WebNovelnight sky65.52%

He knows something

So yeah i have decided to base it off a perfume

I started off by looking at the resent trends and i wasn't sure what to start with but i had gotten some ideas the shape will be based off the company's next anniversary so I'll use this to help me get the best design

I looked back at the old designs from when the company was barely entering this industry i looked through them, they all seemed normal but their was one of them that caught my eye it was a women's perfume

I based my ideas from that old perfume , the color is going to be red and the outside was mostly glass except for some gold the shape of the top is going to be a made out of glass

Then the container will have a rectangle shape like but the the shape will give a slit edge look

Then the container will have some of the letters carved in them then well add stripes of real gold . The top will have a rectangle like top .

After I was done doing some sketches of my design It was late .

So it was late so on my way out of the company i met Mrs.karens youngest son he was pretty rude when we first met .

I was going to act like i didn't recognize him and just keep walking but things didn't go as planned and well he new what I was doing so when i was about to walk past him he immediately stopped me

He looked down and said " Why in such a hurry ? " ( he asked )

I looked up at him and said " Oh sorry, didn't recognize you but im in a hurry so ill be taking my leave

He moves his hands in front of me to stop me

He then tells " Where to in such a hurry ???"

I then just said " Why should I tell you "

He said " Im aware what your up to

I was standing their shocked i didn't know what to say so i came back to my senses +

I said " Excuse me i have something important to do if you'll excuse me "

I turned and was about to open the door to leave when ....


He closed the door shut

I turned around and looked up he was really close i could hear his breath

* He was breathing very quickly

He finally speaked up and said " Follow me "

He grabbed my arm and opened the door to his car and Im dumb enough to just got inside the car without asking any questions

2 min later

Inner thoughts

* Where are we going does he know about the deal between me and his mother and i was more than right and i hate to be right

Arrived to a parking lot

He turned of the engine and turned to look at me

He said " So are you going to tell me or do I have to force "

I said nervously "What are you talking about, am I missing something?"

*gulp ( breathing faster , hands we're sweaty )

He got closer

My heart was beating really fast I was nervous but now that I think about he's pretty handsome if he isn't acting like a child

That's when I knew something was going down

He grabbed my arm with so much force and asked fiercely " What are you looking for I am more than aware that your just like every other girl , but i cant figure out why you are after its not for the money and I am more than aware that you don't intend to marry him"

He took a deep breath and sighed

" Look my mother was planning on making you marry my older brother , to get most off the shares of the company "

I was lost so I said " What does this have to do with me "

He placed his fingers on top of my lips and shushed me the he grabbed my chin with so much strength

He moved my face up

" Look I dislike people going after money I need you to tell me what are you going to win if you marry my brother ??"

I said trembling " We-l-l (*sobs) my bro-ths-e-r"

I couldn't hold my tears back my dear brother idk what he's going through right now is he okay is he living a good life