7.The Past!!!

Birds were chirping in the morning as if they want to wake someone up. The sun was just above the sky as it was early in the morning. Inside the room in a big bunglow, a beautiful girl just woke up.

" Hmm... I had such a good sleep last night." Sia moved her hands up and stretched a bit. After that, She got up and walked inside bathroom to fresh herself up. She turned on the shower and let the droplet of water fall on her clear, flawless skin that many women would be envious of.

Zane slept the room next to her the previous night, so she does not know about his situation.

After taking a shower, she changed into her school uniform and set her hair up like she usually does.

After taking breakfast both got in the same car under continuous pestering from Sia's mother, telling them that couples should go to school together and make the singles eat some dog foods.

Both got in the car and there was complete silence, it's been very awkward after yesterday's incident so they haven't spoken a word to each other since then. Sia was thinking something else when Zane said something to the driver and the driver nodded and started the car.

We soon reached, but that place was not the school... it was instead a tree that was big and thick , Sia turned to face Zane and was ready to ask the reason for the sudden change in plan...but as soon as she turned, she was met with a warm embrace, an embrace that she was once used to, but not anymore more, before she could say or do anything she heard a calm voice " Sia do you remember this place..."

After sometime a small voice came from the embrace " Yes.."

It was a warm spring day... the slight warm breeze was blowing from the east and the scene was like a movie where a beautiful girl was leaning on the tree trunk and was sleeping peacefully. But that peace didn't last that long...there was a boy sleeping on the branch of the tree and suddenly a fruit hit his head as his balance was lost and fell from the tree.

Hearing the voice of something heavy felling down she opened her eyes and was met with the sight of a cute boy with nose red... she laughed seeing this, then the boy noticed the existence of another person and his face immediately got red with embarrassed.

" Don't laugh anymore please, it's not my fault that i fell... it's the fruit's fault..." the boy said with a red face with his head down.

Then an even louder sound of someone giggling came,as he couldn't handle this embarassment anymore he choose to threaten the person by giving a cold glare at them, but as soon as he looked up, he was met with the most beautiful scenery he had ever seen.

The most beautiful little girl he had ever seen was smiling sweetly looking in his direction with her little folded hand covering her mouth a little as if trying to stop her laughter. The wind blowing slightly even made her look more beautiful as her long hair was flowing with the flow of the wind making her look like a fairy, just a wing was missing.

Little girl opened her soft pink mouth and the softest sound he had ever heard came form her mouth " Yeah... it was the fruit's fault, not your's." she said with a smile still on her face.

Zane face became even redder from her words, if someone saw him right now they could even have mistaken him as a tomato.

" hehe, sorry for teasing you, but you are very funny, I couldn't help myself... what's your name??" The little girl said in a friendly manner.

" I..I am Zane a...and yo..you??..." Zane said while shuddering...I can't believe, the angel is talking to me...

The girl extended her hand and said " I'm Sia, nice to meet you... by the way do you come here often... I've never seen you here before."

Taking her hand in his hand he said " Umm... I came here with my parents to attend an event... I don't like attending event that much because it's so crowded and there is nothing interesting to see there... so... I came here to take a nap as I was very bored." Zane said this while staring at Sia.

" Ooh, What a coincidence, I was also here to attend an events and got bored so I came here, I have known this place for a long time, I would drop here sometime to get some fresh air, I love this place it's so different from the world... so peaceful..." Sia said while she again leaned against the tree trunk and patted beside the place where she was sitting, gesturing Zane to sit by her side.

Zane was happy to see that the girl wanted him to sit beside her and then he happily sat beside her. Both continued their conversation and stared at the sky.

No one knew how time passed so quick but soon it was getting late and Sia's mother came finding her and she had to regretfully go with her.

" It was nice meeting you, hope we meet each other again." Sia said while smiling as she waved him goodbye.

" Me too I was happy to meet you..." Zane also bid goodbye regretfully... why can't he stay with her longer, why do they have to be separated so soon.

Maybe destiny had made their mind to get them together again so they soon met each other again at the event, as Wilson's and Arson's have been friends for long time and today they got to attend an event together, they used this chance to introduce their heirs to each other and those heirs were none other than Sia and Zane.

