9.Shower you with love...

Earlier Sia didn't remember what Zane had done to her in past, she at first thought that Zane was her boyfriend and cheated on her so all this times she did not know the whole thing and also didn't hate him as much as she does now after remembering the whole thing but alas if you didn't sacrifice something you wouldn't get anything, so for now she had to keep her anger aside and focus on her task now. It won't be hard to act as a lovely couple, now that I have all the recollection of my past memory and knows all his likes and dislikes.

So she hugged him lovingly and rubbed her head on his chest lightly as if proving that they were a lovely couple.

Seeing this Zane's don't know whether he should laugh or cry... haha... this is the Sia he knew, seeing her behaviour yesterday, he really thought that something was wrong, but now it looks like she was just mad at me and now after seeing this tree, maybe she remembered our childhood days and couldn't help but forgive me.

He chuckled and said, " Sia, you are just too cute..." then he hugged back tightly as if he had met the love of his life after many years and couldn't help but squeeze his lover tightly in his embrace.

Then atmosphere were so sweet and beautiful but it couldn't last long as they had to go to school. They went out off house earlier than the school time to they were not late.

All eyes couldn't help but turn into their direction as they passed. There were many times of gazes like jealous, envious, curious, happy, sad and all. But it didn't bother the couple as they walked holding their hands together and walked in the direction of the school.

As Zane didn't get to sleep yesterday because of stomachache, so there were dark circles around his eyes but since people didn't know the reason behind this and after the incident yesterday they could only assume of one reasoning and that is... they did it. But why does Sia looked so refreshed... is the saying really true that girls become more beautiful and glowing after doing it... Kids and their curiousity but unfortunately there was no one to answer and it's not like they can ask the couple about it.

When they reached school they have to part with each other as even if they are in the same standard, they have different classes.

"Don't miss me too much and be a good girl" Zane smiled and said this while reluctantly letting go of Sia's hand.

Sia was disgusted by all this sweet talk which gave her cringes but still continued her act and said while smiling " So what if I did, will you come and meet me." Just go... do you really have to act so sweet even if it's a play... I don't know how you handle it but this is giving me a very cringy feeling, Ok!!

" If you want me to, then I'll gladly come." Zane said this in a teasing manner but he also wanted to see his girlfriend more, now that he had got a chance again.

No please!!! Can I say no... do you really have to come to my classroom, I just said that so you will believe that I miss you, do you really have to agree, can't you reject the suggestion and say that you have classes and can't come, just like you did in the past.

Zane gave a goodbye kiss to Sia on forehead and bid goodbye and walked towards his classroom.

Sia smiled at him but as soon as he was gone, her face turned cold as she wiped her forehead and then also walked towards her classroom.

She soon entered the classroom and after figuring out what happened that day after they left, she sighed... truly a disaster. But it is also good from some point of view... this way I won't have to deal with all types of people coming after us because now almost everyone knows that we are dating because the classmates said that the photos of them kissing was not only uploaded in the school website but someone even uploaded it on social media, so now they are a famous couple...and know by many people.

If she knew this before regaining her memory, she would probably go and murder that person with her own two hands but now that she has her memory back, she won't do it, instead she will probably thank that person for spreading the photos.

After the bell rang, the teacher can in and everyone greeted him, after that he started explaining the lesson.

As Sia has studied all this before, she was not interested in the topic which was going on and she was more or less very bored now, she doesn't want to listen the lecture as she does not like doing the same thing twice, she thinks that doing the things which you have already done is a waste of time, why do it again if you have already done it before, just like she doesn't want to watch a movie twice... never, it's just boring as hell... the suspense isn't even there anymore, you already know what's gonna happen and it gets so boring, such a waste of time. Well you can't blame her excellent mind which remembers every single details, so of course doing the same thing would be boring for her.

So instead of studying she decided to look outside as she was sitting just beside the window.

