Second Day at School and Date Plans

Today Alex woke up at 6:30 to get ready earlier than yesterday and to make sure at least one of her parents signed the paper after her shower she changed into her school uniform and rushed downstairs to eat breakfast and ask her mom if she or dad signed the paper.

"Mom did you or dad sign my club permission slip?" Alex

"Yes Alex dearie we both did since your father didn't want to be left out he signed under my signature *sigh* your father is so immature some times. Anyways Alex what made you decide to join the literature club?" Lauren

"Where is dad? I just wanted to read new books mom." Alex

"Your father is working already he got promoted last week and has more work now." Lauren

"Ohhhh we should celebrate mom! Why didn't you tell us?!" Emma who just came down stairs

"Oh don't worry sweeties your father and I had a very nice celebration that night." Lauren

"EW MOM" Alex

"What we just had a nice dinner what are you thinking *sigh* teenagers and their hormones" Lauren

"You you you did that on purpose! Mooom can you not make misleading comments" Alex

"What are you two talking about don't leave me out!" Emma

"Nothing sweetie just your sister is fun to tease" Lauren

"No I am not! *pouts*" Alex

"See? Adorable *giggle* alright is everyone ready to eat and leave?" Lauren

"Yes mom/mommy" x2

"Great eat up" Lauren

After Alex and Emma finished eating they got in the car with Lauren and she drove them to school just to embarrass her eldest daughter before she left she gave her a big smooch on her cheek with lipstick which Alex walked all the way to class with a lipstick mark on her cheek without realizing

"Alex what's that on your cheek? Did you already get a new girlfriend I thought you said you would at least wait until the last stage but you and Jessica haven't even been on a date yet and you are getting kissed by someone else" Tayler

"Wait what? I only am dating Jessica and I didn't kiss anyone wait my mom kissed me this morning *blushes due to embarrassment* she had her cheap lipstick on dammit mom that's so embarrassing. Do any of you have a wet wipe?" Alex

"Ha ha ha ha ha your mother is great Alex and I have a tiny pack you can have *hands her a small wet wipe pack* " Chris

"I'm sorry Alex I assumed you were cheating when you weren't that was wrong of me." Tayler

"It's okay Tayler I understand that you aren't happy with how I plan on doing my relationships so you are trying to find lies I said so you can at least see I am not taking my relationships seriously and I am fine with that as long as you learn from when you're wrong." Alex

"Alex what are you doing this weekend?" Jessica

"Uh nothing that I know of why Jessica do you want to go on a date?" Alex

"Kind of my dad wanted to meet you and we can go on a date after that" Jessica

"Sure do you want to meet my parents? We would have to schedule a meet since they always work Ah you can meet my sister anytime though." Alex

"You have a sister? Younger or older? I have an older brother so my parents don't mind if I'm a lesbian or not but I told them you were more of a test to find out they also know you and I will probably have sex in a few weeks. That's when my dad said he needed to meet you first." Jessica

"Younger. My family is more of a free love family so that's that but I feel like your dad is going to kill me Jessica why would sex even come up with your parents!?" Alex

"Well I just let it slip kinda my brother was calling me a forever virgin lesbian and I got mad and said something I shouldn't have but hey my dad is cool just you know tell him everything." Jessica

"I still haven't told my parents we were dating yet I'll just mention it tonight ugh they'll tell me something about sex and I guess I'll also tell them. I hope we start to at least have some feelings for one another while we date or I'd feel bad having sex with you." Alex

"Wait I mean we're both girls so it shouldn't be like sex sex right?" Jessica

"Errrr no it will be sex sex just um you'll understand that day but it will definitely be like that." Alex

"Ah okay oh we have psychology and sociology with Dr. Alberdean next period so she's probably going to stay after home room." Jessica

"(Glad I got that skill then) oh that's great I already know this stuff though. Oh and I would like all of your phone numbers so we can talk after school" Alex

"Okay my number is ###-###-####" x 4

*bell chimes*

All during first period Alex just stared at Dr. Alberdean and listened to her class the rest of the school day nothing really happened.