My gift I bestowed on you

"So, Mat, what's the deal?! Your pops gonna stick his word"

"Tch, brat, my family always sticks to their word. I've done my part so those tickets are ours!" Mathias revealed a rolled slip of parchment with a green bow tied around it. "All A's. A simple task."

Rudolph looked at Mat with reverence as he pumped his fist in the air. "Yes, yes, yes! You're the best, I ain't have a doubt! Boss Mat, the greatest under heaven!"

"As you shouldn't, gyahaha! Now let's go, he should be waiting with our prize."

Interlocking their arms as they stood side by side, the duo stomped off into the parking lot where Antreas was waiting, leaned up against his black, two thousand ninety-six, Kenkades Renz (laymach edition).

"You two look a little too excited, I'm guessing someone kept their end of the deal."

Mathias and Rudolph gave a toothy grin as Antreas was handed a slip of paper with a bow around it. The bronze-skinned man gave a raised eyebrow before loosing the bow and unfurling the slip.

"Hmmm. Well, well, well. Looks like wa-...Oh, oh no. This won't do. A B+ in language ar-"

"What!? Let me see!" Mathias, in disbelief, made a quick step over to his father's side as he scanned the paper for anything other than an A; however, what greeted him was a trio of tickets to tonights NBL game between the Giamont eagles and the Cyserti storm.

Mathias raised his fist and began to beat on his fathers are, embarrassed that he fell for such a basic prank. Y-y-you-"

"Hahaha, you may think you're smart but you aren't bright enough for me not to pull one over on you. Anyways, all A's should put your mother at ease. Both of you get in the car, we have a game to get too."

Mathias and Rudolph jumped into the back of the Laymach, the scent of the leather filling their nostrils.

"I ain't never gonna get used to this car."

"Heh, you'll have plenty of time to get adjusted to it when you get your own, AFTER we join the NBL."

"Mph!" The red-haired boy gave a strong nod, his messy hair flopping forward as his smile raised the freckles dotting his cheeks.

It'd been three years since Mathias had started elementary school. His resistance and walls towards Rudolph had completely fallen, the boy having proven that he could be considered a trustworthy friend, for this period of his life. As such, more of his mental age began to show as his treatment of Rudolph became more of an old boss taking on a young disciple.

Such a relationship was foreign to Rudolph, however, he thought nothing of it. Mathias had taught him most of the things he knew now and molded him into a person he was overly proud of. And unbeknownst to himself, there was a certain air about Mathias that he wouldn't recognize much later in life.

Before long, the Laymach pulled into the parking lot of a large stadium; the dome absolutely eclipsing everything behind it.

"We're here boys."

Rudolph and Mathias stared with their mouths ajar, both feeling different emotions though delivering the same reaction.

"Alright", putting the car in park, Antreas turned back to look at the duo, two tickets in his hand, "don't wander off, got it?"

"Yes, sir."

It didn't take long for the three to enter the stadium. Having already gotten their tickets, they could go through the express lane; so they could get their refreshments before the bulk of the audience waiting in the line.

As they entered the stadium, Mathias was forced to a stop; taking in the scene. The laminated court floor, the mass of seats, the two baskets that stood tall at the opposite ends of the wooden court. This was Mathias' goal, his dream. Another wave of emotions hitting emotion, a tear was about to fall from his left eye when

"Mat, come on!" Rudolph yelled back towards his friend as Antreas kept walking, leading the way to the seats.

"Ah, yeah. I'm comin', I'm comin'."

When the three got to their seats, Mathias and Rudolph almost lost their minds. They were right behind the priority seating. This meant they were essentially right BEHIND the people BEHIND the players!

The two could barely hold their excitement from then until the game, being so close was thrilling no matter one's age.

"Ladies and gentlemen. Introducing to you, the Cyserti storm."

At the sound of the announcer, a group of players wearing blue and gold walked out from a tunnel that led to the more 'behind-the-scenes" section of the stadium. These group of players had smiles on their faces; however, it would be a lie to say they received any in return. In fact, they were met with a wave of hate as boos and slurs assaulted them.

Then suddenly, the lights went out.

"Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls! Allow me to introduce to you the two thousand and ninety-nine Giamooooont eagles!!!"

Without skipping a beat, the stadium filled to the brim with energy as the roar of the fans peaked; it was so powerful in fact, it seemed as if they were attempting to blow the roof off the stadium.

