5.The happiest person!!!

Sia's soul was totally lost in another world as she was dazedly staring at the rooms ceiling probably thinking about questions like 'where am I ??' 'what am I??' 'why am I here' but unfortunately even the author can't think of her thoughts because she can't understand the language of the world Sia was in...ahem it's not the author's fault you know...

" Sia !! " seeing the dazed Sia he decided to call her for her own good but looks like she couldn't find her way back...he himself had to bring her back...sigh... He wrapped his arms around her shoulder and legs and carried her in a princess style and fled from the room leaving the the wide eyed people like they don't exist.... after that everyone started betting which hotel they will go or if they will go to their house after this.

While everyone was betting, the person for which the bet was going on, reached by the school gate and tucked the girl inside his car on the passanger seat and he himself sat on the driver seat and started driving.

Soon a black car reached a huge villa and a handsome and beautiful teenagers got out of it, the butler opened the door for the as he saw the figures...

It's not a secret that they are dating in the Wilson household and Zane comes here frequently so everyone here got accustomed to it soon. As the Wilson's and Arson's have been friends since generations it were ofcourse they were happy to hear this news from their dear children and after that Mrs. Wilson frequently invites her future son-in-law and also likes him very much as he is very ideal son-in-law.

As he entered the house he saw Mrs. Wilson sitting on the couch and came to greet his future mother-in-law " Hey mom, long time no see, how are you?? Is everything alright..." He didn't even shy away from and shamelessly greeted his mother-in-law as mom.

Well this was also partially the reason why Mrs. Wilson likes him, which also determines how serious this kid was about her daughter so she gladly accepts him.

She turned her head and saw the loving pair coming towards her and smiled sweetly while asking, "I'm good my child...and it hasn't even been that long you visited 3 days ago only... What happened to Sia, was she sleepy..." she was eyeing Sia who was resting on Zane's arms. " I'm sorry, looks like the child caused some trouble to you...maybe she didn't sleep enough yesterday... " she said with a worrying expression and thought ' Alas what an irresponsible mother I'm...'

" It's not your fault mother...umm actually it's mine.." he started feeling guilty but didn't know how to say the reason to her, will she be mad and not let me kiss her again...that will be very bad.

Seeing her son fidgeting she asked " How is it your fault son?? did you by any chance..." It's not that she does not like it but the kids were very young for that...

Seeing his mother-in-law's face he could see that her imaginations were going the other way around so he hastily told her " No mother it's just that many thing happened at school so maybe she was exhausted..." he told her the whole story that happened today.

" HOW DARE THEY BULLY MY LOVELY DAUGHTER!!!! " her face was red with anger as she got up her seat and was determined to make the one who caused all this ruckus, pay their price, even if Tanya likes her daughter and were good friends it does not mean that her daughter is easy to bully... just wait till the death reaches your door.

" I'm sorry mother I'm so incompetent, I didn't even protect your daughter well...I even caused her to faint." said Zane with a little guilt in his voice...not that he was guilty for kissing her but he was guilty for making her faint...he should at least have stopped in time.

" Oh child don't say this, it's not your fault, you even protected her and helped her reach home...as for kiss, i can understand you felt jealous so you did that, It doesn't matter since you are her husband anyway and not a stranger ", she said while smiling sweetly but no one could have imagined her thoughts now inside her mind was not so sweet as her smile ' Very good child, mother I'd proud of you, if I were in your place I would do the same, maybe even cut the mouth that dared to kiss Sia.

( From this paragraph you can get the reason why the mother-in-law and son-in-law pair get along so well. ^_^.... like mother like son )

It's not that Zane was any less, he also wanted to do what his mother-in-law thought but he refrained himself from doing so because Sia would obviously be angry after hearing all this.

" Will you keep carrying her... isn't she heavy, do you like her so much that you can't even stay a second away from her. " she chuckled while saying.

" Yes ofcourse I do, but as much as I want her in my arms, i also want her to sleep comfortably so can i take her to her room." He also said while chuckling.

" Yes ofcourse, when did I stop you... you can have your time alone with her..." she said while eyeing in understanding, after that she continued her work from before.

Zane walked and soon reached Sia's room, he didn't have any problem finding the room in the big house because he had been in this place thousands of time and is still clear in his mind.

He walked inside her room and was happy to be here after a long time, he laid Sia on the bed and started observing the room, he saw that many thing placed in the room were gifts that he gave to Sia. He smiled sweetly ' Sia really loved me dearly... she must have been very hurt by what I did before...he sighed but this time he won't make the silly mistake again, he will make her the happiest person in the world. ' He thought all this and bent down to give Sia a sweet kiss on forehead... You are mine an mine alone Sia... I won't give you to anyone.

Meanwhile the school website was in chaos...

Sometime ago someone posted the picture of their school God and Goddess kissing passionately and the comments when was below not surprisingly reached

Person 1 : Kyaaa.... What a pair, they look so damn hot together.

Person 2 : This kiss is damn good but seeing my goddess kiss someone else makes me jealous TT TT why can't I be the one kissing her... just because he is handsome, he can kiss my goddess but I can't ...TT TT

( N:- Zane : *Coldly stares* say that again !!!

Person 3 : I like the scene...hmm maybe I'll make it my next wallpaper.

Person 2486 : Oh god were they really inside the class??... seeing their enjoying face it doesn't look like they were in a crowded place.

Person 2487 : Haha, to the person above, I also would not believe that but I was in their class and had seen the live show... they really disregarded their surrounding and were lost in their own world and after the kiss Sia was dazed and couldn't think of anything....lol you all should have been there, you missed such an amazing show. If you want to see you can ask them but i don't think that will happen again because Zane protected Sia like a tiger protects it's cub, he won't let anyone see Sia's expression after kiss. So in conclusion you all missed a once in a lifetime offer.

Everyone who don't know this : Really!!! ... So protective...