" Longtime no see David. " George said with a warm smile on his face as he greeted the man who looked like the same age as him.

" Yeah, it's been a long time, you didn't even come to meet me once, after marriage you totally forgot about your own friend..." David said while making a hurtful expression.

" Oh no, it's not that I forgot about you it's just that life this days is busy, I don't even get to stay with my wife for long." Said George with a wronged expression.

" Hey!! sister-in-law, how are you??" David said while he gave at the beautiful lady by his friend's side a playful smile.

"I'm good and you... you look thin are you on diet or something, you are already married no girl will be interested in you even if you look fit." Saron snorted, he hasn't changed a pit, playful as always.

" Haha... I know, I know, it's just stress I'm not on diet and I love my wife why will I be interested in someone else." He said laughingly and tucked his wife in his arms.

His wife glared at him and said " Don't you dare Lie that you didn't hit on someone else anymore... that a plain lie and everyone knows that. You were just hitting on someone just now how dare you lie with such straight face."

" Oh my... so scary..." he shrugged and noticed a little existence by Saron's side " Oh my... This little thing has grown so much in those years I didn't see her. " He said this while reaching his hands towards Sia and lifted her up. " woow... she has grown up to be such a beautiful girl...umm she just looks like a doll if she doesn't move...Saron, say truthfully what did you eat when she was in your womb, that made her so pretty."

" Huh... eating something won't do anything... you have to look who gave birth to her..." she said narcissistically.

Everyone : .-_- Hope the child doesn't take after her mother....

" Your son also has grown really handsome...." he said this so that everyone forget about his wife narcissism.

Meanwhile, the son and daughter mentioned in the conversation where blinking at each other surprisingly, and were whispering with each other quietly.

"Are they your mom and dad...??" Sia eyed the Arson couple.

'"hmm..and they're yours..."Zane eyed the Wilson couple.

" yess... looks like our family knows each other, we might become family friends in future... It would be really fun to be friends with you and I can see you often in future " Sia said while smiling sweetly.

Zane was very happy and after seeing her smiling sweetly, he couldn't hold back anymore and pinched those cheeks....' Aah I have finally done this... I wanted do this since the moment I saw those soft cheeks...hmm they are even softer than marshmallows..' Zane thought all this... ignorant to the shocked look on those elder couples.

" Do you guys already know each other...??" David asked after seeing the small figure being so intimate.

" Uhmm, yes" Both answered at the same time, after hearing two voices at the same time both looked at each other surprisingly and then giggled at the same time.

Everyone saw them wide eyed... they planed to introduce the kids to each other today but it looks like they knew each other before and were even good friends.

David cupped George's hand and looked into his eyes expectedly " George my friend how about giving your daughter to my son...I mean make them marry each other... Please... I have never seen my son laugh so naturally with someone else... I'm sure your daughter will make my son the happiest... this way we can even become a real family. " his eyes were literally shining while saying this.

" David!!! What are you saying so suddenly... Marriage is not a joke, you can't make decisions so hastily." He said while glaring at David... this idiot never takes thing seriously...even marriage is a game for him.

David didn't get angry he instead remained unshakingly and smiled widely at his friend while turning to the kids he said "How about you ask the kids instead... it's their life after all, they should make the decision instead."

" Say kids, do you wanna marry each other??" David said while smiling like an idiot.

" Marry??" Both kids asked with uncertainty. What is marry...is that someone's name...

" Yes, that way you can stay with each other and can be with eachother anytime you want..." He said, giving a tempting offer to the kid... he was sure the kids will accept this offer and this way not only the kids but everyone in the family will be happy and he can be family with his best friend, he had dreamt that for a long time...hehe.

The kids eyes shined like a diamond " Really... then yes I'll marry him/her. " both said at the same time and then looked at each other and their thoughts were same...' so good... I can stay with him/her and can see each other many times and get to know the other...there is a unique feeling I get when I'm with him/her and I really like that feeling very much.'

After seeing the look in the kids eyes they all thought that it will be good for the kids to marry each other, when they have grown up and didn't want to marry each other at that time there will be no problem breaking the engagement up.

So this way both fixed their marriage without knowing and became each other's finance ... so it was no odd in dating each other and their parents gladly accept and even supported them.