Outside the window, the world was completely different from the place she was in now. As the school she was studying now was the No.1 in the whole city and only the heirs of rich and famous families could get admission here, this school was well build, it was situated outside the city by 15 minutes and it was surrounded by nature so there could be no disturbance here and childrens can concentrate on their studies .... This was also the reason Sia likes her school so much...So quiet and so peaceful, there were many trees here so the air is very refreshing. This place was so different from the chaotic world she knew.

As she was watching outside, a blue jay(bird) flew towards her and suddenly came and sat down beside the window where she was sitting, staring at her curious, as if figuring out what this human was doing instead of studying like others.

Seeing this Sia gave a soft smile and lifted her hand towards it and pulled her index finger up a little. The little guy sat on her finger curiously... both unable to notice the gazes towards them.

At first, someone saw Sia staring outside and not listening to the topic, they found it rather strange that as Sia always listens to the topic attentively, so they whispered to the person beside them and that person to other, this way the whole class saw it and the teacher noticed that no one was giving attention to his lesson and saw that they were looking in a certain direction and turned his gaze towards that direction and saw the scene which has already turned to the beautiful bird sitting on the beautiful girl's finger.

This time even the teacher's thought were same as everyone

.....'If Sia ever tells us that she is an elf... we'll never doubt it'.....

but for now she's still a student and is not listening to the lesson, so the teacher had to interrupt her good times with the bird " Ahem... Ahem...Sia, if you want to talk with the bird you can do that later but for now can you please concentrate on the topic I'm teaching" the teacher said while adjusting his glasses and smiling which does not reach his eyes.

Hearing this voice Sia jerked up "I... I'm really sorry sir..." this is so.... embarassing, this is the first time I got scolded by the teacher and everyone is staring at me. This is like I'm standing naked on an eight way lane, how can people who get scold often and act like nothing happened, do they not feel embarrassed at all.

" It's ok!! Concentrate now." The teacher said this and then continued his work and then the students also do the same. Leaving behind the Sia with lifeless eyes... What should I do now, I don't want to listen to the lesson but I also don't want to make the teacher mad and experience the embarassment again.

So instead of listening to the lesson or watching outside she stared at the teacher... 's head... so shiny, wow not even a single hair on his head... it's literally shining, how did he managed to do this make it this shiny.... and so this bacame the No.1 hour in Sia's life which was spend thinking nonsense.

As soon as the bell ran, everyone sighed like usual and then happily chatted with each other but this time one thing was different and that is the girl who used to concentrate on the topic everyday also sighed.

People surrounded Sia " What happened today to you, sia, it's not like the usual you.... did you missed Zane and was remembering him?? " One classmate asked Sia in a teasing manner.

Huhh... what?? Remembering that jerk??? mee..?? like hell..but if I said that out loud it will sound suspicious...If a girl who was passionately kissing her boyfriend yesterday says this today, it will definitely sound suspicious.

So to continue my act, I blushed and said "I.. It's not like that... I... was just distracted by the bird... it was so beautiful so I could help but notice it.." She said while slight shuttering so she sounds natural.

"That's why I'm here!!" A sound came from the entrance of the classroom and a handsome boy came walking towards Sia's.

Sia sighed in heart after seeing him... how does he manage to come everytime I'm having a conversation with my classmates...

" It has only been a few hours since we saw each other and you already miss me." Zane said this but it's not like he missed her any less, but he likes teasing his girlfriend.

"Huh!! Few hours??" Sia snorted, " Do you know that every hour in those few hours has 60 minutes and those 60 minutes have 3600 seconds, Ok!! I was bored for so many seconds, how can you say that it has only been few hours. Did you not even miss me a bit.." Sia pouted and went her frustration which was piled up after so many hours of boredom on Zane.

Seeing the pouting figure, Zane laughed and bend down to kiss those pouted lips, totally disregarding the surrounding.

Everyone shook their head, looks like we have to see their lovely- dovely scenes everyday... we are happy for you both but can you please stop torturing us singles for god's sake...