
I wake up under a sheet. I look down on the floor, and see my red lace bra and underwear on the floor. That must mean... oh shit. We didn't. We didn't right? Right? Why would I allow that? Do I love him? Those are all the questions in my head right now. I start to feel an arm wrap around my waist. He pulls me closer to him to wear my bear breast are up against his chest. He looks down at me with those beautiful blue eyes. "Good morning baby. How'd you sleep?" He asks. I smile up at him. And not a fake smile, a real one. "Fine. Did we uh... you know...?" I stammer. He smiles. "Uh yeah we did. I had protection though so we should be good." He says. I've already dreamed of a man like this. A man who actually cares about my needs and wants, and doesn't just want to have sex with me. He leans down to kiss me. He kisses me like he did last night, with all of his passion. I actually kiss back. "You know, Skylar is right about one thing." He says. I'm intrigued. "What is he supposedly right about?" I ask. He whispers in my ear; "You do taste good." I blush with memories from last night flooding my brain. "Do you have a shower I could use?" I ask. He sits up. "Yeah just around the corner to the right." He replies. I give him a warm smile and kiss on the cheek before I get up to find the shower. Before I can get out the door, Tyler yells, "Hey! Can I join you?" I laugh. "You know what? I'm good for right now thank you though. We will see if you deserve some more of me tonight." I say, at least attempting to act sexy. He smirks. I walk out the door to the bathroom. Their house is huge! It's like the size of my apartment building! I get into the bathroom and shut the door. I get the shower running. I look into the mirror to see if it's clear that I had sex last night. I look at my reflection, and see about 10 hickeys on my neck through my stomach area. I smile at this and get into the shower. If only Nia knew I had my first sex last night. She would be so proud. I wash my hair, and use men's body wash because 1. That's the only thing they had 2. Because it smells like Tyler. When I'm done with my at least 20 minute shower; I get out to grab a towel. As I reach for the towel, something occurs to me. I HAVE NO BRA AND UNDERWEAR TO WEAR. Or even just clothes in general. Technically Tyler has already seen me naked so it wouldn't be that bad. I have a towel this time though. I wrap the towel around my body and walk outside to go find Tyler. As I approach which I guess is his room, I see him with a towel wrapped around his waist with his hair still dripping wet. I'm stunned. He's beautiful. (His body and his face). I walk into the room. He looks up at me and smirks. I blush just thinking about him. "I don't have any clothes to wear Tyler. I have my lace set from last night that I can wear but I need actual clothes. Can I borrow some of yours?" I ask praying to God in the process in which I hope he says yes. "Even though you would look hot in nothing, I guess I can give you a shirt of mine." He replies still smiling. He goes into his closet, digs in a drawer, and throws a shirt on the bed for me to wear. It's a Lakers shirt from 2007. I smile and put on my lace bra and underwear. While I'm in the process, Tyler is watching my every move. I put on his shirt, and lay in bed. He goes into his closet, and puts on some shorts. He comes into bed with me. I turn to face him. He looks me up and down and smiles. I blush once again. He touches my cheek with his warm hand, causing me to shiver. He cuddles me into his arms, and warms me up. His body warmth is unbelievable. "I'm thinking that today, since my brother is gone for about 3 more weeks, we should watch Netflix, eat food, and relax." He says. I nod my head. "Yes sir. I agree." I say. "Don't call me sir anymore. You can call me anything you want to." He says. I laugh at this. "You want me to call you daddy or something?" I say while still laughing. I swear he looks at me dead ass serious and says, "Is that what you wanna call me now? You can if you want to. But once you say yes you do, you have to do it forever okay?" He asks. My smile drops. Only for a second. Before I say, "Yes daddy."