with my other hand.

She instinctively tilted her head giving me access to plant a kiss at the crook of her neck, which I did.

'She smells good.'

"Have I told you how amazing you are… last night?" I teased.

She faced me with brows met.

"Just… last night?"

She dragged the word 'just'.


I smiled guiltily.

'Idiot me'

"Since, since the day I met you Love." I retracted.

She narrowed her eyes and turned back to her cooking.

I pulled away and sat by the kitchen island staring at her.

No, not staring, more like checking her out.