WebNovelnight sky82.76%

Animal shelter

I said " ill prove to you that im up to this job "

boss said " well see "

I left afterward and went to my office i wasn't satisfied with what i had i needed something good eye-catching

I said " I only have 1 week 4 days left "

The new trends we're young sweet scented but yet sexy so ill base the smell of of that and ill use my original design with some small modifications so it can work for the company's budget

I worked on some more research, planning and more to see what was my best options they were just ideas untill they came to real life

I worker for 2hrs straight working on a slide show for my products introduction

After that it was my lunch break this time i was indeed starving so i fixed everything before i finished fixing everything i kept an exact copy just in case

why ?

well its a long story but ill try to make it short

When i was in highschool i was only used for my body they never cared about me the gurls hated me because their boyfriends liked me and i rejected them so i was bullied for the rest of my highschool years and they would always destroy my work so i would always make copies and send them to my phone

But while getting my purse and things ready i hear a ..

*knock knock

* I turned around and said " damn you scared the crap out of me noah "

Noah " well beautiful, its great to see you too"

I said " Can I help you "

Noah " yeah you can im missing a partner "

I said " So what may I help you with"

Noah said " would you like to go for a cup of coffee "

I said " sure but it has to be fast "

Noah " ok do you need help with your things "

I said " No im fine but if you don't stop talking and start moving i wont accompany you"

* Noah didn't say a word until we got to the car

*Noah opened the door for me

* Maya's inner thoughts

( I've got to know him a little more he isn't as rude as I originally thought he was that's some improvement but he can be an pain in the ass )

Noah was driving to a fancy cafe

* Her thoughts

( when she saw the place you could tell everything would be expensive I cant depend on them all the time so I told him what if we just bought some juice )

He agreed and stopped at a near shop he wanted to pay for them but

I said " My treat " ( smiled at him )

We got in the car and i saw a park and I told him what if we go and enjoy the cool breeze we sat in a bench and drank our drinks

When we were sitting their a puppy r an towards us it was a fluffy puppy he was really cute and I pet him and picked him up . A older woman came up to us and thank us for holding on to the puppy that ran loose the puppy really liked noah .

Older woman " The puppy seems to like you a lot "

Noah " yeah , Are these dogs yours ?"

Older Woman " No , actually their from an animal shelter but the place is being closed down and we need these dogs to be adopted in a week .

"By any chance do y'all want one "

I said " I would take one but I work all day long I couldn't take care of the dog , But what would happen to the dogs who cant find a home "

Older woman " Well I don't know about that their wouldn't be anywhere for them to stay so im hoping for the best , In worst case scenario they would be killed "

* I was shocked to hear that if these poor animals cant find a home they may lose their lives

* background

Noah was playing with the puppy at the same moment

We had to leave but I couldn't stop thinking about those poor animals what would happen to them if they couldn't be adopted

I was back at my office I couldn't take my mind of the dogs

I was stressed it was hard to concentrate when the boss called for me

* ring ring

* picks phone up

Boss " come to my office "

* clicks

* Maya gets up and walk to his office before stepping in she breathes in and fixes her posture and knocks the door 2x

* knock knock

Come in

* She walks in to the boss turned looking at the building I could only see his back

I said " Boss what can I do for you "

Boss" how are you doing with the project ill need a proposal tomorrow it better satisfy me and that will decide your future in this company "