The entrances didn't consume much time, as the green, white, and brown strobe lights came to a close with the returning of the normal stadium lighting.

"Geez." Rudolph sat, rolling his head as he tried to recover from the earth-shattering roars.

"Get used to it. We're gonna have to deal with that a lot in the future."

"Shooooot", the redhead gave a groan turning his eyes to the court as the players set up for the jump ball.

Then, a whistle, two players standing opposite each other leaped into the air in an attempt to grab the descending ball.

" Giamont starts off!"

Giamont's center, one of the two who jumped for the ball, tipped it back behind him towards his SF who promptly tossed it to a point guard with a head of blonde hair. The player didn't take it up the court however as he pulled his arm back and launched it towards the opponent's basket from eighty-seven feet out.

"What in the w-"


Following the ball, as it soared through the air, Mathias watched as a dark-skinned player wearing a green and white jersey leaped up, his back against the basket as the ball entered his space. Then, in what seemed like a motion near to fast to see, he gripped the ball with both his hands and windmilled it in front of him before slamming the ball into the hoop just over his head.

At that moment, a crash-filled the stadium, the glass from the backboard shattering as the entire goal post buckled; the shocks giving in as the post bent back into its resting position.

Then the cheers came.

"The man, no, he's not a man such as you or I! The myth, no, he's no myth he's quite real! So the monster! The monster of Giamont, Theo Yamakina has made his entrance!" The announcer yelled at the top of his lungs, Theo standing amidst his destruction as the storm looked at him with hints of fear.

"....." Stunned. Mathias and Rudolph had no words to give as they looked at the monster.

"He'll be your competition." Antreas looked down at the two elementary students with satisfaction. "Think you two can handle that?"

Both of them peered up towards Antreas, they were utterly speechless. Which was exactly what Antreas was looking for. He didn't expect such a monster to step on the court, however, he did want to show the boys what type of road they were walking and the level of competition they would be going against; therefore, such a showing could be considered fate for his plans.

"Folks, while we try to clean up the glass and get a new basket up, we've decided to host our two thousand dollar half-court challenge! One lucky contestant will be brought down to take one half-court shot! If they make it, they'll win two thousand dollars in cash AND a free refreshment of your choice for everyone in attendance!"

The crowd loved the sound of the second half of the prize, stomping their feet in excitement.

"Let's see. And the winner of today's lucky shot iiiiiiiiis A-15! A-15, please come on down and win these people some free food!"

As everyone searched their ticket for their seat number, one brown-skinned boy stood up in shock, a red-headed boy staring up with just as much shock riddling his face.

"It's me. It's me!"

Mathias ran from his seat, flailing his ticket as security guards came up to meet him and escort him down to the half-court line.

At the sight of a young boy showing up, many gave an encouraging clap, though they were a bit upset, knowing a child was going to be attempting a half-court shot for their food.

"Well, might I say it's your lucky day." A slim man with slick backed hair in a black tuxedo kneeled down and greeted Mathias. "Think you can win these folks some free food?"

"Uh." Mathias looked around at the stadium full of people, feeling a bit overwhelmed; however, he gave a nod towards the man.

"Haha, alright. Then give it your best shot." Seeing no need for any other words, the man bounced the ball over towards Mathias.

As soon as he caught it, everything went silent. The large ball, in Mathias' small hands, was equivalent to ants when they comfortably held objects that were disproportionate to their size. That didn't matter to the young boy, however; he gazed at the basket forty-seven feet away from him and pulled his arm back. Every muscle in his body seemed to unite for one singular purpose, completely out of his control, and yet fulfilling his will. Then a voice entered his head.

"My gift, a body that achieves your desires. Treat it well, and your limit...will only be what you make it"


In a matter of seconds, once the ball left Mathias' hands, it barreled towards the hoop and sunk right through without so much as grazing the rim.

Mathias then turned, seeing the blonde-haired Giamont player coming onto the court as a possible back-up considering no child should have been able to make that shot. He stared the player in his eyes, as though a predator looking at prey.

"Yeah...I can handle that."

The blonde-haired player looked towards Mathias and saw the hunger in his eyes. He knew, from that moment, he'd definitely see him on this court again. And at that time, it may not be for some insignificant half-court shot entertainment.