His name was Gilgamesh

When Will opened his eyes, he was stunned. He felt extremely unfamiliar as he opened his eyes to look at his hands. He looked around himself to find that his surroundings were extremely lavish. Gold adorned every piece of furniture and the wood that made up everything else seemed to be extraordinary as well.

Will got up from his bed and walked towards the mirror. When he saw himself, he realized that his fears had come true. Will was in someone else's body. His skin had a healthy brown tan, and his hair was a shiny black. His eyes were as deep as the ocean and his facial features were actually quite attractive.

Will also noticed that his body was strong. Extremely strong. He felt like he could crush stones simply by gripping them, yet there wasn't a hint of cosmic energy flowing through his body.

"Is this the sumerian civilization?" Will wondered as he saw the same cuneiform scripts being carved into clay around the walls of his room. Surprisingly, he could now read the script.

"The Temple to our God Shamash." Will read the dame line which seemed to have been written everywhere. "Looks like this is a temple."

Suddenly a burst of information entered his mind and Will immediately understood a lot more. His name was Gilgamesh. He was the high priest of the Temple of Shamash, the Sumerian Sun God. The sumerian civilization was not yet societally advanced and as a city state, the high priest was essentially the king. In short, Will or Gilgamesh was the king of the city.

Gilgamesh walked out of his chambers, each step of his strong and booming, greatly vibrating the temples pillars. Will was inwardly shocked at the terrifying body of Gilgamesh. His muscular body was extremely compact and a terrifying killing machine. He knew that a single punch could kill any person back in his world.

The moment Gilgamesh walked out tens of priests lined up and kneeled to pay respect to this tyrannical high priest. "May Shamash forever shine his light."

"May Shamash forever shine his light." Gilgamesh boomed back. His voice was terrifyingly powerful. Will was shocked to realize that he was simply an audience, this wasn't his body at all. Gilgamesh seemed to be doing as he pleased and Will wondered if this priest was even human.

Soon, several ladies appeared to bathe Gilgamesh, who calmly stripped naked, waiting for himself to be serviced. The women showed no emotion. Will realized that they were the supposed prostitutes of the Sun God, their sole role being to satisfy the Sun God's representative on Earth, Gilgamesh.

Will was disgusted by Gilgamesh's actions, but he was helpless to control it and only steel himself. Unfortunately, while he wasn't in control, every thought and feeling, enjoyment and evil thought passed through Will's own mind like it was his own feelings.

After Gilgamesh was done with the women, he walked out of the temple onto a flat stone platform. Then he began reciting a single line. "Holy Shamash, please clean my humble body!"

Then Will felt a powerful memory of a tablet made of bronze, on which an extremely large amount of scripts were written. In an instant, he felt the influx of this knowledge assimilate within himself.

"Clean Body Tablet" Will analyzed in deep thought as he watched himself, as Gilgamesh perform a set of bone breaking exercises along with an extremely complicated breathing pattern. Sometimes he would snore, sometimes he would hold his breath and other instances he would breathe extremely gently. However, after assimilating the knowledge of the Clean Body Tablet, Will perfectly understood what Gilgamesh was doing.

Will was marvelled at the existence of such an exercise. The Clean Body Tablet was a demonstration of complicated exercises combined with a dynamic breathing rhythm to absorb the energy of the sun. The text itself was dressed up in the manner of a prayer praying to Shamash, the Sun God. However, from Gilgamesh's actions, Will understood that this was just a euphemism for absorbing the sun's radiating energy.

Gilgamesh continued this exercise for a good portion of an hour under the burning gaze of the sun until blood began too ooze out of his pores. However, this blood wasn't red, but purplish black.

Will correlated this to some part of the Clean Body Tablet. "This is the cleansing of impurities." He realized.

"This set of exercises is extraordinary. Gilgamesh's body seems to have extraordinary power, is it related to this?"

Will could sense the changes in Gilgamesh's body and was confused. He initially thought that this was some kind of energy absorption practice, but to his shock, he discovered that there was no life wheel in Gilgamesh's body. The energy was directly absorbed not by a life wheel but straight into the body's individual cells and into the mitochondria, energizing each cell.

"How is this possible? How did I not notice this before? He is alive despite having no Life Wheel?" Will was stunned. He then recollected the details of the Clean Body Tablet, and saw no mention of the Life Wheel.

After performing the ritual, Gilgamesh changed into a royal attire, as he ordered a confiscation of grains of the people. He even asked if there was any woman getting married tonight, after all he would go and lay with her before her marriage as he was prone to do regularly.

When Will heard that he was disgusted. It seems Gilgamesh is a true tyrant. His people are completely under his control due to fear of his strength and his character is pretty barbaric.

Will was thinking about these things, when he was suddenly pulled out of the world. He blinked and realized that he was back within his own room, sprawled in the floor in his own weak body.

He looked up at the ceiling the hint of a smile on his face.

"Gilgamesh had no Life Wheel! With the Clean Body Tablet's knowledge, may be I have a chance!" Will's eyes were shining with hope.