Her Other Side

Chapter 90


A Week Passed.

Tonight was scheduled for Mei treating us for a drink outside. More like a 'party all night' as Donna calls it.

Even if it's not my thing to go partying, I was forced to come as Erika and Donna would be there.

I'm no kill joy.


Sadly for Rina, 'cause she has younger siblings to attend to.

I walked out from the bedroom and found Erika by the kitchen drinking a glass of water.

She peered through the glass and eyed me.

"Can't you dress up… less attractive?" She asked.

"Nah, I should keep up with you, you know." I answered with a teasing tone.

She rolled her eyes with that.

"By the way, you look really hot." I flirted.

She blushed.

"It's the scarf." She countered.

"Yeah, definitely the scarf." I seconded.

Then we both laughed.


We arrived at the destination with Mei's expression; bitter and sour.